1,064 research outputs found

    Using a Cell-based WLAN Infrastructure Design for Resource-effective and Accurate Positioning

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    A large scale WLAN infrastructure requires the placement of many thousands of access points (APs). The current approach is to deploy these in an empirical and ad-hoc manner. However, this deployment results in poor resource utilization and inaccurate positioning due to signal overlap and black spots. In this paper, we propose three structured approaches to WLAN infrastructure deployment that would allow better positioning accuracy and optimal coverage. These three approaches make use of triangular, square, and hexagonal configurations. Our results show that all three are more effective in both 2-D and 3-D space than any of the current ad-hoc or empirical approaches to AP deployment. Overall, the hexagonal approach is the most cost effective and accurate. It allows better positioning with fewer APs than are normally used. As a further contribution, 3-D rendering of buildings and wireless signal coverage could give engineers a concrete visualization that helps them to foresee where the blind spots are in advance and how signal varied across multi-story buildings, such that engineers could estimate the optimal number of APs and where they should be placed

    Vaccinating the Young Calf with a Parenteral Adjuvanted Vaccine to Develop a Protective BRSV IgA nasal Response

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    Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of an adjuvanted modified live virus (MLV) vaccine in the presence of well-defined maternal passive immunity.Study Description Calves were vaccinated at approximately 1 month of age and challenged ~90 days later when BRSV systemic antibodies were less than 1:4. Clinical signs, nasal secretions and blood samples for virus measurement [polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and virus isolation (VI)] and to measure for mucosal BRSV IgA antibodies were collected and the animals were euthanized and necropsied 8 days post infection. Body temperature and other clinical signs were lower at 6 and 7 days post challenge in the vaccinates. Nasal viral shed was 3–4 times lower in the vaccinated animals as measured by VI and PCR compared to the controls. On day 8 following challenge, animals were necropsied, and lung lobes were scored and tested for virus by PCR and indirect fluorescent assay (IFA). There was a 25-fold reduction in PCR virus detection in vaccinates and two of the vaccinated calves’ lungs were PCR negative. Only 29.4% of vaccinated calves were BRSV positive on IFA testing at necropsy, while 87.5% of control calves were BRSV positive. Vaccinated calves developed a mucosal BRSV IgA response with over 50% of the vaccinated calves having IgA prior to challenge and all vaccinated calves were positive following challenge

    Daily Parent-Adolescent Digital Exchanges

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    The present study tracked adolescents via mobile phones to describe how parents and their adolescent children are using digital technologies in daily life (i.e. facilitating warmth and behavioral control), and whether these uses are associated with the quality of offline parent-adolescent interactions and with adolescents’ mental health. A sample of young adolescents (N = 388; mean age 13.37) completed a 14-day ecological momentary assessment in 2016- 2017, reporting on their daily digital contact and offline interactions with their parents and their mental health. Adolescents reported using texting and calling to communicate somewhat infrequently with their parents (i.e., on 29% of days), but days with more digital contacts (for both warmth and behavioral control) were also more likely to be characterized by more positive offline interactions with parents. Furthermore, adolescents struggling with mental health symptoms across the study period reported using texts/calls more frequently to seek out parent support, and parents were more likely to do text/call “check ins” on young people who were experiencing more behavioral problems. Results highlight the potential for digital communication devices to be used as tools in fostering parent-adolescent connection, support provision, and behavioral control in the digital era

    A Hierarchical Cascade of Second Messengers Regulates Pseudomonas aeruginosa Surface Behaviors

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    Biofilms are surface-attached multicellular communities. Using single-cell tracking microscopy, we showed that apilY1 mutant of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is defective in early biofilm formation. We leveraged the observation that PilY1 pro- tein levels increase on a surface to perform a genetic screen to identify mutants altered in surface-grown expression of this pro- tein. Based on our genetic studies, we found that soon after initiating surface growth, cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels increase, depen- dent on PilJ, a chemoreceptor-like protein of the Pil-Chp complex, and the type IV pilus (TFP). cAMP and its receptor protein Vfr, together with the FimS-AlgR two-component system (TCS), upregulate the expression of PilY1 upon surface growth. FimS and PilJ interact, suggesting a mechanism by which Pil-Chp can regulate FimS function. The subsequent secretion of PilY1 is dependent on the TFP assembly system; thus, PilY1 is not deployed until the pilus is assembled, allowing an ordered signaling cascade. Cell surface-associated PilY1 in turn signals through the TFP alignment complex PilMNOP and the diguanylate cyclase SadC to activate downstream cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP) production, thereby repressing swarming motility. Overall, our data support a model whereby P. aeruginosa senses the surface through the Pil-Chp chemotaxis-like complex, TFP, and PilY1 to reg- ulate cAMP and c-di-GMP production, thereby employing a hierarchical regulatory cascade of second messengers to coordinate its program of surface behaviors

    A Statistical Shape Model of the Morphological Variation of the Infrarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Neck

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    Hostile aortic neck characteristics, such as short length and large diameter, have been associated with type Ia endoleaks and reintervention after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). However, such characteristics partially describe the complex aortic neck morphology. A more comprehensive quantitative description of 3D neck shape might lead to new insights into the relationship between aortic neck morphology and EVAR outcomes in individual patients. This study identifies the 3D morphological shape components that describe the infrarenal aortic neck through a statistical shape model (SSM). Pre-EVAR CT scans of 97 patients were used to develop the SSM. Parameterization of the morphology was based on the center lumen line reconstruction, a triangular surface mesh of the aortic lumen, 3D coordinates of the renal arteries, and the distal end of the aortic neck. A principal component analysis of the parametrization of the aortic neck coordinates was used as input for the SSM. The SSM consisted of 96 principal components (PCs) that each described a unique shape feature. The first five PCs represented 95% of the total morphological variation in the dataset. The SSM is an objective model that provides a quantitative description of the neck morphology of an individual patient

    Energy Flow in Interjet Radiation

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    We study the distribution of transverse energy, Q_Omega, radiated into an arbitrary interjet angular region, Omega, in high-p_T two-jet events. Using an approximation that emphasizes radiation directly from the partons that undergo the hard scattering, we find a distribution that can be extrapolated smoothly to Q_Omega=Lambda_QCD, where it vanishes. This method, which we apply numerically in a valence quark approximation, provides a class of predictions on transverse energy radiated between jets, as a function of jet energy and rapidity, and of the choice of the region Omega in which the energy is measured. We discuss the relation of our approximation to the radiation from unobserved partons of intermediate energy, whose importance was identified by Dasgupta and Salam.Comment: 26 pages, 8 eps figures. Revised to include a discussion of non-global logarithm

    "Combined Diagnostic Tool" APPlication to a Retrospective Series of Patients Undergoing Total Joint Revision Surgery

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    Background: Differentiating between septic and aseptic joint prosthesis may be challenging, since no single test is able to confirm or rule out infection. The choice and interpretation of the panel of tests performed in any case often relies on empirical evaluation and poorly validated scores. The "Combined Diagnostic Tool (CDT)" App, a smartphone application for iOS, was developed to allow to automatically calculate the probability of having a of periprosthetic joint infection, on the basis of the relative sensitivity and specificity of the positive and negative diagnostic tests performed in any given patient. Objective: The aim of the present study was to apply the CDT software to investigate the ability of the tests routinely performed in three high-volume European centers to diagnose a periprosthetic infection. Methods: This three-center retrospective study included 120 consecutive patients undergoing total hip or knee revision, and included 65 infected patients (Group A) and 55 patients without infection (Group B). The following parameters were evaluated: number and type of positive and negative diagnostic tests performed pre-, intra- and post-operatively and resultant probability calculated by the CDT App of having a peri-prosthetic joint infection, based on pre-, intra- and post-operative combined tests. Results: Serological tests were the most common performed, with an average 2.7 tests per patient for Group A and 2.2 for Group B, followed by joint aspiration (0.9 and 0.8 tests per patient, respectively) and imaging techniques (0.5 and 0.2 test per patient). Mean CDT App calculated probability of having an infection based on pre-operative tests was 79.4% for patients in Group A and 35.7 in Group B. Twenty-nine patients in Group A had > 10% chance of not having an infection, and 29 of Group B had > 10% chance of having an infection. Conclusion: This is the first retrospective study focused on investigating the number and type of tests commonly performed prior to joint revision surgery and aimed at evaluating their combined ability to diagnose a peri-prosthetic infection. CDT App allowed us to demonstrate that, on average, the routine combination of commonly used tests is unable to diagnose pre-operatively a peri-prosthetic infection with a probability higher than 90%

    Does cemented or cementless single-stage exchange arthroplasty of chronic periprosthetic hip infections provide similar infection rates to a two-stage? A systematic review

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    Background: The best surgical modality for treating chronic periprosthetic hip infections remains controversial, with a lack of randomised controlled studies. The aim of this systematic review is to compare the infection recurrence rate after a single-stage versus a two-stage exchange arthroplasty, and the rate of cemented versus cementless single-stage exchange arthroplasty for chronic periprosthetic hip infections. Methods: We searched for eligible studies published up to December 2015. Full text or abstract in English were reviewed. We included studies reporting the infection recurrence rate as the outcome of interest following single- or two-stage exchange arthroplasty, or both, with a minimum follow-up of 12 months. Two reviewers independently abstracted data and appraised quality assessment. Results: After study selection, 90 observational studies were included. The majority of studies were focused on a two-stage hip exchange arthroplasty (65 %), 18 % on a single-stage exchange, and only a 17 % were comparative studies. There was no statistically significant difference between a single-stage versus a two-stage exchange in terms of recurrence of infection in controlled studies (pooled odds ratio of 1.37 [95 % CI = 0.68-2.74, I2 = 45.5 %]). Similarly, the recurrence infection rate in cementless versus cemented single-stage hip exchanges failed to demonstrate a significant difference, due to the substantial heterogeneity among the studies. Conclusion: Despite the methodological limitations and the heterogeneity between single cohorts studies, if we considered only the available controlled studies no superiority was demonstrated between a single- and two-stage exchange at a minimum of 12 months follow-up. The overalapping of confidence intervals related to single-stage cementless and cemented hip exchanges, showed no superiority of either technique

    Leptogenesis through direct inflaton decay to light particles

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    We present a scenario of nonthermal leptogenesis following supersymmetric hybrid inflation, in the case where inflaton decay to both heavy right handed neutrino and SU(2)_L triplet superfields is kinematically disallowed. Lepton asymmetry is generated through the decay of the inflaton into light particles by the interference of one-loop diagrams with right handed neutrino and SU(2)_L triplet exchange respectively. We require superpotential couplings explicitly violating a U(1) R-symmetry and R-parity. However, the broken R-parity need not have currently observable low-energy signatures. Also, the lightest sparticle can be stable. Some R-parity violating slepton decays may, though, be detectable in the future colliders. We take into account the constraints from neutrino masses and mixing and the preservation of the primordial lepton asymmetry.Comment: 11 pages including 3 figures, uses Revtex, minor corrections, references adde
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