13 research outputs found

    Feeling of pleasure to high-intensity interval exercise is dependent of the number of work bouts and physical activity status

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    Objectives: To examine the affective responses during a single bout of a low-volume HIIE in active and insufficiently active men. Materials and methods: Fifty-eight men (aged 25.3 ± 3.6 years) volunteered to participate in this study: i) active (n = 29) and ii) insufficiently active (n = 29). Each subject undertook i) initial screening and physical evaluation, ii) maximal exercise test, and iii) a single bout of a low-volume HIIE. The HIIE protocol consisted of 10 x 60s work bouts at 90% of maximal treadmill velocity (MTV) interspersed with 60s of active recovery at 30% of MTV. Affective responses (Feeling Scale, -5/+5), rating of perceived exertion (Borg's RPE, 6-20), and heart rate (HR) were recorded during the last 10s of each work bout. A two-factor mixed-model repeated measures ANOVA, independent-samples t test, and chi-squared test were used to data analysis. Results: There were similar positive affective responses to the first three work bouts between insufficiently active and active men (p > 0.05). However, insufficiently active group displayed lower affective responses over time (work bout 4 to 10) than the active group (p 0.05). Conclusions: Insufficiently active and active men report feelings of pleasure to few work bouts (i.e., 3-4) during low-volume HIIE, while the affective responses become more unpleasant over time for insufficiently active subjects. Investigations on the effects of low-volume HIIE protocols including a fewer number of work bouts on health status and fitness of less active subjects would be interesting, especially in the first training weeks

    Single Cycle Structure-Based Humanization of an Anti-Nerve Growth Factor Therapeutic Antibody

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    Most forms of chronic pain are inadequately treated by present therapeutic options. Compelling evidence has accumulated, demonstrating that Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) is a key modulator of inflammatory and nociceptive responses, and is a promising target for the treatment of human pathologies linked to chronic and inflammatory pain. There is therefore a growing interest in the development of therapeutic molecules antagonising the NGF pathway and its nociceptor sensitization actions, among which function-blocking anti-NGF antibodies are particularly relevant candidates

    Molecular and functional properties of P2X receptors—recent progress and persisting challenges

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    Heterotrophic fixation of CO2 in soil

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    The occurrence of heterotrophic CO2 fixation by soil microorganisms was tested in several mineral soils differing in pH and two artificial soils (a mixture of silica sand, alfalfa powder, and nutrient medium inoculated with a soil suspension). Soils were incubated at ambient (~0.05 vol%) and elevated (~5 vol%) CO2 concentrations under aerobic conditions for up to 21 days. CO2 fixation was detected using either a technique for determining the natural abundance of 13C or by measuring the distribution of labeled 14C-CO2 in soil and bacteria. The effects of elevated CO2 on microbial biomass (direct counts, chloroform fumigation extraction method), composition of microbial community (phospholipid fatty acids), microbial activity (respiration, dehydrogenase activity), and turnover rate were also measured. Heterotrophic CO2 fixation was proven in all soils under study, being higher in neutral soils. The main portion of the fixed CO2 (98–99%) was found in extracellular metabolites while only ~1% CO2 was incorporated into microbial cells. High CO2 concentration always induced an increase in microbial activity, changes in the composition of the microbial community, and a decrease in microbial turnover. The results suggest that heterotrophic CO2 fixation could be a widespread process in soils