9 research outputs found

    Fundamental social motives measured across forty-two cultures in two waves.

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    This is the final version. Available from Nature Research via the DOI in this record. Code availability: All code used to process and visualize the data, including information on software packages used, is freely available in the OSF projectHow does psychology vary across human societies? The fundamental social motives framework adopts an evolutionary approach to capture the broad range of human social goals within a taxonomy of ancestrally recurring threats and opportunities. These motives-self-protection, disease avoidance, affiliation, status, mate acquisition, mate retention, and kin care-are high in fitness relevance and everyday salience, yet understudied cross-culturally. Here, we gathered data on these motives in 42 countries (N = 15,915) in two cross-sectional waves, including 19 countries (N = 10,907) for which data were gathered in both waves. Wave 1 was collected from mid-2016 through late 2019 (32 countries, N = 8,998; 3,302 male, 5,585 female; Mage = 24.43, SD = 7.91). Wave 2 was collected from April through November 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic (29 countries, N = 6,917; 2,249 male, 4,218 female; Mage = 28.59, SD = 11.31). These data can be used to assess differences and similarities in people's fundamental social motives both across and within cultures, at different time points, and in relation to other commonly studied cultural indicators and outcomes.National Science FoundationFAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation)Czech Science FoundationCzech Science FoundationInstitute of Psychology, Czech Academy of SciencesUniversidad de la FronteraAberystwyth Universit

    Brain–gut–microbiome interactions in obesity and food addiction

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    Normal eating behavior is coordinated by the tightly regulated balance between intestinal and extra-intestinal homeostatic and hedonic mechanisms. By contrast, food addiction represents a complex, maladaptive eating behavior that reflects alterations in brain–gut–microbiome (BGM) interactions and a shift of this balance towards hedonic mechanisms. Each component of the BGM axis has been implicated in the development of food addiction, with both brain to gut and gut to brain signaling playing a role. Early life influences can prime the infant gut microbiome and brain for food addiction, which might be further reinforced by increased antibiotic usage and dietary patterns throughout adulthood. The ubiquitous availability and marketing of inexpensive, highly palatable and calorie dense food can further shift this balance towards hedonic eating through both central (disruptions in dopaminergic signaling) and intestinal (vagal afferent function, metabolic toxaemia, systemic immune activation, changes to gut microbiome and metabolome) mechanisms. In this Review, we propose a systems biological model of BGM interactions, which incorporates published reports on food addiction, and provides novel insights into treatment targets aimed at each level of the BGM axis