64 research outputs found

    Some Simple Criteria for Gauged R-parity

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    We catalog some simple conditions which are sufficient to guarantee that R-parity survives as an unbroken gauged discrete subgroup of the continuous gauge symmetry in certain supersymmetric extensions of the standard model.Comment: 11 pages, UFIFT-HEP-92-22. v2: TeX formatting fixed, no other change

    Implications of supersymmetric models with natural R-parity conservation

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    In the minimal supersymmetric standard model, the conservation of R-parity is phenomenologically desirable, but is ad hoc in the sense that it is not required for the internal consistency of the theory. However, if B-L is gauged at very high energies, R-parity will be conserved automatically and exactly, provided only that all order parameters carry even integer values of 3(B-L). We propose a minimal extension of the supersymmetric standard model in which R-parity conservation arises naturally in this way. This approach predicts the existence of a very weakly coupled, neutral chiral supermultiplet of particles with electroweak-scale masses and lifetimes which may be cosmologically interesting. Neutrino masses arise via an intermediate-scale seesaw mechanism, and a solution to the μ\mu problem is naturally incorporated. The apparent unification of gauge couplings at high energies is shown to be preserved in this approach. We also discuss a next-to-minimal extension, which predicts a pair of electroweak-scale chiral supermultiplets with electric charge 2.Comment: 19 pages, plain TeX, no figure

    Heterotic Line Bundle Standard Models

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    In a previous publication, arXiv:1106.4804, we have found 200 models from heterotic Calabi-Yau compactifications with line bundles, which lead to standard models after taking appropriate quotients by a discrete symmetry and introducing Wilson lines. In this paper, we construct the resulting standard models explicitly, compute their spectrum including Higgs multiplets, and analyze some of their basic properties. After removing redundancies we find about 400 downstairs models, each with the precise matter spectrum of the supersymmetric standard model, with one, two or three pairs of Higgs doublets and no exotics of any kind. In addition to the standard model gauge group, up to four Green-Schwarz anomalous U(1) symmetries are present in these models, which constrain the allowed operators in the four-dimensional effective supergravity. The vector bosons associated to these anomalous U(1) symmetries are massive. We explicitly compute the spectrum of allowed operators for each model and present the results, together with the defining data of the models, in a database of standard models accessible at http://www-thphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/projects/CalabiYau/linebundlemodels/index.html. Based on these results we analyze elementary phenomenological properties. For example, for about 200 models all dimension four and five proton decay violating operators are forbidden by the additional U(1) symmetries.Comment: 55 pages, Latex, 3 pdf figure

    On the Lagrangian Realization of Non-Critical W{\cal W}-Strings

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    A large class of non-critical string theories with extended worldsheet gauge symmetry are described by two coupled, gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten Models. We give a detailed analysis of the gauge invariant action and in particular the gauge fixing procedure and the resulting BRST symmetries. The results are applied to the example of W3{\cal W}_3 strings.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX (REVTEX macro's

    The Supersymmetric Particle Spectrum

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    We examine the spectrum of supersymmetric particles predicted by grand unified theoretical (GUT) models where the electroweak symmetry breaking is accomplished radiatively. We evolve the soft supersymmetry breaking parameters according to the renormalization group equations (RGE). The minimization of the Higgs potential is conveniently described by means of tadpole diagrams. We present complete one-loop expressions for these minimization conditions, including contributions from the matter and the gauge sectors. We concentrate on the low tanβ\tan \beta fixed point region (that provides a natural explanation of a large top quark mass) for which we find solutions to the RGE satisfying both experimental bounds and fine-tuning criteria. We also find that the constraint from the consideration of the lightest supersymmetric particle as the dark matter of the universe is accommodated in much of parameter space where the lightest neutralino is predominantly gaugino. The supersymmetric mass spectrum displays correlations that are model-independent over much of the GUT parameter space.Comment: 62 pages + 10 PS figures included (uuencoded), MAD/PH/80

    PDL1 Signals through Conserved Sequence Motifs to Overcome Interferon-Mediated Cytotoxicity

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    PDL1 blockade produces remarkable clinical responses, thought to occur by T cell reactivation through prevention of PDL1-PD1 T cell inhibitory interactions. Here, we find that PDL1 cell-intrinsic signaling protects cancer cells from interferon (IFN) cytotoxicity and accelerates tumor progression. PDL1 inhibited IFN signal transduction through a conserved class of sequence motifs that mediate crosstalk with IFN signaling. Abrogation of PDL1 expression or antibody-mediated PDL1 blockade strongly sensitized cancer cells to IFN cytotoxicity through a STAT3/caspase-7-dependent pathway. Moreover, somatic mutations found in human carcinomas within these PDL1 sequence motifs disrupted motif regulation, resulting in PDL1 molecules with enhanced protective activities from type I and type II IFN cytotoxicity. Overall, our results reveal a mode of action of PDL1 in cancer cells as a first line of defense against IFN cytotoxicity

    Relating the CMSSM and SUGRA models with GUT scale and Super-GUT scale Supersymmetry Breaking

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    While the constrained minimal supersymmetric standard model (CMSSM) with universal gaugino masses, m_{1/2}, scalar masses, m_0, and A-terms, A_0, defined at some high energy scale (usually taken to be the GUT scale) is motivated by general features of supergravity models, it does not carry all of the constraints imposed by minimal supergravity (mSUGRA). In particular, the CMSSM does not impose a relation between the trilinear and bilinear soft supersymmetry breaking terms, B_0 = A_0 - m_0, nor does it impose the relation between the soft scalar masses and the gravitino mass, m_0 = m_{3/2}. As a consequence, tan(\beta) is computed given values of the other CMSSM input parameters. By considering a Giudice-Masiero (GM) extension to mSUGRA, one can introduce new parameters to the K\"ahler potential which are associated with the Higgs sector and recover many of the standard CMSSM predictions. However, depending on the value of A_0, one may have a gravitino or a neutralino dark matter candidate. We also consider the consequences of imposing the universality conditions above the GUT scale. This GM extension provides a natural UV completion for the CMSSM.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures; added erratum correcting several equations and results in Sec.2, Sec.3 and 4 remain unaffected and conclusions unchange

    Non-supersymmetric heterotic model building

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    We investigate orbifold and smooth Calabi-Yau compactifications of the non-supersymmetric heterotic SO(16)xSO(16) string. We focus on such Calabi-Yau backgrounds in order to recycle commonly employed techniques, like index theorems and cohomology theory, to determine both the fermionic and bosonic 4D spectra. We argue that the N=0 theory never leads to tachyons on smooth Calabi-Yaus in the large volume approximation. As twisted tachyons may arise on certain singular orbifolds, we conjecture that such tachyonic states are lifted in the full blow-up. We perform model searches on selected orbifold geometries. In particular, we construct an explicit example of a Standard Model-like theory with three generations and a single Higgs field.Comment: 1+30 pages latex, 11 tables; v2: references and minor revisions added, matches version published in JHE

    Many faces of low mass neutralino dark matter in the unconstrained MSSM, LHC data and new signals

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    If all strongly interacting sparticles (the squarks and the gluinos) in an unconstrained minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) are heavier than the corresponding mass lower limits in the minimal supergravity (mSUGRA) model, obtained by the current LHC experiments, then the existing data allow a variety of electroweak (EW) sectors with light sparticles yielding dark matter (DM) relic density allowed by the WMAP data. Some of the sparticles may lie just above the existing lower bounds from LEP and lead to many novel DM producing mechanisms not common in mSUGRA. This is illustrated by revisiting the above squark-gluino mass limits obtained by the ATLAS Collaboration, with an unconstrained EW sector with masses not correlated with the strong sector. Using their selection criteria and the corresponding cross section limits, we find at the generator level using Pythia, that the changes in the mass limits, if any, are by at most 10-12% in most scenarios. In some cases, however, the relaxation of the gluino mass limits are larger (20\approx 20%). If a subset of the strongly interacting sparticles in an unconstrained MSSM are within the reach of the LHC, then signals sensitive to the EW sector may be obtained. This is illustrated by simulating the bljblj\etslash, l=eandμl= e and \mu , and bτjb\tau j\etslash signals in i) the light stop scenario and ii) the light stop-gluino scenario with various light EW sectors allowed by the WMAP data. Some of the more general models may be realized with non-universal scalar and gaugino masses.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure, references added, minor changes in text, to appear in JHE

    Biological activity differences between TGF-β1 and TGF-β3 correlate with differences in the rigidity and arrangement of their component monomers

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    [Image: see text] TGF-β1, -β2, and -β3 are small, secreted signaling proteins. They share 71–80% sequence identity and signal through the same receptors, yet the isoform-specific null mice have distinctive phenotypes and are inviable. The replacement of the coding sequence of TGF-β1 with TGF-β3 and TGF-β3 with TGF-β1 led to only partial rescue of the mutant phenotypes, suggesting that intrinsic differences between them contribute to the requirement of each in vivo. Here, we investigated whether the previously reported differences in the flexibility of the interfacial helix and arrangement of monomers was responsible for the differences in activity by generating two chimeric proteins in which residues 54–75 in the homodimer interface were swapped. Structural analysis of these using NMR and functional analysis using a dermal fibroblast migration assay showed that swapping the interfacial region swapped both the conformational preferences and activity. Conformational and activity differences were also observed between TGF-β3 and a variant with four helix-stabilizing residues from TGF-β1, suggesting that the observed changes were due to increased helical stability and the altered conformation, as proposed. Surface plasmon resonance analysis showed that TGF-β1, TGF-β3, and variants bound the type II signaling receptor, TβRII, nearly identically, but had small differences in the dissociation rate constant for recruitment of the type I signaling receptor, TβRI. However, the latter did not correlate with conformational preference or activity. Hence, the difference in activity arises from differences in their conformations, not their manner of receptor binding, suggesting that a matrix protein that differentially binds them might determine their distinct activities