22 research outputs found

    Changes in climate extremes, fresh water availability and vulnerability to food insecurity projected at 1.5° C and 2° C global warming with a higher-resolution global climate model

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    We projected changes in weather extremes, hydrological impacts and vulnerability to food insecurity at global warming of 1.5°C and 2°C relative to pre-industrial, using a new global atmospheric general circulation model HadGEM3A-GA3.0 driven by patterns of sea-surface temperatures and sea ice from selected members of the 5th Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) ensemble, forced with the RCP8.5 concentration scenario. To provide more detailed representations of climate processes and impacts, the spatial resolution was N216 (approx. 60 km grid length in mid-latitudes), a higher resolution than the CMIP5 models. We used a set of impacts-relevant indices and a global land surface model to examine the projected changes in weather extremes and their implications for freshwater availability and vulnerability to food insecurity. Uncertainties in regional climate responses are assessed, examining ranges of outcomes in impacts to inform risk assessments. Despite some degree of inconsistency between components of the study due to the need to correct for systematic biases in some aspects, the outcomes from different ensemble members could be compared for several different indicators. The projections for weather extremes indices and biophysical impacts quantities support expectations that the magnitude of change is generally larger for 2°C global warming than 1.5°C. Hot extremes become even hotter, with increases being more intense than seen in CMIP5 projections. Precipitation-related extremes show more geographical variation with some increases and some decreases in both heavy precipitation and drought. There are substantial regional uncertainties in hydrological impacts at local scales due to different climate models producing different outcomes. Nevertheless, hydrological impacts generally point towards wetter conditions on average, with increased mean river flows, longer heavy rainfall events, particularly in South and East Asia with the most extreme projections suggesting more than a doubling of flows in the Ganges at 2°C global warming. Some areas are projected to experience shorter meteorological drought events and less severe low flows, although longer droughts and/or decreases in low flows are projected in many other areas, particularly southern Africa and South America. Flows in the Amazon are projected to decline by up to 25%. Increases in either heavy rainfall or drought events imply increased vulnerability to food insecurity, but if global warming is limited to 1.5°C, this vulnerability is projected to remain smaller than at 2°C global warming in approximately 76% of developing countries. At 2°C, four countries are projected to reach unprecedented levels of vulnerability to food insecurity. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The Paris Agreement: understanding the physical and social challenges for a warming world of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels’

    The implications of carbon dioxide and methane exchange for the heavy mitigation RCP2.6 scenario under two metrics

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    Greenhouse gas emissions associated with Representative Concentration Pathway RCP2.6 could limit global warming to around or below a 2 °C increase since pre-industrial times. However this scenario implies very large and rapid reductions in both carbon dioxide (CO2) and non-CO2 emissions, and suggests a need to understand available flexibility between how different greenhouse gases might be abated. There is a growing interest in developing a greater understanding of the particular role of shorter lived non-CO2 gases as abatement options. We address this here through a sensitivity study of different methane (CH4) emissions pathways to year 2100 and beyond, by including exchanges with CO2 emissions, and with a focus on related climate and economic advantages and disadvantages. Metrics exist that characterise gas equivalence in terms of climate change effect per tonne emitted. We analyse the implications of CO2 and CH4 emission exchanges under two commonly considered metrics: the 100-yr Global Warming Potential (GWP-100) and Global Temperature Potential (GTP-100). This is whilst keeping CO2-equivalent emissions pathways fixed, based on the standard set of emissions usually associated with RCP2.6. An idealised situation of anthropogenic CH4 emissions being reduced to zero across a period of two decades and with the implementation of such cuts starting almost immediately gives lower warming than for standard RCP2.6 emissions during the 21st and 22nd Century. This is despite exchanging for higher CO2 emissions. Introducing Marginal Abatement Cost (MAC) curves provides an economic assessment of alternative gas reduction strategies. Whilst simpler than utilising full Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs), MAC curves are more transparent for illustrative modelling. The GWP-100 metric places a relatively high value on climate change prevented for methane emission reduction, as compared to an equivalent mass of CO2 reduction. This in combination with the strong non-linearity in MAC curves (moving quickly from relatively cheap removal to emissions difficult to cut at any cost) causes little change under cost minimisation from standard RCP2.6 emissions. This reflects the original development of RCP2.6 standard emissions from similar minimisation. With gas exchange under GTP-100, however, we find much less methane is abated, resulting in higher temperatures, whilst costs are slightly lower. Our results also highlight the point at which greater methane mitigation would become beneficial from both a climate and economic aspect. If by 2030 removal of all methane were to become possible at an average cost less than $1000 per tonne of CH4, then this would be the cheapest option, for GWP-100 metric and our CO2 MAC curve. Critically this would increase the possibility of constraining warming to two degrees

    A rapid application emissions-to-impacts tool for scenario assessment: Probabilistic Regional Impacts from Model patterns and Emissions (PRIME)

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    Climate policies evolve quickly, and new scenarios designed around these policies are used to illustrate how they impact global mean temperatures using simple climate models (or climate emulators). Simple climate models are extremely efficient although limited to showing only the global picture. Within the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) framework, there is a need to understand the regional impacts of scenarios that include the most recent science and policy decisions quickly to support government in negotiations. To address this, we present PRIME (Probabilistic Regional Impacts from Model patterns and Emissions), a new flexible probabilistic framework which aims to provide an efficient means to run new scenarios without the significant overheads of larger more complex Earth system models (ESMs). PRIME provides the capability to include the most recent models, science and scenarios to run ensemble simulations on multi-centennial timescales and include analysis of many variables that are relevant and important for impacts assessments. We use a simple climate model to provide the global temperatures to scale the patterns from a large number of the CMIP6 ESMs. These provide the inputs to a weather generator and a land-surface model, which generates an estimate of the land-surface impacts from the emissions scenarios. Here we test PRIME using known scenarios in the form of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) to demonstrate that PRIME reproduces the climate response to a range of emissions scenarios, as shown in the IPCC reports. We show results for a range of scenarios including the SSP5-8.5 high emissions scenario, which was used to define the patterns; SSP1-2.6, a mitigation scenario with low emissions and SSP5-3.4-OS, an overshoot scenario. PRIME correctly represents the climate response for these known scenarios, which gives us confidence that PRIME will be useful for rapidly providing probabilistic spatially resolved information for novel climate scenarios; substantially reducing the time between the scenarios being released and being used in impacts assessments

    Potential impacts of rapidly changing european use of fossil fuels on global warming

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    The balance of primary energy sources for Europe has been changing rapidly over recent decades, shifting towards more renewables and using fossil fuels with lower carbon emissions. However, the latter is being impacted by the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Here, we determine the potential bounds of how this may affect global warming, based on whether the European use of Russian gas and oil is replaced with either less efficient burning of coal (with and without the gas and oil then used in new markets elsewhere) or with renewables. We perform calculations as perturbations from a baseline carbon dioxide (CO _2 ) trajectory associated with ‘middle range’ and ‘low’ Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP), SSP2-45 and SSP1-26. We calculate the CO _2 perturbations as a simulated step change in emissions for the year 2023, which then decays linearly to zero by 2043. The emission profiles drive the FaIR simple climate model. FaIR links greenhouse gas emissions to global warming levels and includes a representation of warming uncertainty based on projections made using more complex Earth system models. We find that the direct impact of the conflict on the global mean temperature is likely to be relatively small, amounting to the worst case of nearly one-hundredth of a degree. This warming is equivalent to approximately an extra half year of current global CO _2 emissions. However, we suggest that it is important to consider the implications of the precedents set by the European response to the reduced availability of Russian gas and oil. Such action may reveal the potential for faster uptake of low-carbon energy sources or the converse of backtracking on current Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

    The link between a global 2 °C warming threshold and emissions in years 2020, 2050 and beyond

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    In the Copenhagen Accord, nations agreed on the need to limit global warming to two degrees to avoid potentially dangerous climate change, while in policy circles negotiations have placed a particular emphasis on emissions in years 2020 and 2050. We investigate the link between the probability of global warming remaining below two degrees (above pre-industrial levels) right through to year 2500 and what this implies for emissions in years 2020 and 2050, and any long-term emissions floor. This is achieved by mapping out the consequences of alternative emissions trajectories, all in a probabilistic framework and with results placed in a simple-to-use set of graphics. The options available for carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e) emissions in years 2020 and 2050 are narrow if society wishes to stay, with a chance of more likely than not, below the 2 °C target. Since cumulative emissions of long-lived greenhouse gases, and particularly CO2, are a key determinant of peak warming, the consequence of being near the top of emissions in the allowable range for 2020 is reduced flexibility in emissions in 2050 and higher required rates of societal decarbonization. Alternatively, higher 2020 emissions can be considered as reducing the probability of limiting warming to 2 °C. We find that the level of the long-term emissions floor has a strong influence on allowed 2020 and 2050 emissions for two degrees of global warming at a given probability. We place our analysis in the context of emissions pledges for year 2020 made at the end of and since the 2009 COP15 negotiations in Copenhagen

    Mid- and long-term climate projections for fragmented and delayed-action scenarios

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    This paper explores the climate consequences of ". delayed near-term action" and ". staged accession" scenarios for limiting warming below 2. °C. The stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations at low levels requires a large-scale transformation of the energy system. Depending on policy choices, there are alternative pathways to reach this objective. An ". optimal" path, as emerging from energy-economic modeling, implies immediate action with stringent emission reductions, while the currently proposed international policies translate into reduction delays and higher near-term emissions. In our delayed action scenarios, low stabilization levels need thus to be reached from comparatively high 2030 emission levels. Negative consequences are higher economic cost as explored in accompanying papers and significantly higher mid-term warming, as indicated by a rate of warming 50% higher by the 2040s. By contrast, both mid- and long-term warming are significantly higher in another class of scenarios of staged accession that lets some regions embark on emission reductions, while others follow later, with conservation of carbon-price pathways comparable to the optimal scenarios. Not only is mid-term warming higher in staged accession cases, but the probability to exceed 2. °C in the 21st century increases by a factor of 1.5

    Mid- and long-term climate projections for fragmented and delayed-action scenarios

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    This paper explores the climate consequences of ". delayed near-term action" and ". staged accession" scenarios for limiting warming below 2. °C. The stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations at low levels requires a large-scale transformation of the energy system. Depending on policy choices, there are alternative pathways to reach this objective. An ". optimal" path, as emerging from energy-economic modeling, implies immediate action with stringent emission reductions, while the currently proposed international policies translate into reduction delays and higher near-term emissions. In our delayed action scenarios, low stabilization levels need thus to be reached from comparatively high 2030 emission levels. Negative consequences are higher economic cost as explored in accompanying papers and significantly higher mid-term warming, as indicated by a rate of warming 50% higher by the 2040s. By contrast, both mid- and long-term warming are significantly higher in another class of scenarios of staged accession that lets some regions embark on emission reductions, while others follow later, with conservation of carbon-price pathways comparable to the optimal scenarios. Not only is mid-term warming higher in staged accession cases, but the probability to exceed 2. °C in the 21st century increases by a factor of 1.5