877 research outputs found
AbstractThis study shows the subordination of the heroine of Burung-Burung Rantau (1992) by Y. B. Mangunwijaya by observing narration and focalization. Analysis of the narration is done by using the narrative techniques proposed by Genette (1980) and study of focalization is conducted by using the focalization by Kenan (2003). Narrator and focalizator subordinate the heroine in the aspect of the body and sexuality, marriage, and education related to gender issues. By analyzing the diction used by focalizator in scrutinizing the heroine, diction places the heroin in the lower position as well. Key words: Subordination, narration, focalization, diction, gende
Kecerdasan emosional telah banyak mendapat perhatian luar biasa dari berbagai kalangan dan sering
dianggap sebagai obat mujarab untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah psikologis dan sosial. Dalam institusi
pendidikan maupun organisasi, kecerdasan umum masih merupakan prediktor utama dalam indikator objektif
performa pekerja maupun siswa seperti produktivitas dan indeks prestasi kumulatif. Akan tetapi indikator
objektif ini bukan sumber tunggal dalam menilai karyawan dan siswa ataupun menentukan keberhasilan
mereka. Emosi juga erat kaitannya dengan pencapaian tujuan individu yang bersangkutan. Maka logis apabila
kecerdasan emosional dianggap sebagai salah satu penentu dalam kesuksesan, kinerja, dan perilaku adaptif
Resolvent set of the M/MB/1 operator
AbstractFirst, we prove that the M/MB/1 operator is a conservative operator, thus showing that the M/MB/1 queueing model has a unique positive time-dependent solution which satisfies the probability condition, and then prove that all points on the imaginary axis except for zero belong to the resolvent set of this operator
Gender and Crimes in Fiction: A Reading of Khaled Hosseini’s Thousand Splendid Suns
ABSTRACTThis research investigates how gender and crimes are presented in fiction. This study analyses Khaled Hosseini’s novel A Thousand Splendid Suns (2007). By using descriptive statistics on how the narrative devices narrate the female characters, this research explores the female characters as victim and perpetrator in crimes. Butler (1990) believes that gender ideology refers to a convention that builds the way of the body is viewed as a culture. She proposes that gender departs from sexual opposition that differs between male and female. Then, it distinguishes characteristics between male and female roles. Furthermore, analysing gender means not only looking at the differences between male and female, but also discussing how gender as a hierarchy puts male as a centre that wields power, and marginalises female’s role. Narrative techniques are used as a tool to assess the author’s idea in a narrative (Genette 1970; Kenan 2003). Kenan (2003) argues that focalization, which is derived from Genette’s notion of voice, is an important tool to analyse whose perspective is used in narrative, who focalizes it, and the contents of the focalization. Keywords: gender, crimes, focalization, narrativ
Pemeriksaan Jamur Candida sp. Pada Kulit Balita Pengguna Popok Sekali Pakai Di Lingkungan RW.005 Kelurahan Jatiranggon Kecamatan Jatisampurna
Salah satu penyakit mikosis superfisial yang disebabkan oleh jamur Candidaadalah dermatitis popok atau lebih sering disebut dengan eksim popok yaitu ruam yang timbul akibat radang di daerah yang tertutup popok, yaitu alat kelamin, sekitar dubur, lipat paha, dan perut bagian bawah. Tujuan umum adalah untuk mengetahui berapa banyak persentase balita yang terkena dermatitis popok karena Candidapada bagian inkuinal yang menggunakan popok sekali pakai di lingkungan RW.005 Kelurahan Jatiranggon Kecamatan Jatisampurna Bekasi. Hasil Penelitian ini adalah Balita yang menderita dermatitis popok akibat jamur Candidia sp sebanyak 25 (52,08%) balita dari 48 balita yang diperiksa.Berdasarkan jenis kelamin dari 21 balita perempuan yang menderita dermatitis popok akibat jamur Candida sp sebanyak 14 (66,67%) balita, sedangkan dari 27 balita laki-laki yang menderita dermatitis popok akibat jamurCandida sp sebanyak 11 (40,74%) balita.Berdasarkan usia didapatkan hasil positif Candida sp sebanyak 15 (48,74%) balita pada usia 0-2 tahun, 9 (60,00%) balita pada usia 2-4 tahun, dan 1 (50,00%) balita pada usia 4 tahun.Berdasarkan frekuensi mengganti popok menunjukan bahwa lamanya pemakaian popok 1-2 kali dalam sehari yang positif Candida sp 13 (48,15%), pada balita yang menggunakan popok 3-4 kali dalam sehari yang positif Candida sp  sebanyak 7 (53,85%), dan yang menggunakan popok 4 kali dalam sehari yang positif Candida sp sebanyak 5 (62,50%). Kata Kunci : Candida sp,Popok, dermatitis popo
Tulisan ini menelaah sepuluh cerita pendek dalam ―Ketut Rapti: Kumpulan CeritaPerempuan‖ (2017) karya Ni Komang Ariani terkait peran gender. Butler (1990)mendefinisikan gender sebagai sebuah konstruksi budaya – yang membedakanlaki-laki dan perempuan berdasarkan aspek biologis jenis kelamin dan kemudian dikenal sebagai oposisi biner gender tradisional: laki-laki (maskulin) dan perempuan (feminin). Artikel ini membahas peran gender yang meliputi aspek perbuatan/sikap dan aspek pemikiran dari narator dan tokoh dalam cerpen. Peran gender dalam narasi dibedah dengan menggunakan teknik fokalisasi (Kenan, 2003). Telaah ini menghasilkan cara pandang baru terhadap oposisi biner peran gender tradisional bahwa gender tidak selalu bersifat statis melainkan dinamis, fluktuatif dan fluid.Kata kunci: peran gender, fluktuatif, fluid, fokalisas
Gender and Crimes in Fiction: A Reading of Khaled Hosseini’s Thousand Splendid Suns
ABSTRACTThis research investigates how gender and crimes are presented in fiction. This study analyses Khaled Hosseini’s novel A Thousand Splendid Suns (2007). By using descriptive statistics on how the narrative devices narrate the female characters, this research explores the female characters as victim and perpetrator in crimes. Butler (1990) believes that gender ideology refers to a convention that builds the way of the body is viewed as a culture. She proposes that gender departs from sexual opposition that differs between male and female. Then, it distinguishes characteristics between male and female roles. Furthermore, analysing gender means not only looking at the differences between male and female, but also discussing how gender as a hierarchy puts male as a centre that wields power, and marginalises female’s role. Narrative techniques are used as a tool to assess the author’s idea in a narrative (Genette 1970; Kenan 2003). Kenan (2003) argues that focalization, which is derived from Genette’s notion of voice, is an important tool to analyse whose perspective is used in narrative, who focalizes it, and the contents of the focalization. Keywords: gender, crimes, focalization, narrativ
Analyzing the Awareness of the Resources Available to Protect Residents from Lead Exposure
There are many people at risk of lead-based paint exposure in Broome County, especially low-income families since they tend to live in older homes. This research project examines the question: how aware are residents in low-income areas of the resources available to ensure they are not at risk of exposure to lead-based paint? To answer this question data has been gathered from programs connected to the Broome County Health Department that provide resources to reduce environmental health issues in homes. I anticipate that the results will show that awareness of the resources available have increased over time with the increase of more response to the issue, however, awareness could be escalated even further by targeting low-income households directly. This study emphasizes the need to not only make resources available to people but also make people aware that they are there to help them. With this information, more effective results can come from these resources. The more people know about the resources available to prevent lead poisoning, the more low-income households can be protected from health issues.https://orb.binghamton.edu/research_days_posters_2022/1027/thumbnail.jp
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