10 research outputs found

    A Novel System of Cytoskeletal Elements in the Human Pathogen Helicobacter pylori

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    Pathogenicity of the human pathogen Helicobacter pylori relies upon its capacity to adapt to a hostile environment and to escape from the host response. Therefore, cell shape, motility, and pH homeostasis of these bacteria are specifically adapted to the gastric mucus. We have found that the helical shape of H. pylori depends on coiled coil rich proteins (Ccrp), which form extended filamentous structures in vitro and in vivo, and are differentially required for the maintenance of cell morphology. We have developed an in vivo localization system for this pathogen. Consistent with a cytoskeleton-like structure, Ccrp proteins localized in a regular punctuate and static pattern within H. pylori cells. Ccrp genes show a high degree of sequence variation, which could be the reason for the morphological diversity between H. pylori strains. In contrast to other bacteria, the actin-like MreB protein is dispensable for viability in H. pylori, and does not affect cell shape, but cell length and chromosome segregation. In addition, mreB mutant cells displayed significantly reduced urease activity, and thus compromise a major pathogenicity factor of H. pylori. Our findings reveal that Ccrp proteins, but not MreB, affect cell morphology, while both cytoskeletal components affect the development of pathogenicity factors and/or cell cycle progression

    Modulation of B-1 and B-2 kinin receptors expression levels in the hippocampus of rats after audiogenic kindling and with limbic recruitment, a model of temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Epileptic seizures are hypersynchronous, paroxystic and abnormal neuronal discharges. Epilepsies are characterized by diverse mechanisms involving alteration of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission that result in hyperexcitability of the central nervous system (CNS). Enhanced neuronal excitability can also be achieved by inflammatory processes, including the participation of cytokines, prostaglandins or kinins, molecules known to be involved in either triggering or in the establishment of inflammation. Multiple inductions of audiogenic seizures in the Wistar audiogenic rat (WAR) strain are a model of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), due to the recruitment of limbic areas such as hippocampus and amygdata. In this study we investigated the modulation of the B-1 and B-2 kinin receptors expression levels in neonatal WARs as well as in adult WARs subjected to the TLE model. The expression levels of pro-inflammatory (IL-1 beta) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokines were also evaluated, as well as cyclooxygenase (COX-2). Our results showed that the B-1 and B-2 kinin receptors mRNAs were up-regulated about 7- and 4-fold, respectively, in the hippocampus of kindled WARs. On the other hand, the expressions of the IL-1 beta, IL-10 and COX-2 were not related to the observed increase of expression of kinin receptors. Based on those results we believe that the B, and B2 kinin receptors have a pivotal role in this model of TLE, although their participation is not related to an inflammatory process. We believe that kinin receptors in the CNS may act in seizure mechanisms by participating in a specific kininergic neurochemical pathway. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Functional and bioinformatics analyses reveal conservation of Cis-regulatory elements between sciaridae and Drosophilidae

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    The sciarid DNA puff C4 BhC4-1 gene is amplified and transcribed in salivary glands at the end of the larval stage. In transgenic Drosophila, the BhC4-1 promoter drives transcription in prepupal salivary glands and in the ring gland of late embryos. A bioinformatics analysis has identified 162 sequences similar to distinct regions of the BhC4-1 proximal promoter, which are predominantly located either in 5` or 3` regions or introns in the Drosophila melanogaster genome. A significant number of the identified sequences are found in the regulatory regions of Drosophila genes that are expressed in the salivary gland. Functional assays in Drosophila reveal that the BhC4-1 proximal promoter contains both a 129 bp (-186/-58) salivary gland enhancer and a 67 bp (-253/-187) ring gland enhancer that drive tissue specific patterns of developmentally regulated gene expression, irrespective of their orientation

    From the regulation of peptidoglycan synthesis to bacterial growth and morphology

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    Bacterial Actins and Their Diversity

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    For many years bacteria were considered rather simple organisms, but the dogmatic notion that subcellular organization is a eukaryotic trait has been overthrown for more than a decade. The discovery of homologs of the eukaryotic cytoskeletal proteins actin, tubulin, and intermediate filaments in bacteria has been instrumental in changing this view. Over the recent years we gained an incredible level of insight into the diverse family of bacterial actins and their molecular workings. Here we review the functional, biochemical and structural features of the most well-studied bacterial actins

    From the regulation of peptidoglycan synthesis to bacterial growth and morphology

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