124,079 research outputs found

    Treasures from UCL

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    UCL has one of the foremost university Special Collections in the UK. It is a treasure trove of national and international importance, comprising over a million items dating from the 4th century AD to the present day. Treasures from UCL draws together detailed descriptions and images of 70 of the most prized individual items. Between the magnificent illuminated Latin Bible of the 13th century and the personal items of one of the 20th century’s greatest writers, George Orwell, the many highlights of this remarkable collection will delight and intrigue anyone who picks up this book

    Keeping conceptualizations simple: Examples with family carers of people with dementia

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    This paper forms the second in a series of three articles on conceptualizations of older people's distress. The focus is on simple and concrete "mini-formulations" that keep the amount of information in them to a minimum, yet retain explanatory and predictive power. Such formulations can be used as the basis for action plans for intervention, while avoiding overburdening the cognitive capacity of the client or therapist. Simple linear and cyclical models are described, as are cognitive triad and dyad models. The uses of "mini-formulations" for group and individual settings are illustrated in a case example of a lady caring for her husband who has dementia

    Health Phones: A Potential Game Changer in Health Information Management

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    Health education has to be one of the most effective ways to reduce morbidity and mortality in developing countries. We need to deliver vital messages and information to people at the lower quarter of the society to use changing behaviour and practices which can save and protect their lives. It is in this context, use of mobile phones in delivering vital health information is of significance. This article reviews few projects which successfully use mobile phones for health information delivery

    SPIT IN MY MOUTH: Queer Intimacies, Material Intra-actions, and Sensuous Becoming

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    This document describes my multidisciplinary art practice as it intersects with New Materialism, Queer and Affect theory, Ecology, and my embodied and experiential knowledge as a queer subject. The writing is divided into two categories. One is more theoretical, thinking through these different discourses. The other realizes them through relationships and intra-actions between my material kin and me. With these two modes of writing,I propose that embodied and felt knowing is as valid and illuminating as more traditional forms of knowledge. These sections are interdependent and resist linear logic, offering relational meanings to each reader as they find their way through a terrain of text and image offering a multiplicity of readings. Renaming difficulties with articulation as a legitimate tension within my own way of thinking and experiencing, this document pushes against such exactitude of ideas. Ultimately the artworks in my thesis exhibition and this outlining document work to reveal queerness, or queering, as a basic tenet for existence. This text uses Open Dyslexic, an open-source font designed for readers with dyslexia, a learning difference whose wide range of effects alters the way a person takes in, processes, and utilizes language and graphic symbols

    Valuing American Put Options Using Chebyshev Polynomial Approximation

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    This paper suggests a simple valuation method based on Chebyshev approximation at Chebyshev nodes to value American put options. It is similar to the approach taken in Sullivan (2000), where the option`s continuation region function is estimated by using a Chebyshev polynomial. However, in contrast to Sullivan (2000), the functional is fitted by using Chebyshev nodes. The suggested method is flexible, easy to program and efficient, and can be extended to price other types of derivative instruments. It is also applicable in other fields, providing efficient solutions to complex systems of partial differential equations. The paper also describes an alternative method based on dynamic programming and backward induction to approximate the option value in each time period

    Non-normality and recursive unit root test for PPP: Solving the PPP puzzle?

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    In this paper we carry out unit root tests on real exchange rates recursively as in Caporale et al (2003), but, following Arghyrou and Gregoriou (2007), we adjust the residuals for non-normality using a wild bootstrap method. The results are striking: the correction for non-normality dramatically increases the rejection percentages of the unit root null, and attenuates the erratic behaviour of the t-statistic, thus providing strong evidence in favour of PPP, and suggesting that such a correction might at least go some way towards solving the “PPP puzzle”