1,507 research outputs found

    Studi storici dedicati a Orazio Cancila

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    Non accade sempre, e non è neppure necessario, che le raccolte di studi in onore di personalità del mondo degli studi trattino temi relativi o affini a quelli coltivati dalla personalità celebrata. Se, però, accade, si può certamente parlare di una felice circostanza o coincidenza, ma può accadere anche che tale circostanza o coincidenza sia significativa di qualcosa d’altro. E, ad esempio, può essere significativa del fatto che la personalità destinataria della raccolta si è posta o si è trovata al centro di sviluppi della storiografia contemporanea importanti anche perché rispondono a interessi diffusi negli studi e nella cultura del suo tempo. Della raccolta di studi per Orazio Cancila si può dire – credo – che ci si trova senz’altro in quest’ultimo caso, e, ciò, anche quando la formulazione letterale dei temi dei singoli contributi alla raccolta non sembra autorizzare una tale constatazione. ... È un bel panorama, ed è singolarmente conforme alla serie degli ampii e varii interessi storici di Cancila. (Dall'introduzione di Giuseppe Galasso

    Agriculture and Sustainability: a GIS Based Model to Appraise Incentive Policy

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    Agriculture is the major form of protection of local identities and sustainability and one of the most fragile Italian economic sectors, exposed to fluctuations of the financial/economic crisis. As a consequence, boosting agricultural policies should integrate conflicting objectives connected to preservation and innovation, effectiveness/efficiency, and landscape features and job opportunities. Referring to a large land area located in the central part of Sicily (Italy) the paper proposes an assessment/planning pattern aimed at providing some axiological items and a specific algorithm able to appraise each specific land parcel, generating different strategies and selecting the best format of funding allocation. The pattern combines some WebGIS tools helpful for spatial analysis and management of the big data amount coming from the Landscape Regional Plan and the cadastral vector database. The general approach integrates monetary and qualitative features, as well as land estate and landscape values within a multidimensional pattern providing the quantitative conditions for supporting qualitative and sustainable development

    A new approach to modelling the shelf life of Gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata)

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    A total of 217 Gilthead seabreams were subdivided in four groups, according to four different storage conditions. All fish were evaluated by both Quality Index Method (QIM) and microbiological analysis, sampling skin, gills and flesh, separately. A QIM score predictive system was set by modelling the growth of microflora of skin, gills and flesh and coupling these predictions to each related partial QIM score (QIMSkin, QIMGills, QIMFlesh). The expression of QIM score as a function of bacterial behaviour was carried out by the employment of two coefficients. The predicted mean bacterial concentrations corresponding to the QIM score at 14 days were always near to Log 8 CFU g^{ -1} in the case of 'S' (skin) and 'G' (gills) series. Moreover, predicted QIM scores were in a good agreement with observed data, reproducing the observed mean time of rejection as well as the bacterial spoilage level (Log 8 CFU g^{ -1}), for all kinds of storage condition

    Development of a predictive model for the shelf-life of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus)

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    Despite its commercial value, the shelf-life of the Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) during refrigerated storage was poorly investigated. In this regard, the Quality Index Method (QIM) was proposed as a suitable scoring system for freshness and quality sensorial estimation of fishery products. This study aims to develop a deterministic mathematical model based on dynamic temperatures conditions and a suc-cessive statistical analysis of the results obtained. This model will be exploited to predict the shelf-life of the Atlantic mackerel based on specific storage temperatures. A total of 60 fresh fishes were subdivided into two groups and respectively stored in ice for 12 days at a constant temperature of 1±0.5°C (Group A) and a fluctuating temperature ranging between 1 and 7°C (Group B). Microbiological analysis and sensory evaluation through the QIM were performed on each fish at regular time inter-vals. A critical value of 6 Log cfu/g of spoilage bacteria (mainly psychotropic) associated with a significant decay of the sensorial characteristics was exceeded after 9 days of storage for Group A and 3 days for Group B. A reliable prediction of fish freshness was obtained by modelling the QIM as a function of the spoilage bacteria behaviour. A coefficient β of correlation was determined to convert the spoilage bacteria load into a Quality Index score. The adoption of mathematical predictive models to assess microbial behaviour under different environmental conditions is an interest-ing tool for food industries to maximize production and reduce waste

    Long-term bone outcomes in Italian patients with Gaucher disease type 1 or type 3 treated with imiglucerase: A sub-study from the International Collaborative Gaucher Group (ICGG) Gaucher Registry

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    Background: Gaucher disease (GD) is a lysosomal storage disorder. We evaluated the “real-world” effectiveness of first-line imiglucerase on long-term bone outcomes in Italian patients in the International Collaborative Gaucher Group (ICGG) Gaucher Registry. Methods: Patients treated with imiglucerase for ≥2 years and with bone assessments at baseline and during follow-up were selected. Data on bone pain, bone crises, marrow infiltration, avascular necrosis, infarction, lytic lesions, Erlenmeyer flask deformity, bone fractures, mineral density, and imiglucerase dosage were evaluated. Results: Data on bone manifestations were available for 73 of 229 patients (31.9 %). Bone crises frequency decreased significantly from baseline to the most recent follow-up (p < 0.001), with some improvement observed in bone pain prevalence. Bone pain and bone crises prevalence decreased significantly from baseline at 2 to <4 and 4 to <6 years (all p < 0.05). A low median (25th, 75th percentile) baseline imiglucerase dosage was identified in patients reporting bone pain or bone crises (15.0 [13.7, 30.0] and 22.8 [17.5, 36.0] U/kg once every 2 weeks, respectively). Conclusion: Our study suggests that the management of GD in Italy, with regards to imiglucerase dosage, is suboptimal and confirms the need for clinicians to monitor and correctly treat bone disease according to best practice guidelines

    Studying the evolution of AGB stars in the Gaia epoch

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    We present asymptotic giant branch (AGB) models of solar metallicity, to allow the interpretation of observations of Galactic AGB stars, whose distances should be soon available after the first release of the Gaia catalogue. We find an abrupt change in the AGB physical and chemical properties, occurring at the threshold mass to ignite hot bottom burning,i.e. 3.5M3.5M_{\odot}. Stars with mass below 3.5M3.5 M_{\odot} reach the C-star stage and eject into the interstellar medium gas enriched in carbon , nitrogen and 17O^{17}O. The higher mass counterparts evolve at large luminosities, between 3×104L3\times 10^4 L_{\odot} and 105L10^5 L_{\odot}. The mass expelled from the massive AGB stars shows the imprinting of proton-capture nucleosynthesis, with considerable production of nitrogen and sodium and destruction of 12C^{12}C and 18O^{18}O. The comparison with the most recent results from other research groups are discussed, to evaluate the robustness of the present findings. Finally, we compare the models with recent observations of galactic AGB stars, outlining the possibility offered by Gaia to shed new light on the evolution properties of this class of objects.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure, 3 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS (2016 July 11


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    In this study, the inhibiting activity of siderophores produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens against Escherichia coli O157:7 was assayed. Siderophores were extracted from P. fluorescens cultures and preliminarily tested by C.A.S. reagent and UV. The siderophores activity against E. coli O157:H7 was characterised by the determination of Minimal Inhibiting Concentration (MIC). Furthermore, E. coli O157:H7 growth tests with and without siderophores were prepared at 12°C, pH 7 and 5, aw 0.997 and 0,988. The MIC was assessed at 7 μg/ml whereas the growth test showed a high inhibiting activity with the exception of tests at pH 5

    A robust ransac-based planet radius estimation for onboard visual based navigation

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    Individual spacecraft manual navigation by human operators from ground station is expected to be an emerging problem as the number of spacecraft for space exploration increases. Hence, as an attempt to reduce the burden to control multiple spacecraft, future missions will employ smart spacecraft able to navigate and operate autonomously. Recently, image-based optical navigation systems have proved to be promising solutions for inexpensive autonomous navigation. In this paper, we propose a robust image processing pipeline for estimating the center and radius of planets and moons in an image taken by an on-board camera. Our custom image pre-processing pipeline is tailored for resource-constrained applications, as it features a computationally simple processing flow with a limited memory footprint. The core of the proposed pipeline is a best-fitting model based on the RANSAC algorithm that is able to handle images corrupted with Gaussian noise, image distortions, and frame drops. We report processing time, pixel-level error of estimated body center and radius and the effect of noise on estimated body parameters for a dataset of synthetic images

    The Christmas 2018 eruption at Mt. Etna: enlightening how the volcano factory works through a multi‐parametric inspection

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    The 24–27 December 2018 flank eruption at Mount Etna (Southern Italy) has been investigated through a multidisciplinary approach in which olivine chemical zoning and diffusion chronometry data were integrated with models inferred by GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) measurements. Inspection of the olivine chemical zoning from core to rim allowed the identification of some dominant ways of transfer and interaction between magmas pertaining to different magmatic environments. Most of crystal cores are representative of crystallization at pressure of 290–230 and 160–120 MPa. Olivine rims suggest re‐equilibration at shallow pressure (≤30 MPa). Geodetic‐based models indicate pressurization of near‐vertical prolate spheroidal sources centered at ∼7.2 km below sea level (bsl) between 9 June 2017 and 28 June 2018 and later at ∼5.1 km bsl between 28 June 2018 and the eruption onset. Geodetic data also highlight a change in the inflation rate since late June 2018 and later around November 2018, which has been here related to both replenishment phases and magma uprising across the plumbing system. Timescales of magma replenishment are in agreement with prolonged recharge from deep levels upward to shallow environments started about 6 months before the eruption, with further replenishment involving the upper magmatic environments just 3–16 days before the eruption. At present, the eruptive activity at the volcano is primarily controlled by pressure imbalances affecting extensive sections of the plumbing system, with possibility to develop persistent eruptive activity at the summit versus flank eruptions depending on fortuitous interruptions of the steady magma recharge/discharge rate at shallow levels