17,599 research outputs found

    Book Review: David Matzko McCarthy and M Therese Lysaught, \u3cem\u3eGathered for the Journey: An Introduction to Catholic Moral Theology\u3c/em\u3e, London, SCM Press, 2007

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    Catholic moral theology is central to understanding the Christian life and its practice in the family, church and society. We are always in the midst of the challenge of finding a way to clearly speak of moral thinking. Gathered for the Journey: An Introduction to Catholic Moral Theology answers this challenge in a remarkably coherent way. It is remarkable because it brings together a number of theologians with expertise in a variety or areas. Embracing the wisdom and riches of the Catholic theological tradition, the authors address our contemporary issues and experiences, producing a horizon of Catholic moral praxis for students of theology to deepen their Christian life and faith. Particularly, the contributors set out to articulate Catholic moral theology in the light of Scripture, the Trinity, the crucified and risen Christ, the liturgy (and in particular the Eucharist), the theologies of Aquinas and Pope John Paul II as well as post-conciliar writings

    From Meal to Mission

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    (Excerpt) When it comes to introductions, I remember that when I was young and charming and about to go off to Saint Joseph\u27s Prep in Philadelphia (where I was reared and raised), I was somewhat intimidated. I was so because I was about to take my place along with boys, many of whose fathers, uncles, cousins, and brothers had attended this school. For them the school was going to be familiar, for me most unfamiliar. Adding to my anxiety was the fact that I was also going to be one of 900 boys, only seven of whom were Black. I was a wreck and desperate to introduce myself wisely and well. In a conversation with my parents about proper introductions, one of my grandmothers happened upon the scene and offered some sage advice. She said, when it comes to introductions, when someone asks you who you are, tell \u27em you\u27re a child of God. That is the most important thing for each of you to remember about me, for it is the most important thing that you are to remember about yourself

    Phenomenology, theology and psychosis: Towards compassion

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    The article argues for a phenomenological and theological perspective of psychosis. It draws especially upon Levinas’ philosophy as a way of looking at psychosis and responding with compassion. It aims to show that the world of psychosis parallels the Levinas’ negative characterisation of both ontology and the categories of objectivity, presence and Being. This suggests that the language of ontology itself holds insights into the experience of psychosis and perhaps further that the language of alterity (otherness) could be a possible response to it. Psychosis should not be understood as a ‘psychological problem’, but rather as an altered state of existence dominated by idolisation, ethical escapism, and terrifying and enthralling transcendence. Fear, horror, confusion with the good and the impossibility of death are the dominant emotions and experiences. As a result, the self, consumed by the idol of fear, must not only seek out and deceive the good, but transcend the possibility of death and thus ever deny its reality in life. If the word of God is to be heard in the face of an Other with psychosis, then there must be a compassionate response that might even one day take the form of friendship and solidarity. Like Christ entering into the depths of loneliness on Holy Saturday, so too we are called to enter into a space and time to bring both life and death together, a reality in which the Other’s fear of death and grief might be encountered and transformed into an existence of hope and grace

    Note: OSHA Inspections and The Fourth Amendment: Balancing Private Rights and Public Need

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    The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) is the result of the Federal government\u27s concern about safe working conditions. The purpose of OSHA is to assure safe and healthful working conditions and to preserve our human resources. To effectuate its goal of promoting industrial safety, OSHA authorizes the Secretary of Labor to establish mandatory occupational safety and health standards applicable to businesses affecting interstate commerce. It also authorizes the Secretary to enter and inspect any work place during regular working hours and at other reasonable times to ensure compliance with the health and safety standards. The inspection provision of OSHA has been attacked on the ground that warrantless OSHA inspections violate the search and seizure safeguards of the fourth amendment of the United States Constitution. This Note will explore recent Supreme Court decisions dealing with administrative searches and seizures and consider the effect of these decisions on fourth amendment challenges to the OSHA inspection provisions

    The Triune Drama of the Resurrection Levinas\u27 Non-Phenomenology

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    The article aims to develop the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas as a valuable new perspective in understanding the triune drama of the Resurrection. Firstly, the juxtaposition of Levinas’ thought and Christian theology will be argued for, followed by a development of von Balthasar’s Trinitarian theology of the Resurrection. Especially, Levinas’ non-phenomenological notion of “otherness” will be used to offer an understanding of the Risen Christ’s “Otherness” as communicating the non-phenomenality of Holy Saturday to the disciples. As a result, we discover significant theological openings towards a vision of a Biblical God free from the constraints of ontological thinking and phenomenal experience

    Fiber-optic temperature sensor using a spectrum-modulating semiconductor etalon

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    Described is a fiber-optic temperature sensor that uses a spectrum modulating SiC etalon. The spectral output of this type of sensor may be analyzed to obtain a temperature measurement which is largely independent of the transmission properties of the sensor's fiber-optic link. A highly precise laboratory spectrometer is described in detail, and this instrument is used to study the properties of this type of sensor. Also described are a number of different spectrum analyzers that are more suitable for use in a practical thermometer

    X-ray variability of the quasar 3C273

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    Observations of the quasar 3C273 made during 1975-77 have shown that the X-ray flux varied on a time scale of several months. No similar variation was present in radio and optical data taken at similar times. If this variation results from luminosity variations of a central compact object, then an upper limit of ≀4 x 1017cm can be set on its dimensions
