1,241 research outputs found

    MINERVA: The technological project to boost research on the microbiota-gut-brain axis in chronic neurodegenerative disorders

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    Chronic neurodegenerative disorders including dementias, as Alzheimer's disease (AD) and movement disorders, as Parkinson's disease (PD) are strongly increasing worldwide. Up to now, very little is known about their biochemical mechanism and no effective therapeutic strategies are available to face brain functionality deterioration. A very intriguing hypothesis actively under investigation is referred as "microbiota-gut-brain axis". It suggests that human gut microbial community might impact central nervous system functionality through a bidirectional interaction that potentially might play also a key role in neurodegenerative disorders. Here we present a novel technological project, named MINERVA supported by the European Research Council (ERC) Programme, that aims, by using an innovative bioengineering approach, at evaluating microbiota impact on brain functionality. MINERVA goal is to develop a cutting edge technological platform, based on organ on chip microfluidic device, to model the main players of the microbiota-gut-brain axis. The final aim of MINERVA is to investigate the role of microbiota on brain functionality in physiological but also in pathological neurodegenerative conditions in order to improve the knowledge in the field and open the way to potential novel therapeutic microbiota-based approach for neurodegenerative disorders


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    Although much research into deceptive communication has been conducted in the last several years, little of it has focused on deception outside of a North American context. Similarly, most deceptive research has investigated face-to-face verbal communication and neglected computer-mediated communication modes. This paper describes a study in progress on deceptive computer-mediated communication, looked at across two national cultures, Spain and the U.S. The paper reviews the relevant literature and theory and presents hypotheses and the research design

    Supported nickel nitride catalysts for the gas-phase hydrogenation of furfural

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    A series of catalysts with different nickel loading (2.5-30 wt%) has been prepared by UGR. The preparation of Ni3N phase was ascertained via Powder X-rays diffraction together with cubic nickel . The elemental chemical analysis and XPS data confirm the presence of the nitride phase. Their catalytic performance points out that catalysts with loading of 5-10 wt% Ni exhibit a higher stability, maintaining furfural conversion values higher than 75% after 5 h of time-on-stream at 170ºC, and the main products detected were furfuryl alcohol (hydrogenation) and furan (decarbonylation). This would indicate that two types of active sites are present on the catalyst surface. It is noteworthy the high catalytic activity of this family of catalyst, since they exhibit a better performance than Cu-ZnO catalysts, but using a lower reaction temperature and H2/furfural molar ratio, as well as a higher furfural concentration and WHSV values. The experimental conditions have been optimized in order to achieve the maximum yield in the target product, but preserving a high activity and stability. The fresh and spent catalysts have been characterized in order to elucidate structure-activity-stability relationships.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Media Synchronicity and Stress in Online Interview Settings

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    New communication tools allow organizations to take advantage of global talent and minimize location-specific risks; however, they also present new challenges. One such challenge is that the communication tools individuals are using are often not a good fit with their tasks. Unfortunately, stress is one of the negative outcomes from poorly fit communication tools. We ran two experiments to better understand stress in new online interview settings. We first found that computer-based interviewers were more stressed than interviewees. Further, interviewers that were FTF experienced less stress than did interviewers in computer-mediated interview teams. In the second experiment, we looked at the influences of interview structure and two different types of low synchronicity media on stress. Initial findings showed that interviewers performing structured and unstructured tasks had a similar amount of stress, however interviewers using email were more stressed than were interviewers using instant messaging

    The effect of scaffold pore size in cartilage tissue engineering

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    open4noIntroduction: The effect of scaffold pore size and interconnectivity is undoubtedly a crucial factor for most tissue engineering applications. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of pore size and porosity on cartilage construct development in different scaffolds seeded with articular chondrocytes. Methods: We fabricated poly-L-lactide-co-trimethylene carbonate scaffolds with different pore sizes, using a solvent-casting/particulate-leaching technique. We seeded primary bovine articular chondrocytes on these scaffolds, cultured the constructs for 2 weeks and examined cell proliferation, viability and cell-specific production of cartilaginous extracellular matrix proteins, including GAG and collagen. Results: Cell density significantly increased up to 50% with scaffold pore size and porosity, likely facilitated by cell spreading on the internal surface of bigger pores, and by increased mass transport of gases and nutrients to cells, and catabolite removal from cells, allowed by lower diffusion barriers in scaffolds with a higher porosity. However, both the cell metabolic activity and the synthesis of cartilaginous matrix proteins significantly decreased by up to 40% with pore size. We propose that the association of smaller pore diameters, causing 3-dimensional cell aggregation, to a lower oxygenation caused by a lower porosity, could have been the condition that increased the cell-specific synthesis of cartilaginous matrix proteins in the scaffold with the smallest pores and the lowest porosity among those tested. Conclusions: In the initial steps of in vitro cartilage engineering, the combination of small scaffold pores and low porosity is an effective strategy with regard to the promotion of chondrogenesis.openNava, Michele M; Draghi, Lorenza; Giordano, Carmen; Pietrabissa, RiccardoNava, Michele M; Draghi, Lorenza; Giordano, Carmen; Pietrabissa, Riccard

    Induced pluripotent stem cell-based organ-on-a-chip as personalized drug screening tools: A focus on neurodegenerative disorders

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    The Organ-on-a-Chip (OoC) technology shows great potential to revolutionize the drugs development pipeline by mimicking the physiological environment and functions of human organs. The translational value of OoC is further enhanced when combined with patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to develop more realistic disease models, paving the way for the development of a new generation of patient-on-a-chip devices. iPSCs differentiation capacity leads to invaluable improvements in personalized medicine. Moreover, the connection of single-OoC into multi-OoC or body-on-a-chip allows to investigate drug pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetics through the study of multi-organs cross-talks. The need of a breakthrough thanks to this technology is particularly relevant within the field of neurodegenerative diseases, where the number of patients is increasing and the successful rate in drug discovery is worryingly low. In this review we discuss current iPSC-based OoC as drug screening models and their implication in development of new therapies for neurodegenerative disorders

    El Aprendizaje y Práctica de los Valores Desde la Niñez. Vista a Algunos Elementos Condicionantes

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    ¿Por qué el tema de los valores requiere un abordaje integral?Mucho se ha escrito y discutido desde la antigüedad acerca de los valores, la moral y la ética tanto personal como social, en la cual estos se traducen. El tema se ha tratado desde diferentes ópticas, la filosófica, psicológica, antropológica, pedagógica, incluso la bio- lógica y todas aquellas que tienen relación con la vivencia del ser humano en sociedad. Sin embargo, aunque ha sido un tema abor- dado desde la antigüedad, los valores siempre son tema de actua- lidad. Son considerados como los parámetros de comportamiento “correcto”, que garantizan una convivencia “aceptable” entre seres humanos y en general con otros seres vivos y su ambiente

    Decomposizione della lettiera di quattro specie della macchia mediterranea: relazioni con alcune caratteristiche fogliarie con la qualità della lettiera

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    La velocità di decomposizione della lettiera di quattro specie tipiche della Macchia Mediterranea, Q. ilex, P. angustifolia, P. lentiscus e Cistus sp., è stata misurata dopo circa tre, sei e tredici mesi di incubazione in situ nella Riserva Naturale di Castel Volturno (Caserta). Sono state valutate le relazioni tra velocità di decomposizione e 1) indice di area fogliare specifica (SLA), 2) densità dei tessuti fogliari (LDMC), 3) grado di sclerofillia (GS), 4) contenuto in N, C e lignina e rapporto C/N della lettiera. Queste caratteristiche possono influenzare la colonizzazione e la utilizzazione della lettiera da parte dei microrganismi e, di conseguenza, la sua resistenza alla decomposizione. Dopo poco più di un anno la perdita di peso della lettiera era circa 50% in cisto, 41% in fillirea e 32% in leccio e lentisco. Nei primi tre mesi di incubazione, la velocità di decomposizione della lettiera è tanto maggiore quanto più alto è il valore di SLA e diminuisce con l’aumento del valore di LDMC e GS. La correlazione decomposizione - SLA e decomposizione - GS è statisticamente significativa solo se si esclude la fillirea che, ha caratteristiche fogliari simili a quelle di leccio e lentisco (spiccata sclerofillia) ma contenuto di lignina più basso non solo rispetto alle altre due specie sclerofille, ma anche rispetto al cisto (che ha caratteristiche mesofile). La velocità di decomposizione è correlata negativamente al contenuto di lignina e al rapporto lignina/N quando vengono considerate le quattro specie; se si considerano solo fillirea e cisto la correlazione diventa positiva. I risultati mostrano che la decomposizione della lettiera è la risultante degli effetti congiunti delle caratteristiche fogliari e della composizione chimica della lettiera

    Catalizadores de nitruro de níquel soportados en una sílice comercial para la hidrogenación selectiva de furfural en fase gaseosa

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    En las últimas décadas, el crecimiento del consumo mundial de energía, el agotamiento de las reservas de petróleo y las preocupaciones ambientales han incrementado el interés en el desarrollo de alternativas a los combustibles fósiles. En este sentido, los recursos de carbono no fósiles están adquiriendo un papel fundamental para la producción de energía, biocombustibles y productos químicos. La biomasa lignocelulósica es el recurso de carbono no fósil más abundante y económico, y puede no competir con la cadena alimentaria,considerándose la fuente de carbono más sostenible. Concretamente, la hemicelulosa tiene un alto potencial, ya que tras su hidrólisis y la deshidratación de la xilosa resultante se puede obtener furfural, que es una importante molécula plataforma. Actualmente, la hidrogenación de furfural permite la producción de una amplia gama de productos químicos. Los carburos y nitruros de metales de transición presentan una estructura electrónica similar a la de algunos metales nobles y, por lo tanto,se espera que posean actividades catalíticas similares a las de los metales del grupo del platino. El nitruro de níquel soportado en carbono muestra, en la hidrogenación de varias moléculas orgánicas, una conversión similar a la del níquel soportado,pero con un patrón de selectividad diferente. En nuestro caso,se ha cambiado el soporte de carbón por una sílice comercial para estudiar su comportamiento en la hidrogenación de furfural en fase gaseosa, donde los catalizadores basados en níquel exhiben un alto poder hidrogenante, pero con baja selectividad, dando lugar a diferentes productos hidrogenados. El catalizador de Ni3N-SiO2 con un 10% de Ni presenta los mejores resultados, con una conversión del 85% después de 5 h de reacción. Además, se observa que es estable con el tiempo de reacción. A 170ºC, se obtienen rendimientos en alcohol furfurílico y furano del 30 y 30%, respectivamente. Sin embargo, a mayor temperatura, el patrón de selectividad cambia.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Thioredoxin Inhibitors Attenuate Platelet Function and Thrombus Formation.

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    Thioredoxin (Trx) is an oxidoreductase with important physiological function. Imbalances in the NADPH/thioredoxin reductase/thioredoxin system are associated with a number of pathologies, particularly cancer, and a number of clinical trials for thioredoxin and thioredoxin reductase inhibitors have been carried out or are underway. Due to the emerging role and importance of oxidoreductases for haemostasis and the current interest in developing inhibitors for clinical use, we thought it pertinent to assess whether inhibition of the NADPH/thioredoxin reductase/thioredoxin system affects platelet function and thrombosis. We used small molecule inhibitors of Trx (PMX 464 and PX-12) to determine whether Trx activity influences platelet function, as well as an unbiased proteomics approach to identify potential Trx substrates on the surface of platelets that might contribute to platelet reactivity and function. Using LC-MS/MS we found that PMX 464 and PX-12 affected the oxidation state of thiols in a number of cell surface proteins. Key surface receptors for platelet adhesion and activation were affected, including the collagen receptor GPVI and the von Willebrand factor receptor, GPIb. To experimentally validate these findings we assessed platelet function in the presence of PMX 464, PX-12, and rutin (a selective inhibitor of the related protein disulphide isomerase). In agreement with the proteomics data, small molecule inhibitors of thioredoxin selectively inhibited GPVI-mediated platelet activation, and attenuated ristocetin-induced GPIb-vWF-mediated platelet agglutination, thus validating the findings of the proteomics study. These data reveal a novel role for thioredoxin in regulating platelet reactivity via proteins required for early platelet responses at sites of vessel injury (GPVI and GPIb). This work also highlights a potential opportunity for repurposing of PMX 464 and PX-12 as antiplatelet agents.CM is funded by Medical Research Council Grant No G9826026. AR was funded by a British Heart Foundation Centre of Research Excellence-funded Vacation Studentship. CHC is funded by British Heart Foundation Fellowship FS/11/49/28751.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from PLOS via https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.016300