34 research outputs found

    Monografije kao eksperiment

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    Višak nostalgije, manjak koncepcije

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    Recenzija, prikaz izložbe "Osamdesete – slatka dekadencija postmoderne", Dom HDLU, Zagreb, 11. travnja – 10. svibnja 2015


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    Prikaz izložbe Vlado Kristl, Prije egzila: Radovi od 1943. do 1962. Umjetnički paviljon, Zagreb, 25.1.-18.2.2007. Autor izložbe: Darko Glavan Autori koncepcije: Darko Glavan, Snježana Pintari

    Fiskalni rizici prirodnih nepogoda u Hrvatskoj

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    Prirodne nepogode specifičan su izvor fiskalnih rizika. Njihovo nastupanje često je povezano s izrazito velikim štetama, a za sanaciju šteta država izdvaja značajna sredstva koja uglavnom nisu planirana i rezervirana u državnom proračunu. Budući da se radi o rizicima čije nastupanje ovisi isključivo o vanjskim čimbenicima, procjena veličine potrebnih sredstava za sanaciju eventualnih šteta je izazov kako za upravljanje fiskalnim rizicima, tako posljedično i za pripremu proračuna. Zbog slabog upravljanja ovim rizicima na razini države, reakcija na prirodne nepogode je često nedostatna ili zakašnjela, zbog čega inicijalni troškovi prouzročeni prirodnim nepogodama dodatno rastu. Prirodne nepogode su stoga sve češće u fokusu upravljanja financijama javnoga sektora. Za većinu zemalja najveći problemi u upravljanju fiskalnim rizicima prirodnih nepogoda su manjak sredstava, slaba koordinacija i loša reakcija, a s takvim problemima se suočava i Hrvatska. Budući da brojčani pokazatelji vezani uz troškove prirodnih nepogoda ukazuju na značajne fiskalne rizike koji proizlaze iz tog izvora, cilj rada je skrenuti pažnju na potrebu razvijanja kvalitetnih instrumenata ublažavanja i prijenosa rizika prirodnih nepogoda u Hrvatskoj. Prirodne nepogode u Hrvatskoj su sve učestalije, a razmjeri štetnih posljedica su sve veći i stvaraju veliko opterećenje za državni proračun kao glavni izvor financiranja troškova prirodnih nepogoda

    Mogućnost primene virtualnog rotirajućeg češlja kod mehanizovanog ubiranja cvasti nevena (Calendula officinalis L.)

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    The objective of the investigation was to examine possibility of mechanized harvesting of marigold inflorescences by applying a virtual rotating comb type chamomile harvester. The impact of coefficient R, relation between the working device penetration into the inflorescences horizon and the average value of highest and lowest inflorescences span-width of inflorescences band, on harvest yield, was tested. It was found that for coefficient R value 1.3, in average 90 % of the inflorescences’ yield can be harvested. Future investigation should be directed towards solving the mechanical separation of the inflorescences from the harvested mass and process of shortening the inflorescences’ stems and determination of economic viability of mechanized harvest with proposed procedure.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita mogućnost mehanizovanog branja cvasti primenom radnog organa tipa virtualnog rotirajućeg češlja, koji se koristi za ubiranje kamilice. Ispitan je uticaj koeficijenta R, koji predstavlja odnos dubine ulaska radnog organa u horizont cvasti i prosečne visine raspona najviših i najnižih cvasti na biljkama, na efikasnost ubiranja. Ustanovljeno je da pri veličini koeficijenta R = 1,3 može da se ostvari maksimalan udeo ukupne ubrane mase cvasti u biološkom prinosu cvasti u proseku 90 % (cvasti sa drškom dužine do 2 cm 65 % i preko 2 cm 35 %, obračunato na dužinu do 2 cm). Buduća istraživanja treba da se usmere ka rešavanju mehaničkog postupka separacije cvasti od stabljike i lišća i skraćivanja drški cvasti, kao i utvrđivanja ekonomske opravdanosti mehaničke berbe cvasti nevena prikazanim postupkom

    Ocena emisije gasova s efektom staklene bašte lanca snabdevanja kukuruzovine

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    Within this investigation, different scenarios for supply chains of corn stover intended for biogas production were evaluated in terms of emissions of the greenhouse gasses and their impact to global warming. A primary difference between the scenarios was due to application of different stover collection techniques i.e. forage harvester, baling of big rectangular and round bales. It was found that the supply chain, which includes the application of forage harvester for stover collection is characterized by the highest value of impact, approximately 70 and 85 kg CO2 eq MgDM–1, respectively for the usual and reduced corn stover yield. For the supply chain which includes baling of big rectangular bales, these values are around 62 and 68 kg CO2 eq MgDM–1, and for the baling of round bales, values are 61 and 67 kg CO2 eq MgDM–1. Among the analyzed greenhouse gases emissions, the dominant impact is due to the emissions of carbon dioxide. The reduction of the corn stover yield, caused by extreme drought, is followed by higher GHG emissions, first of all due to longer distances during harvest and transportation.U okviru istraživanja su, za različite scenarije lanca snabdevanja kukuruzovinom namenjene za proizvodnju biogasa, određene vrednosti emisija gasova s efektom staklene bašte i ocenjen njihov uticaj na doprinos globalnom zagrevanju. Osnovna razlika između scenarija proizilazi iz načina ubiranja kukuruzovine i to silažnim kombajnom i formiranjem velikih četvrtastih i valjkastih bala. Ustanovljeno je da se lanac snabdevanja sa primenom silažnog kombajna rezultuje najvišom vrednošću uticaja, koja iznosi 70 i 85 kg CO2 ekv MgSM–1, za visok i nizak prinos kukuruzovine respektivno. Za lanac sa ubiranjem u formi četvrtastih bala, te vrednosti iznose 62 i 68 kg CO2 ekv MgSM–1, a za valjkaste bale 61 i 67 kg CO2 ekv MgSM–1. Od analiziranih gasova s efektom staklene bašte, dominantan uticaj ima ugljen-dioksid. Smanjenje prinosa kukuruzovine, usled suše, nepovoljno se odražava na lanac snabdevanja, pre svega zbog dužine puta pri ubiranju i transportu

    Potencijal žetvenih ostataka uljane repice u Srbiji

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    Rapeseed straw is potential source of renewable energy, but important source of soil organic matter as well. The amount of crop residues, available for energy use, per hectare, is not well known. Excessive offtake of crop residues can be followed by reduction of soil fertility, removal of nutrients, organic carbon and wind erosion. The objective of the investigation was to define total and harvestable amount of crop residues – straw, and amount that remain on the field, which can be background for the calculation of soil fertility preservation. In 2013 (climatic conditions characterized as moderate dry) samples of aboveground mass of eight varieties were collected from three locations, and in 2014 (characterized as moderate to extreme humid) six varieties for one location. The samples were divided into: grain, stalks and hulls. It has been defined yield of fractions and calculated harvest index. The stalks were split along their lengths, parts measured and created cumulative mass distribution. For common harvest procedures have been defined harvestable mass, potential, for two selected cutting heights. Average harvest index was in 2013 0.34, and in 2014 lower, 0.29. Percentage of harvestable mass was between 35 and 51 % of total aboveground residual mass. Harvestable yield was in 2013 about 46 %, due to less favorable climatic conditions. This should be considered by the planning of any use of this material as energy source. It was assessed that the energy potential of rapeseed straw, including measures for preservation of soil fertility, is 1.1 to 2.0 Mg ha–1, in average. On field remained residual mass can ensure, if proper tillage is applied, protection of wind erosion and increase of soil organic matter and soil organic carbon. It is concluded that rapeseed straw can be used for soil amelioration if adequate crop rotation is applied, and can compensate offtake of residues of other crops, e.g. wheat straw and corn stover. Future investigation should be oriented toward this utilization of rapeseed straw.Slama uljane repice potencijalni je izvor obnovljive energije, ali i značajan izvor organske mase u zemljištu. Količina žetvenih ostataka, slame, koja je na raspolaganju, po hektaru, nije dovoljno poznata. Prekomerno skidanje žetvenih ostataka može da izazove negativne posledice u pogledu plodnosti zemljišta, uklanjanje nutrijenata, organskog ugljenika u zemljištu i erozije vetra. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi ukupna količina žetvenih ostataka uljane repice, količine, koje mogu da se uberu i količine nadzemnih žetvenih ostataka, kao podloge za donošenje mera za očuvanje plodnosti zemljišta. Prikupljeni su uzorci nadzemne mase osam reprezentativnih sorti sa tri lokacije, 2013. godine (koja je bila sa umerenom sušom) i šest sorti sa jedne lokacije 2014. godine (u toku koje je bila umerena do ekstremna vlažnost). Uzorci biljaka su podeljeni na delove: zrno, stabljika i mahune. Utvrđen je žetveni indeks, prinos i relativni prinos žetvenih ostataka. Stabljike su podeljene u sekcije po visini, izmerene mase i kreiran dijagram kumulativne mase po visini. Za uobičajeni postupak ubiranja slame, presovanjem, ocenjena je količina žetvenih ostataka, koja može da se ubere za dve odabrane visine rezanja. Prosečan žetveni indeks u sezoni 2013. bio je 0,34, dok je u 2014. bio niži i iznosio je 0,29. Procenat žetvenih ostataka, koji može da se ubere bio je između 35 i 51 % od ukupne biljne mase nadzemnih žetvenih ostataka. Tehnički prinos pri lošim klimatskim uslovima bio je za oko 46 % niži, što bi trebalo da se uzme u obzir u slučaju planiranja raspoložive količine. Procenjeno je da bi energetski potencijal, uzimajući u obzir i očuvanje plodnosti zemljišta, uljane repice mogao da bude 1,1 do 2,0 Mg ha–1. Nadzemna masa žetvenih ostataka može, uz primenu obrade zemljišta bez prevrtanja, da osigura zaštitu zemljišta od erozije vetra i doprinese očuvanju plodnosti zemljišta, organske mase i organskog ugljenika. Žetveni ostaci uljane repice mogu da budu dobra podloga za sprovođenje upravljanja organskom materijom, primenom odgovarajućeg plodoreda, te da se koriste za kompenzovanje organske materije koja se iznosi ubiranjem žetvenih ostataka drugih biljnih vrsta, na primer, pšenice, soje i kukuruza. Buduća istraživanja trebalo bi da budu usmerena ka oceni primenljivosti žetvenih ostataka repice za očuvanje plodnosti zemljišta

    Long-Term Assessment of Bioclimatic Conditions at Micro and Local Scales in the Cities of the Western Part of the Balkan Peninsula during the 21st Century

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    Thermal comfort assessments at local or micro-scales within urban areas can provide crucial insights for the urban adaptation strategies pertaining to climate-conscious urban planning and public health. However, the availability of long-term or mid-term daily or hourly meteorological data sets from urban environments remains a significant challenge even in the 21st century. Consequently, this study aimed to assess the thermal conditions in cities across the western part of the Balkan Peninsula, encompassing five countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro), by utilizing the Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) index. Meteorological data sets, comprising air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and cloudiness, were collected from 32 national meteorological stations/measurement locations spanning the period from 2001 to 2020. The PET calculations were conducted based on meteorological data measured three times per day (7 a.m., 2 p.m., and 9 p.m.). Upon conducting a spatial analysis of the meteorological stations, it was observed that most of them (25 stations) were situated within built-up areas or urban suburbs, rendering them highly relevant for local or micro-scale climate and bioclimate assessments. The findings revealed that urban locations exhibited slightly higher PET heat stress levels, particularly during the summer season and at 2 p.m. Moreover, higher average PET values were observed in both urban and non-urban stations situated within a continental climate during warmer periods, such as summer. In contrast, during the colder seasons, namely winter and spring, higher PET values were prevalent in the Mediterranean region. Furthermore, the PET frequency analysis revealed a greater prevalence of extreme and severe heat stress levels in stations within continental climates, particularly those located in urban areas, as compared to stations in Mediterranean climates. In contrast, during the winter and spring seasons, monitoring stations in close proximity to the Adriatic Sea, characterized by a Mediterranean climate, exhibited significantly lower levels of cold stress compared to inland stations. Evidently, in addition to the climatic characteristics and surrounding terrain, the urban morphology significantly impacts the thermal conditions within cities