1,387 research outputs found

    Key factors for nature value in Montados

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    Montados are parkland forested areas of anthropogenic origin dominated by cork oak (Quercus suber) and/or holm oak (Q. rotundifolia). They are derived from natural Mediterranean forests, where the use of woodland products (timber, charcoal and cork) is combine with cereal crops and livestock grazing in the understory (Blondel and Aronson 1999). These use resulted in a singular “savanna” like land cover pattern particularly important for the biodiversity associated with farming and forestry systems (Canteiro et al. 2011; Godinho and Rabaça 2011; Simões et al. 2012). As result of the mosaic created by this dynamic heterogeneous landscape which forms a wooded matrix with open areas, scattered woodlands and undisturbed patches of Mediterranean forest and scrublands, montados support a high biological diversity (Díaz et al. 1997, 2003; Blondel and Aronson 1999; Tellería 2001; Tellería et al. 2003; Harrop 2007). According to Tellería (2001) bird richness increases in woodlands southwards along the Iberian gradient, with montados and dehesas showing the higher scores. This pattern is related with the increase presence of edge and open area bird which appears to compensate the lost of forest birds. Due to this diversity of species, birds can have an important role in the valuation of montados as HNV. In the last decades the scientific community has given particular attention to the different roles that birds may play in montados: management options and the breeding bird communities (Camprondon and Brotons 2006; Godinho and Rabaça 2011, Leal at al. 2012; Pereira et al. 2012a; Pulido and Díaz 1992), the influence of cork extraction on birds (Godinho and Rabaça 2011; Leal et al. 2011), relevance of habitat diversity in agroforestry matrices (Leal et al. 2011; Pereira et al. 2012b)

    Birds as bio-indicators and as tools to evaluate restoration measures

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    Within the RIPIDURABLE Project*, birds were used to characterize ecosystems*, to monitor environmental changes and to assess results of restoration measures. Bird surveys were carried out at different space and time scales using standardised point count methods on 8 watercourses in Portugal and France. Several aspects of riparian breeding bird community variation were assessed: along a decreasing gradient of vegetation complexity, along and upstream-downstream gradient, with different surrounding landscapes, with time, with management status, with time and management status, before and after river rehabilitation. Birds appear to be new and reliable indicators for assessing restoration of riparian ecosystems, complementary to those traditionally used

    Traumatic Tympanic Bulla Fracture in a Cat With Severe Head Trauma

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    A nine-year-old male European shorthair cat was referred to our practice with severe head trauma after suffering a road traffic accident (RTA). The patient presented marked facial swelling and multiple skin wounds and bruising, inspiratory dyspnea, palpable mandibular and maxillary fractures, serosanguinolent oronasal discharge and right eye exophthalmos and buphthalmos with loss of menace and pupillary reflex. After stabilizing the patient, a CT scan was performed under general anesthesia and an oesophagostomy tube was placed. The scan revealed the presence of multiple right tympanic bulla fractures. Multiple mandibular, maxillary, and palatine fractures were also present. The cat underwent surgery. Mandibular symphyseal separation and maxillary fractures were stabilized using intraoral cerclage wire fixation reinforced with composite and the right eye was enucleated. The rest of the fractures were treated conservatively. A CT scan 4 months after the trauma was also performed. At this point, the maxillofacial fractures were healing properly, and a bone callus demonstrating fusion of fragments of the right tympanic bulla was evident. There was absence of abnormal content inside the right tympanic bulla. The patient recovered uneventfully with no neurological deficits. To the author''s knowledge this is the first case reporting a traumatic tympanic bulla fracture in the cat with case follow up, and the first case reported using CT as diagnostic imaging test

    Controle da mela do feijoeiro-comum através do uso dos fungicidas Azoxystrobim e Trifenil hidróxido.

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    Este estudo foi desenvolvido no período que antece a safra normal de feijão (fevereiro-abril) de 1998, no campo experimental de Vilhena da Embrapa Rondônia, com o objetivo de verificar o efeito do tratamento do feijoeiro-comum, cultivar Carioca, com dois fungicidas (Azoystrobim e fetim hidróxido), para controle da mela. O ensaio foi instalado em áreas naturalmente infestadas com o patógeno e em condições climáticas favoráveis ao desenvolvimento da doença. Os tratamentos foram dois fungicidas e uma testemunha sme adição de nenhum fungicida. Os fungicidas foram aplicados em 3 pulverizações foliares, sendo a primeira efetuada no início da epidemia, a segunda aos 40 dias e a terceria aos 47 dias. Os dois fungicidas tertados reduziram satisfatoriamente o desenvolvimento dos sintomas da doença, sendo verificados ganhos de produtividade de até 400% em relação à testemunha.bitstream/item/67376/1/CPAF-RO-DOCUMENTOS-23-CONTROLE-DA-MELA-NO-FEIJOEIRO-COMUM-ATRAVES-DO-USO-DOS-FUGICIDAS-AZOXYSTRO2.pd

    Influence of sports practice in the useful field of vision in a simulated driving test

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    FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), IDP (Instituto do Desporto de Portugal), AIESEP World Congres

    Avaliação de cultivares de milho, em Rondônia, 1998/99 - ensaios EMPAER.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar e selecionar cultivares de milho de alta produtividade adaptadas às condições climáticas da região.bitstream/item/47048/1/PA-1660001.pd

    Can birds play a role as High Nature Value indicators of montado system?

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    Montados form a heterogeneous landscape of wooded matrix dominated by cork and/or holm oak with open areas characterized by fuzzy boundaries. Montado supports a high biological diversity associated to low intensity management and a landscape diversity provided by a continuous gradient of land cover. Among other features this permits the classification of montados as a High Nature Value (HNV) system. We assessed the role of birds as HNV indicators for montado, and tested several bird groups—farmland, edge, forest generalists and forest specialists species; and some universal indicators such as species conservation status, Shannon’s diversity index and species richness. Our study areas covered the North–South distribution of cork oak in Portugal, and we surveyed the breeding bird communities across 117 sampling sites. In addition to variables related to management and sanitary status, we considered variables that characterize the landscape heterogeneity inside the montado—trees and shrub density and richness of woody vegetation. Our results suggest that specific bird guilds can be used as HNV indicators of particular typologies of montado, and highlight the need to develop an indicator that could be transversally applied to all types of montado.Companhia das Lezírias, S.A. e FC

    Implementation of high slurry concentration and sonication to pack high-efficiency, meter-long capillary ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography columns

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    Slurry packing capillary columns for ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography is complicated by many interdependent experimental variables. Previous results have suggested that combination of high slurry concentration and sonication during packing would create homogeneous bed microstructures and yield highly efficient capillary columns. Herein, the effect of sonication while packing very high slurry concentrations is presented. A series of six, 1 m × 75 μm internal diameter columns were packed with 200 mg/mL slurries of 2.02 μm bridged-ethyl hybrid silica particles. Three of the columns underwent sonication during packing and yielded highly efficient separations with reduced plate heights as low as 1.05

    Avaliação de variedades de tomateiro sob cultivo protegido em Vilhena, RO.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar variedades de tomateiro predominantemente de grupo multilocular em condições de cultivo protegidobitstream/item/48689/1/COT-170-990001.pd