3,826 research outputs found

    Variational Integrators and the Newmark Algorithm for Conservative and Dissipative Mechanical Systems

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    The purpose of this work is twofold. First, we demonstrate analytically that the classical Newmark family as well as related integration algorithms are variational in the sense of the Veselov formulation of discrete mechanics. Such variational algorithms are well known to be symplectic and momentum preserving and to often have excellent global energy behavior. This analytical result is veried through numerical examples and is believed to be one of the primary reasons that this class of algorithms performs so well. Second, we develop algorithms for mechanical systems with forcing, and in particular, for dissipative systems. In this case, we develop integrators that are based on a discretization of the Lagrange d'Alembert principle as well as on a variational formulation of dissipation. It is demonstrated that these types of structured integrators have good numerical behavior in terms of obtaining the correct amounts by which the energy changes over the integration run

    Quasinormal mode approach to modelling light-emission and propagation in nanoplasmonics

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    We describe a powerful and intuitive technique for modeling light-matter interactions in classical and quantum nanoplasmonics. Our approach uses a quasinormal mode expansion of the Green function within a metal nanoresonator of arbitrary shape, together with a Dyson equation, to derive an expression for the spontaneous decay rate and far field propagator from dipole oscillators outside resonators. For a single quasinormal mode, at field positions outside the quasi-static coupling regime, we give a closed form solution for the Purcell factor and generalized effective mode volume. We augment this with an analytic expression for the divergent LDOS very near the metal surface, which allows us to derive a simple and highly accurate expression for the electric field outside the metal resonator at distances from a few nanometers to infinity. This intuitive formalism provides an enormous simplification over full numerical calculations and fixes several pending problems in quasinormal mode theory
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