17 research outputs found
A New Technique for Integrating MEMS-Based Low-Cost IMU and GPS in Vehicular Navigation
In providing acceptable navigational solutions, Location-Based Services (LBS) in land navigation rely mostly on integration of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Inertial Navigation System (INS) measurements for accuracy and robustness. The GPS/INS integrated system can provide better land-navigation solutions than the ones any standalone system can provide. Low-cost Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs), based on Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) technology, revolutionized the land-navigation system by virtue of their low-cost miniaturization and widespread availability. However, their accuracy is strongly affected by their inherent systematic and stochastic errors, which depend mainly on environmental conditions. The environmental noise and nonlinearities prevent obtaining optimal localization estimates in Land Vehicular Navigation (LVN) while using traditional Kalman Filters (KF). The main goal of this paper is to effectively eliminate stochastic errors of MEMS-based IMUs. The proposed solution is divided into two main components: (1) improving noise cancellation, using advanced stochastic error models in MEMS-based IMUs based on combined Autoregressive Processes (ARP) and first-order Gauss-Markov Process (1GMP), and (2) modeling the low-cost GPS/INS integration, using a hybrid Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) and Second-Order Extended Kalman Filter (SOEKF). The results obtained show that the proposed methods perform better than the traditional techniques do in different stochastic and dynamic situations
Schizophrénie, approche spécialisée et continuité de soins. Le programme spécifique d’intervention Premier-Épisode de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis
La schizophrénie est une maladie complexe à caractère évolutif. Reposant sur un cadre conceptuel d'orientation cognitive, le programme spécifique d'intervention Premier épisode de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis fournit une évaluation complète et standardisée au plan individuel et familial. Puis sont rendues disponibles différentes modalités de traitement, selon une approche individuelle (psycho-éducation, psychothérapie) et de groupe (intervention psychologique au plan cognitif ou Integrated Psychological Therapy, de Brenner). L'intervention psycho-éducative familiale est également offerte aux familles. Les structures et la démarche décrites s'harmonisent avec celles qui étaient en place avant la création du programme, ce qui offre une continuité de soins. Le cadre conceptuel sous-jacent et les modalités du fonctionnement du programme sont aussi présentés.Schizophrenia is a complex illness with an evolutive character. Based on a conceptual framework of cognitive orientation, the specific intervention program First Episode of Hôtel-Dieu in Lévis includes a complete and standardized assessment to an individualized and family plan. Different methods of treatment acording to an individualized approach (psyhco-education, psychotherapy) as well as group therapy (psychological intervention at the cognitive level or Brenner's Integrated psychological therapy) are then proposed. Psycho-education intervention for families is also offered. Structures and different steps described here, harmonize with those already in place before the program's creation thus offering a continuity in care. The underlying conceptual framework and the different methods of functioning of the program are also presented.La esquizofrenia es una enfermedad compleja da caracter evolu-tivo. El programa especifico de intervention Primer episodio de Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis que reposa en un marco conceptual de orientaciôn cognoscitiva, ofrece una evaluaciôn compléta y estandarizada a nivel individual y familiar. Ademâs se ofrecen diferentes modalidades de tratamiento, segûn un enfoque individual (psicoeducaciôn, psicoterapia) y de grupo (intervenciôn psicolôgica a nivel cognoscitivo o Integrated psychological therapy, de Brenner). Igualmente se le ofrece a las fami-lias, la Intervenciôn psioeducativa familiar. Las estructuras y los pasos a seguir que se describen se armonizan a las que ya existian antes de la creation del programa, Io que ofrece una continuidad de tratamiento. Son presentados, el marco conceptual subyacente y las modalidades del fucionamiento des programa