79 research outputs found

    Multidimensional Atomic Force Microscopy: A Versatile Novel Technology for Nanopharmacology Research

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    Nanotechnology is giving us a glimpse into a nascent field of nanopharmacology that deals with pharmacological phenomena at molecular scale. This review presents our perspective on the use of scanning probe microscopy techniques with special emphasis to multidimensional atomic force microscopy (m-AFM) to explore this new field with a particular emphasis to define targets, design therapeutics, and track outcomes of molecular-scale pharmacological interactions. The approach will be to first discuss operating principles of m-AFM and provide representative examples of studies to understand human health and disease at the molecular level and then to address different strategies in defining target macromolecules, screening potential drug candidates, developing and characterizing of drug delivery systems, and monitoring target–drug interactions. Finally, we will discuss some future directions including AFM tip-based parallel sensors integrated with other high-throughput technologies which could be a powerful platform for drug discovery

    Tightening slip knots in raw and degummed silk to increase toughness without losing strength

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    NMP is supported by the European Research Council (ERC StG Ideas 2011 BIHSNAM n. 279985 on “Bio-Inspired hierarchical super-nanomaterials”, ERC PoC 2013-1 REPLICA2 n. 619448 on “Large-area replication of biological anti-adhesive nanosurfaces”, ERC PoC 2013-2 KNOTOUGH n. 632277 on “Super-tough knotted fibres”), by the European Commission under the Graphene Flagship (WP10 “Nanocomposites”, n. 604391) and by the Provincia Autonoma di Trento (“Graphene Nanocomposites”, n. S116/2012-242637 and reg.delib. n. 2266)

    Nanoparticle Induced Cell Magneto-Rotation: Monitoring Morphology, Stress and Drug Sensitivity of a Suspended Single Cancer Cell

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    Single cell analysis has allowed critical discoveries in drug testing, immunobiology and stem cell research. In addition, a change from two to three dimensional growth conditions radically affects cell behavior. This already resulted in new observations on gene expression and communication networks and in better predictions of cell responses to their environment. However, it is still difficult to study the size and shape of single cells that are freely suspended, where morphological changes are highly significant. Described here is a new method for quantitative real time monitoring of cell size and morphology, on single live suspended cancer cells, unconfined in three dimensions. The precision is comparable to that of the best optical microscopes, but, in contrast, there is no need for confining the cell to the imaging plane. The here first introduced cell magnetorotation (CM) method is made possible by nanoparticle induced cell magnetization. By using a rotating magnetic field, the magnetically labeled cell is actively rotated, and the rotational period is measured in real-time. A change in morphology induces a change in the rotational period of the suspended cell (e.g. when the cell gets bigger it rotates slower). The ability to monitor, in real time, cell swelling or death, at the single cell level, is demonstrated. This method could thus be used for multiplexed real time single cell morphology analysis, with implications for drug testing, drug discovery, genomics and three-dimensional culturing

    Molecular mechanics of mineralized collagen fibrils in bone

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    Bone is a natural composite of collagen protein and the mineral hydroxyapatite. The structure of bone is known to be important to its load-bearing characteristics, but relatively little is known about this structure or the mechanism that govern deformation at the molecular scale. Here we perform full-atomistic calculations of the three-dimensional molecular structure of a mineralized collagen protein matrix to try to better understand its mechanical characteristics under tensile loading at various mineral densities. We find that as the mineral density increases, the tensile modulus of the network increases monotonically and well beyond that of pure collagen fibrils. Our results suggest that the mineral crystals within this network bears up to four times the stress of the collagen fibrils, whereas the collagen is predominantly responsible for the material’s deformation response. These findings reveal the mechanism by which bone is able to achieve superior energy dissipation and fracture resistance characteristics beyond its individual constituents.United States. Office of Naval Research (N000141010562)United States. Army Research Office (W991NF-09-1-0541)United States. Army Research Office (W911NF-10-1-0127)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CMMI-0642545

    Nonlinear flexure coupling elements for precision control of multibody systems

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    Conventional multibody systems used in robotics and automated machinery contain bearing components that exhibit complex and uncertain tribological characteristics. These limit fundamentally the precision of the automated motion and also cause wear. Replacing traditional bearing joints with flexure couplings eliminates these tribological effects, together with wear, reducing necessary system maintenance and offering a potential for increased motion precision. A flexure-coupled multibody system is considered and a novel general solution technique is presented. Derivation of a large deflection flexure coupling model is provided and subsequently validated using an experimental facility. A focused study of a unique double flexure coupling-rigid body system is given; the formulated nonlinear mathematical model can be utilised for feedforward control. Equivalent control is also applied to a corresponding system with traditional bearing joints. The feasibility of replacing bearing joints by flexure couplings is demonstrated in terms of accurate large displacement control and reduction of high frequency disturbances