4 research outputs found

    A multidisciplinary approach to the study of the fluminense vegetation

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    The fluminense vegetation, more specifically the flora from the Jurubatiba restinga has been investigated by a multidisciplinary team of botanists, chemist, radiobiologist, insect physiologists and geneticist. Vouchers of 564 specimens have been collected, identified, organized in an herbarium, and a database is being build up containing, in addition to classical botanical data, chemical data and information on the potential economic use either for landscape gardening, alternative foods or as medicinal plants. Phytochemical studies of the Guttiferae, Clusia hilariana, yielded oleanolic acid and nemorosone. Their biological activities against the haematophagous insect Rhodnius prolixus vector of Chagas disease have been investigated. Finally, it has been observed that aquatic plants possessed high levels of the natural radionuclide polonium-210, which seems to be originated mainly from soil rather than from atmospheric supply

    Estudo da curva de crescimento de ovinos Santa Inês Analysis of the growth curve of Santa Ines sheep

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    Utilizaram-se 7.271 registros de pesos do nascimento aos 196 dias de idade de 952 crias de ovinos Santa Inês, controlados de 1983 a 2000, com os objetivos de verificar, entre os modelos Brody, Von Bertalanffy, Logístico, Gompertz e Richards, aquele que melhor descreve a curva média de crescimento e avaliar a influência de efeitos de ambiente sobre os parâmetros estimados. Os parâmetros foram estimados usando-se o procedimento NLIN do SAS. Para verificar se uma única curva seria adequada para descrever o crescimento de machos e fêmeas, nascidos de partos simples ou duplo, aplicou-se um teste de igualdade de parâmetros de modelos não-lineares. Os cinco modelos ajustaram bem os dados de crescimento, entretanto, maior variação dos resíduos foi verificada para os modelos Brody e Logístico. Com base nos desvios médios absolutos dos resíduos, constatou-se que o modelo Gompertz apresentou ajuste médio ligeiramente superior aos modelos Von Bertalanffy e Richards. Machos e fêmeas, nascidos de partos simples e duplo, apresentaram padrões de crescimento divergentes. Os efeitos de grupos contemporâneos, tipo de nascimento e sexo foram importantes fontes de variação para os parâmetros A e K. A correlação estimada entre os parâmetros A e K foi negativa. Melhorias no manejo alimentar devem ser incrementadas, principalmente quanto ao armazenamento de forragem, visando diminuir os efeitos indiretos do clima, o que poderá refletir em menor variação na forma da curva de crescimento.<br>Records of 7,271 weights of 952 lambs measured from birth up to 196 days of age between 1983 and 2000, available from the Agricultural Research Corporation of Paraiba database, were used to model the average growth curve of Santa Ines sheep. The influence of environmental effects on the estimated parameters of the Brody, Von Bertalanffy, Logistic, Gompertz and Richards functions was evaluated using the NLIN procedure of SAS. The growth curve was well fitted by all models but larger residual variation was obtained by the Brody and Logistic models. According to the absolute average residual error, the Gompertz model showed a better fit than the models Von Bertalanffy and Richards. Growth curves differed for males and females, born from single and twin lambing. Contemporary group, type of birth and sex significantly affected the estimation of parameters A and K. The correlation between parameters A and K was negative. Improvements in feeding management and forage storage may decrease the indirect effects of climate and contribute to reduce variation in the growth curves