343 research outputs found

    Self-esteem and mood in obese children and their mothers: A pilot study

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    Objective: A test-retest pilot study was conducted to examine the relationship between overweight/obesity, self-esteem and mood in a group of school-age children, and the degree to which they changed after a tailored psycho-educational intervention. Before and after administering the psycho-educational training, the following aspects were assessed: the child's weight (BMI); the child's and mother's levels of self-esteem and mood; the mother's perception of their child; and the child's general quality of life. Method: Subject to their prior informed consent, 12 overweight/obese children aged between 8 and 13 years, and their mothers were involved in a psycho-educational intervention, which consisted in four meetings with both the children and their mothers. The study consisted in measuring anthropometric parameters and administering specific psychological tests (the CDI, TMA, BDI, B-SE, and CBCL) to both the children and their mothers before and after the psycho-educational intervention. Results: The results showed that a high BMI was associated with depressive symptoms (anhedonia, negative mood) and low self-esteem (family life, body experience). Low levels of self-esteem were also found in 50% of the mothers, with no correlations between the mother's and child's self-esteem. On analyzing the mothers' clinically significant depressive symptoms (cognitive-affective sphere), it emerged that they included the perception of more problems in their child. After the psycho-educational intervention, there were improvements in: the children's BMI; the children's depressive symptoms and self-esteem; the mothers' depressive symptoms and self-esteem; and the mothers' perceptions of their child's problems. Conclusions: Our case series confirmed the association between overweight/obesity and psychological issues. Overweight/obese children need to be also addressed regarding the psychological fallout of their physical condition. Any intervention must also include the parents, to make them more aware, more committed, and better able to help their child change

    A psychological perspective on preterm children: the influence of contextual factors on quality of family interactions

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    Preterm birth has a critical influence on interactive, communicative, and expressive child behaviour, particularly during the first years of life. Few studies have stressed the assessment of mother-father-child interaction in families with preterm children, generating contradictory results. The present study wished to develop these fields: (i) comparing the quality of family interactions between families with preterm children and families with children born at full term; (ii) observing the development of family interactions after six months in the families with children born preterm; (iii) assessing family and contextual factors, as parental stress and social support, in parents of preterm children in order to observe their influence on the quality of family interactions. 78 families are recruited: 39 families with preterm children ( = 19,8 months, SD = 11,05) and 39 families with full-term children ( = 19,66 months; SD = 13,10). Results show that families with preterm children display a low quality of mother-father-child interactions. After six months, family interactions result is generally stable, except for some LTP-scales reflecting a hard adjustment of parenting style to the evolution of the child. In families with preterm children, the parenting stress seemed to be correlated with the quality of mother-father-child interactions

    Alexithymia in young adults with substance use disorders: Critical issues about specificity and treatment predictivity

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    Several studies have reported high rates of alexithymia in drug-dependent individuals, but supporting evidence attests association between alexithymia and a variety of psychiatric disorders, raising doubts about its specificity. Moreover, controversies are emerging about alexithymia assessment: self-report measures present shortcomings with respect to discriminant validity and reliability. As regards treatment for substance use disorders (SUDs), alexithymia has been linked to poorer outcomes, but the results are inconsistent. The aim of the present study is to investigate alexithymia in substance-dependent young adults by examining: (a) the specificity of alexithymia in drug-dependent inpatients, compared to healthy individuals and patients with psychiatric disorders (behavioral and emotional disorders) and (b) the predictivity of alexithymia in determining treatment outcomes in terms of relapses, drop outs from treatment and the rate of relapse per month of treatment. Two studies were conducted to fulfill these aims: Study 1 and Study 2. Study 1 involved 90 late adolescents, aged 17-21. To fulfill the first aim, 30 inpatients diagnosed with SUD were compared with 30 healthy controls and 30 individuals referred to an outpatient neuropsychiatric unit (a). The participants completed the Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 (TAS-20) and the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R). The results indicated that both clinical groups reported higher TAS-20 scores than the non-clinical subjects, but they did not differ from each other (a); moreover, a large correlation was detected between alexithymia and depressive symptoms, as assessed by the SCL-90-R. Study 2 involved 55 inpatients with SUD recruited in a therapeutic community. The participants completed the TAS-20, and clinicians filled out the Observer Alexithymia Scale (OAS). No association was found between self-report and observational measures. Neither self-reported nor observed alexithymia predicted the number of relapses, drop-out from treatment, or the rate of relapses per month of treatment (b). When the interaction with gender was explored, the global score of alexithymia and the "Distant" OAS subscale predicted the number rate relapses only in males. The TAS-20 did not discriminate between the clinical groups. The limited ability of both observed and self-reported measures in predicting treatment outcome raises questions on the specificity of alexithymia among the substance-dependent inpatient population

    Role-playing games as a mean to validate agent-based models: an application to stakeholder-driven urban freight transport policy-making

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    Abstract Agent-based models (ABMs) are widely used to replicate transport environments accounting for interaction among stakeholders. Validation of ABMs implies assessing the extent to which the model, from assumptions to results, is capable of approximating reality. To this end, different methods have been proposed, but yet no widely accepted procedure has emerged. This paper addresses this problem and suggests using a procedure based on role-playing games (RPGs). A first application is described with the intent of providing a preliminary contribution to validate an ABM trying to mimic stakeholders' interaction in a multi-level decision-making process in the context of urban freight transport policy-making. The aim is twofold: (1) understand if the structure of the model and the opinion dynamics envisioned are consistent with a real negotiation process, (2) verify if the results derived from the ABM effort are in line with those derived from a real-life experiment. Results of the first preliminary experiment show that the model seems capable of reproducing real-world processes and confirm that well-thought-out RPGs can contribute to validating ABMs

    Role-playing games as a mean to validate agent-based models : an application to stakeholder-driven urban freight transport policymaking

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    Agent-based models (ABMs) are widely used to replicate transport environments accounting for interaction among stakeholders. Validation of ABMs implies assessing the extent to which the model, from assumptions to results, is capable of approximating reality. To this end, different methods have been proposed, but yet no widely accepted procedure has emerged. This paper addresses this problem and suggests using a procedure based on role-playing games (RPGs). A first application is described with the intent of providing a preliminary contribution to validate an ABM trying to mimic stakeholders’ interaction in a multi-level decisionmaking process in the context of urban freight transport policy-making. The aim is twofold: (1) understand if the structure of the model and the opinion dynamics envisioned are consistent with a real negotiation process, (2) verify if the results derived from the ABM effort are in line with those derived from a real-life experiment. Results of the first preliminary experiment show that the model seems capable of reproducing real-world processes and confirm that well-thought-out RPGs can contribute to validating ABMs. Keywords: city logistics, stakeholder engagement, participatory simulation, model validation, discrete choice modelspublishedVersio

    Smart urban freight planning process: integrating desk, living lab and modelling approaches in decision-making

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    Abstract Purpose This paper proposes an innovative approach to decision-making processes for urban freight planning that could easily be transferred across cities while capable of jointly taking into account: (1) all the conceivable and updated urban freight transport (UFT) measures that should apply to the specific city culture, structure and evolution, (2) all the relevant stakeholders and successfully involve them from the beginning, (3) behavioural, technical, operational, organisational and financial issues. Methods The methodology is organised and deployed in three phases, following three different approaches, i.e.: a "desk approach" for data acquisition and knowledge-based policy rankings; a "living lab approach" to foster stakeholders' engagement in co-creating policies; a "modelling approach" to evaluate policies and find/define an optimised mix of shared applicable/effective policies. Results The three-phase methodology supports public authorities in: (a) increasing knowledge and understanding of the most innovative context-specific UFT policies; (b) integrating UFT policies in strategic urban planning via collaborative participation/governance processes; (c) developing an ex-ante behaviourally consistent, financially robust and technically compatible assessment of shared UFT policy mixes while providing appropriate instruments to facilitate policy adoption and deployment. Conclusions The proposed methodology contributes to the identification and development of effective UFT solutions. Bringing together knowledge acquisition, policy co-creation, behaviour change analysis within a single methodological approach, aimed at identifying an optimised policy package, is both new and needed

    Intergenerational transmission of attachment. Family interactive dynamics and psychopathology: what kind of relationship in adolescence?

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    Introduction: this work is an example of empirical research. The aim was to look to the possible transgenerational influence between parents and adolescents attachment bond to their respective parents, infant armonic and/or disarmonic development and functional or dysfunctional family interactions. Methodology: 40 families with adolescents aged from 12 to 18 years (μ = 14.575, σ = 1.716) coming for a psychodiagnostic evaluation were tested with Lausanne Trilogue Play, Parental Bonding Instrument, Child Behaviour Checklist and Youth Self Report. Hypothesis: a) is there an association between the adolescent’s perceived attachment relationship with his parents and his psychopathological symptoms? In this case a non parametric test for k independent groups was performed. b) is there an association between parents-adolescent interactive dynamics and the parents’ perceived attachment relationship with their parents (adolescent’s grand-parents). In this case correlations and non-parametric test for k independent groups were performed. Results: a) we found significant statistical differences (p < .05) between adolescent psychopathology and the quality of perceived relationship with both the mother and the father. b) we found positive correlations between quality of relationship between the mother and her father (adolescent grandfather) and the scores of some LTP scales concerning normative function; moreover we found negative correlations between the father and his mother (adolescent’s grandmother) and the scores of some LTP scales concerning affective function. Conclusion: these results underline a significant association between the internal working model of the mother and her ways to interact and manage the relation with her adolescent son; this is a clinical evidence too. Another relevant result is the association between adolescent’s psychopathology and his internal working model. Clinical applications regarding these findings should be taken in account when psychotherapeutically working with adolescents and their families

    impulsiveness behavioral disorders and alcohol misuse in teenage students in northern italy

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    association with behavioral disorders, focusing particularly on the "impulsiveness" trait and seeking any gender-related differences. Subjects and methods: The sample consisted of 273 secondary school pupils (in 9th to 13th grade), 140 of them males and 133 females, with a mean age of 15.4 years ± 1.1 SD. The following tests were administered: - The Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11) to measure their impulsiveness; - The Youth Self Report 11-18 (YSR) to identify any psychobehavioral problems; - The Adolescents' Saturday Nights Questionnaire (QAS) (Questionario Adolescenti Sabato Sera) (Gallimberti et al, 2011) to obtain information on the modality and quantity of their alcohol consumption. Results: While a greater degree of impulsiveness was clearly associated with alcohol consumption, heavier drinkers were not more impulsive than more moderate drinkers. This would seem to confirm the hypothesis that a tendency for impulsiveness predisposes to alcohol consumption. On the other hand, our data indicate a higher prevalence of behavioral disorders among heavy drinkers than among more moderate drinkers: the higher the score on the behavioral disorder scales, the higher the alcohol consumption. This picture could represent the behavioral correlates associated with impulsiveness, exacerbated by the neurobiological effects of alcohol on the brain and particularly on the frontal regions (still immature in preadolescence and adolescence), i.e. the site of the functions that are altered in behavioral disorders. The 'gender' variable did not influence the relationship between alcohol consumption and impulsiveness in our sample, but the two genders seemed to differ in their susceptibility to different subdomains of impulsiveness and behavioral disorders, i.e. non-planning impulsiveness with conduct disorder in males and motor impulsiveness with oppositional-defiant disorder in females. Conclusion: This finding is of interest because it enables us to link the use and effects of alcohol in adolescence with certain psychopathologies and to identify a possibly alcohol-related tendency of one or other gender to develop a given disorder

    Emotional Difficulties in Adolescence: Psychopathology and Family Interactions.

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    Introduction. Several studies on developmental age have investigated aspects relating to emotional competence, and alexithymia in particular, showing that it is associated with behavioral problems in childhood and adolescence. Some such research has focused on the relationship between emotional difficulties and family interactions assuming a link between the quality of family relationships and a child\u2019s emotional competence. Subjects and Methods. The aims of the present study were: 1) to compare a group of psychiatric adolescents with a group of \u201chealthy\u201d adolescents in terms of any alexithymia and its relationship with the former\u2019s psychopathological issues; 2) to clarify the relationship, if any, between psychopathology, alexithymia and family interaction patterns in our sample of psychiatric adolescents. The experimental group consisted of 41 psychiatric adolescents and the control group of 41 students matched for gender and age. The Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) was used to identify any alexithymic traits, the Youth Self Report (YSR) 11-18 and the CBCL to detect any psycho-behavioral problems, and the Lausanne Trilogue Play (LTP) to analyze family interactions. Results. There was a higher prevalence of alexithymia among the adolescents with mental health problems than in the control group, and a correlation between their scores for internalizing problems and alexithymia. In the experimental group, adolescents with internalizing problems, somatic complaints and attention difficulties belonged to families revealing high levels of parental conflict. As for alexithymia, adolescents\u2019 difficulty identifying emotions correlated significantly with the same trait in their mothers. This feature also seemed to be associated with better family interactions. Conclusion. Our study confirms the importance of family relationships in the development of emotional skills, and highlights how deficiencies in the development of emotional competence are strongly associated with psychopathologies in adolescence. In the light of these findings, it is advisable in clinical practice to provide psychotherapeutic interventions for teens and their parents

    A Multimodal Knowledge-Based Deep Learning Approach for MGMT Promoter Methylation Identification

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    Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) is considered one of the most aggressive malignant tumors, characterized by a tremendously low survival rate. Despite alkylating chemotherapy being typically adopted to fight this tumor, it is known that O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) enzyme repair abilities can antagonize the cytotoxic effects of alkylating agents, strongly limiting tumor cell destruction. However, it has been observed that MGMT promoter regions may be subject to methylation, a biological process preventing MGMT enzymes from removing the alkyl agents. As a consequence, the presence of the methylation process in GBM patients can be considered a predictive biomarker of response to therapy and a prognosis factor. Unfortunately, identifying signs of methylation is a non-trivial matter, often requiring expensive, time-consuming, and invasive procedures. In this work, we propose to face MGMT promoter methylation identification analyzing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data using a Deep Learning (DL) based approach. In particular, we propose a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) operating on suspicious regions on the FLAIR series, pre-selected through an unsupervised Knowledge-Based filter leveraging both FLAIR and T1-weighted series. The experiments, run on two different publicly available datasets, show that the proposed approach can obtain results comparable to (and in some cases better than) the considered competitor approach while consisting of less than 0.29% of its parameters. Finally, we perform an eXplainable AI (XAI) analysis to take a little step further toward the clinical usability of a DL-based approach for MGMT promoter detection in brain MRI
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