16 research outputs found

    Role of Homer Proteins in the Maintenance of Sleep-Wake States

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    Sleep is an evolutionarily conserved process that is linked to diurnal cycles and normal daytime wakefulness. Healthy sleep and wakefulness are integral to a healthy lifestyle; this occurs when an organism is able to maintain long bouts of both sleep and wake. Homer proteins, which function as adaptors for group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors, have been implicated in genetic studies of sleep in both Drosophila and mouse. Drosophila express a single Homer gene product that is upregulated during sleep. By contrast, vertebrates express Homer as both constitutive and immediate early gene (H1a) forms, and H1a is up-regulated during wakefulness. Genetic deletion of Homer in Drosophila results in fragmented sleep and in failure to sustain long bouts of sleep, even under increased sleep drive. However, deletion of Homer1a in mouse results in failure to sustain long bouts of wakefulness. Further evidence for the role of Homer1a in the maintenance of wake comes from the CREB alpha delta mutant mouse, which displays a reduced wake phenotype similar to the Homer1a knockout and fails to up-regulate Homer1a upon sleep loss. Homer1a is a gene whose expression is induced by CREB. Sustained behaviors of the sleep/wake cycle are created by molecular pathways that are distinct from those for arousal or short bouts, and implicate an evolutionarily-conserved role for Homer in sustaining these behaviors

    Multiple dimensions of biodiversity drive human interest in tide pool communities

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    Abstract Activities involving observation of wild organisms (e.g. wildlife watching, tidepooling) can provide recreational and learning opportunities, with biologically diverse animal assemblages expected to be more stimulating to humans. In turn, more diverse communities may enhance human interest and facilitate provisioning of cultural services. However, no experimental tests of this biodiversity-interest hypothesis exist to date. We therefore investigated the effects of different dimensions of animal biodiversity (species richness, phyletic richness and functional diversity) on self-reported interest using tide pools as a model system. We performed two experiments by manipulating: (1) the richness of lower (species) and higher taxonomic levels (phyla) in an image based, online survey, and (2) the richness of the higher taxonomic level (phyla) in live public exhibits. In both experiments, we further quantified functional diversity, which varied freely, and within the online experiment we also included the hue diversity and colourfulness arising from the combination of organisms and the background scenes. Interest was increased by phyletic richness (both studies), animal species richness (online study) and functional diversity (online study). A structural equation model revealed that functional diversity and colourfulness (of the whole scene) also partially mediated the effects of phyletic richness on interest in the online study. In both studies, the presence of three of four phyla additively increased interest, supporting the importance of multiple, diverse phyla rather than a single particularly interesting phylum. These results provide novel experimental evidence that multiple dimensions of biodiversity enhance human interest and suggest that conservation initiatives that maintain or restore biodiversity will help stimulate interest in ecosystems, facilitating educational and recreational benefits

    Do we need gastric acid?

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    Evidence from comparative anatomy and physiology studies indicates that gastric acid secretion developed during the evolution of vertebrates approximately 350 million years ago. The cellular mechanisms that produce gastric acid have been conserved over the millennia and therefore proton pump inhibitors have pharmacological effects in almost all relevant species. These observations suggest that gastric acid provides an important selective advantage; however, in modern-day humans the need for gastric acid can be questioned in light of the widespread use of safe and effective pharmacologic acid suppression. The Kandahar Working Group addressed questions concerning the need, production and effects of gastric acid, specifically: (1) motility in the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract; (2) neuroendocrine factors; (3) digestive and mucosal processes; (4) microbiology, and (5) central processes and psychological involvement. We addressed each topic with the individual models available to answer our questions including animal versus human studies, pharmacologic, surgical as well as pathophysiologic states of acid suppression

    The Respiratory System

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    Copper uptake and trafficking in the brain

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    The aim of this chapter is to give a general view on the current status of the scientific basis for the role of copper in human health and disease, outlining the roles of copper in human metabolism and bioenergetics, its coordination chemistry as well as the biological ligands involved in the multiple steps of metal incorporation. In particular, our attention has been focused towards the interaction of copper status and brain function in health and disease, with particular consideration to the role of copper in the pathogenesis of Wilson’s, of Menkes’s, and of human neurodegenerative diseases. Data on interactions between essential trace elements and copper, from the level of absorption in the gut to other systems in the body, are also presented. Particular attention is paid to copper-dependent enzymes in the central nervous system and to copper uptake and trafficking in brain cells