16 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper is presentation of the activities of food service companies in the area of social responsibility. In today’s business world, there are many strategies being used to run business. Interest of the topic of corporate social responsibility has growing rapidly. Many companies have started to engage in CSR as strategy in order to gain benefits that can give them an added advantage over their competitors. The corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the company’s strategy, based on the assumption that business is responsible for the society within which it operates. There have been increasing numbers of companies engaged in CSR. CSR is becoming an important issue in the food service business. Nowadays CSR can drive companies to succeed in business by increasing sales volume and brand awareness and also added advantage over their competitors. For this thesis was decided to choose McDonald’s corporation as a case study. This is one of the famous restaurants all over the world. McDonald’s has a good reputation in terms of social responsibility. Hence, the significance of this paper is not only to increase related stakeholders’ understanding of CSR, resulting in the achievement of long term sustainability, but also fill in the academic gap of CSR, especially for catering business in Poland. The main objective of the article will be to find out, how McDonald's implements CSR towards employees, customers, supply partners and the community.Purpose: The aim of this paper is presentation of the activities of food service companies in the area of social responsibility on example of international fast food chain – McDonald’s.Methodology: For this thesis was decided to choose McDonald’s corporation as a case study, empirical, qualitative research method.Findings: Since last year’s McDonald's has been seen to adopt a more proactive strategy on CSR. McDonald’s has set good examples of social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility McDonald’s takes part in: animal welfare, corporate giving/Ronald McDonald House Charities, education scholarships, employment practices for, environmental practices, work with Corporate Social Responsibility Suppliers, Corporate Responsibility McDonald’s Reports.The evidence presents a case that the corporation is implementing CSR policies as a means to greater profitability. It is promoting itself as a notable corporate citizen and has turned CSR around from a cost of doing business into a profitable enterprise and been commended for it.  But, McDonalds CSR strategies mostly lay in the overlapping ethics/law area.Originality/value: Hence, the significance of this paper is not only to increase related stakeholders’ understanding of CSR, resulting in the achievement of long term sustainability, but also fill in the academic gap of CSR, especially for catering business in Poland. The demand for results is related to a poor adoption of CSR in small companies, especially in the gastronomy business. There is a possibility to improve performance with the example of McDonald’s as the role model


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    The foodservice and accommodation industry makes a major contribution to the European economy. This industry has been particularly chosen for a study because it is an important and extremely competitive and dynamic industry, which is characterized by continuous transformation. The article presents an overview and analysis of the foodservice and accommodation industry in countries in the European Union (EU) to assess its importance in the European economic system. Secondary sources of information were used to reach the scope of the paper. The analysis presented in this article is based on the main dataset for structural business statistics (SBS), size class data and regional data. The research period was the years 2010 – 2014. A comparative method was applied for the analysis of collected data and materials. In this research, industrial analysis was used, which was a statistical analysis of the size, demographic, and other economic dimensions of any industry of an economy. Findings show that this industry contributes to job creation and economic growth in favorable times but the support of decision–makers, legal and fiscal rules is needed if the hospitality industry must be considered for a key driver for welfare and sustainability in Europe.

    Factors Affecting the Development of Catering Enterprises in Poland

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    In the European Union, including Poland, catering services are the largest industry in the hospitality sector. In today’s world, catering companies play an important role in meeting the changing nutritional needs of consumers. The industry of catering services generates the largest part of added value and the majority of jobs in the hospitality sector. The development of catering services is undoubtedly related to the social and economic changes taking place in recent years in our country. This phenomenon is related to both the rich and the poor, because the offer is diverse catering companies. The research hypothesis is that the development of catering enterprises is unequal across the regions of Poland, and various factors having different correlative interrelations affect it. The research aim is to investigate the factors affecting the development of catering enterprises in Poland. The geographic distribution of catering enterprises into the regions of Poland is uneven: the highest concentration of enterprises is in Mazovia Province. In the period of 2000-2013, the number of catering enterprises has increased in most provinces. In the coming years will continue to develop possibility of increasing the efficiency of the market participants, as evidenced by both macroeconomic and microeconomic indicators

    Catering enterprises development prospects for the polish market

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    Przedsiębiorstwa gastronomiczne intensywnie rozwijają się na polskim rynku. Ma na to wpływ wiele czynników, m.in. czynniki społeczno-ekonomiczne. Istotną determinantą rozwoju jest ogólna sytuacja ekonomiczna kraju, która oddziałuje na pozytywne nastroje konsumenckie. Ważnymi czynnikami dla rozwoju przedsiębiorstw gastronomicznych są również dochody gospodarstw domowych oraz krajowy i zagraniczny ruch turystyczny. Analiza danych wskazuje na dalszy rozwój ilościowy i jakościowy przedsiębiorstw gastronomicznych w najbliższych latach.Catering enterprises have developed intensively in the Polish market. They impact on many factors, inter alia, socio-economic factors. They are an important determinant of the development of the general economic situation of the country, which has a positive effect on consumer sentiment. Important factors for the development of catering enterprises are household income, and domestic and international tourism. Analysis of the data indicates a further development of quantitative and qualitative catering enterprises in the coming years


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    Rozwój usług gastronomicznych i turystycznych w Polsce jest ściśle ze sobą powiązany. Pomiędzy gastronomią a turystyką tworzy się sprzężenie zwrotne. Dzięki rozwojowi turystyki i zwiększonej liczbie odwiedzających Polskę turystów jest potrzeba stworzenia nowych placówek w sektorze gastronomicznym. To z kolei zachęca turystów do przyjazdów do miejsc o rozwiniętej infrastrukturze, między innymi gastronomicznej. Z badań wynika, że Polacy coraz częściej podróżują w celach turystycznych i coraz częściej korzystają z usług gastronomicznych. Blisko połowa konsumentów usług gastronomicznych w aglomeracji warszawskiej deklarowała, że wyjazdy turystyczne i podróże są okazją sprzyjającą korzystaniu z usług gastronomicznych. Wzrost realnych dochodów ludności, wzrastający standard życia, zmieniający się styl życia i wydłużanie się czasu wolnego będą w dalszym ciągu wpływać na rosnący popyt na usługi turystyczne i gastronomiczne.The development of food services and hospitality services in Poland is compactly related. Mutual relations take place between the food services and the tourism. Thanks to the development of the tourism and to accelerated number of visiting Poland, as well as by internal tourists, it has stimulated the creation of new food and drink places. This in turn encourages tourists to arrive in places with fully developed infrastructure among other things food services. According to research, it results that Poles more often travel in tourist aim sand more often take advantages of food services. Near the half of consumers of food services in Warsaw agglomeration declared that tourist trips and journeys were a favorable opportunity for using of food services. The increase of real incomes of the population and living standard, changes in the lifestyle and lengthen of the free time still will influence on the growth of demand on tourism and food services

    Franchise Chains Catering Services

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    In recent years, Poland has witnessed the development of enterprises operating in services across the board. This is shown by the growth of GUS income from catering in one year because, inter alia, many new entrepreneurs decide to start a business in this industry. Many entrepreneurs decide to open a business on the basis of a franchise agreement. It can be seen that this business model is becoming increasingly popular in Poland. The market contains nearly a thousand franchise systems, including more than 140 in the catering industry

    Lifestyle and leisure time of working Warsaw inhabitants

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    The huge development of education and science influenced the civilization progress and the improvement of living conditions of the life of the population, but it also caused changes in the lifestyle and the way of spending free time. The survey respondents were from Warsaw, between the age of 25–45, currently working. The survey comprised 500 respondents. The survey was conducted in 2006 and 2007. The results of the survey show, that the majority of the respondents (46,6%) possess the average physical activity. Only 15,6% admitted that they cultivated sport regularly. Unfortunately most often, the respondents spend their free time in the passive way, in front of the TV, the computer or in the cinemas. Only 19,6% declared active time spending, but not regularly. The results find confirmation in the results of different surveys. The results are very disturbing, because low physical activity is the cause of many illnesses and the fall of the quality of the living

    Reasons for choosing mobile phones operator in Poland

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    Usługi telefonii komórkowej w Polsce w ostatnich latach silnie się rozwijają. Istniejące na rynku firmy rywalizują ze sobą, by osiągnąć pożądaną pozycję i udział w rynku. Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie stanu rynku telefonii komórkowej oraz motywów wyboru operatora telefonii komórkowej w Polsce w świetle opinii klientów. Na polskim rynku usług telefonii komórkowej funkcjonuje czterech wielkich operatorów, którzy świadczą usługi dla 96,8% rynku. Przeprowadzone badania pokazały, że klienci dokładnie analizują oferty operatorów, zanim podejmą decyzję o zakupie usługi lub zmiany operatora, a także, że firmy są konkurencyjne na różnych polach działania.Mobile phones services in Poland is growing dynamically in recent years. The aim of the paper was to present the condition of the mobile phones market in Poland and the motives for choosing mobile operator in Poland on the competitiveness of enterprises in the light of the opinion of the customers. There are four major operators on the market of mobile phones services in Poland, which provide services to 96.8% on the market. The research has shown customers thoroughly analyze offers operators, before they take decisions on the purchase of a service or of a change of operator. The research has shown also that companies are competing on the various fields of action