575 research outputs found

    Handbook of Research on Urban and Territorial Systems and the Intangible Dimension: Survey and Representation

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    Surveying has always been closely linked to the definition of cognitive framework to which it is connected. Carrying out a survey has always meant representing the geometry of the context of interest but also thoroughly investigating the historical dynamics, the tangible, behavioral, and performance-based characteristics. The dimensions of comfort, usually associated with the private, domestic environment, now extends to the urban and territorial context too: perhaps going beyond the sense of the threshold referred to by Walter Benjamin when he described the city as a house with its living rooms. A new concept of habitable city has developed, where we can live, according to Ortega y Gasset, not simply a place for estar (being) but for bienestar (wellbeing)


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    The survey was not extended on a single block, as was the case previously examined, but on a larger portion of territory characterized by diversified manufacturing of building. The urban texture of the historic city center of Chieri, the object of analysis, ranges from the Middle Age, with buildings made of brick masonry and horizontal elements in wooden structure, until, in the sixties of Nineteen Century, with modern buildings made of reinforced concrete. Inside the block it is possible to find buildings rich in architectural and construction typical of an urban transformation that, since medieval age, consolidated, through the Baroque period to the end of the nineteenth century, as a result of strong urban and architectural transformations. The research was developed according to the following steps: - Identification of a sample portion of land characterized by a wide assortment of historical buildings of different architectural features and different uses, with load-bearing masonry structure and stratigraphy of significant historical periods from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century. - Geometrical survey of the actual state and return of buildings in their current state with the identification of the buildings, their height, width, openings at ground level and over, survey of common areas such as hallways, stairwells and courtyards. - Analysis of the fronts, the openings and the development plano-elevation of buildings, the aspect ratio of each architectural element constituting the block; - Identification of materials, the elements making up the organism resistant, both in material and constructive state, with attention to construction techniques and to the connections between the elements, as defined by the DPCM 09/02/2011, for the assessment and mitigation of seismic risk of the cultural heritage in relation to technical standards for construction - Identification of the hierarchy and constructive relations between the building and the urban context. - Identification of carriers as unidirectional or bidirectional load-bearing walls, vertical columns or masonry pillars or galleries. The presence of spaces with a significant height interstory and the presence of buildings sleeve simple or double sleeve. - Identification, where possible, of the areas of discontinuity and inhomogeneities of materials due to different construction phases (additional bodies, cant, substitutions of certain parts of buildings or floors, insertion of new structural elements and balconies etc.)

    Survey of buildings, elaboration of urban maps, databases for describing the seismic behavior of historical sites

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    This research, whose ultimate purpose is the protection of historic city centers through the evaluation of the potential seismic risk involves the technical support of different disciplines. As the matter is characterized within a territorial area, it is obvious the completeness and the ampleness of the necessary knowledge. The contribution of the needed multiple competences, that have broadly been discussed and elaborated, range from the methodological point of view to the historical-critical analysis. The development of the research allowed to evaluate and to highlight some critical operational steps, that have emerged by analyzing the new case study identified in the southwest of the historic center of Chieri. The survey work must be closely linked to the cognitive context. It means it is necessary to represent the environment geometry of the site, but also to investigate the historical memory dynamics, and last but not least the material characteristic of the architectural artifact. This research, whose ultimate goal is protecting the historical urban centers by assessing their seismic potential risk, required the technical support of different disciplines, ranging from structural engineering to history of architecture

    Human beta defensin 2 selectively inhibits HIV-1 in highly permissive CCR6+CD4+ T cells

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    Chemokine receptor type 6 (CCR6)+CD4+ T cells are preferentially infected and depleted during HIV disease progression, but are preserved in non-progressors. CCR6 is expressed on a heterogeneous population of memory CD4+ T cells that are critical to mucosal immunity. Preferential infection of these cells is associated, in part, with high surface expression of CCR5, CXCR4, and α4β7. In addition, CCR6+CD4+ T cells harbor elevated levels of integrated viral DNA and high levels of proliferation markers. We have previously shown that the CCR6 ligands MIP-3α and human beta defensins inhibit HIV replication. The inhibition required CCR6 and the induction of APOBEC3G. Here, we further characterize the induction of apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme (APOBEC3G) by human beta defensin 2. Human beta defensin 2 rapidly induces transcriptional induction of APOBEC3G that involves extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2) activation and the transcription factors NFATc2, NFATc1, and IRF4. We demonstrate that human beta defensin 2 selectively protects primary CCR6+CD4+ T cells infected with HIV-1. The selective protection of CCR6+CD4+ T cell subsets may be critical in maintaining mucosal immune function and preventing disease progression

    La influencia de los tratados internacionales en el derecho del consumidor argentino

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    Sumario: I. El derecho del consumidor: introducción. II. Elderecho del consumidor desde la óptica de las RegulacionesInternacionales. III. El derecho del consumidor desde la ópticade las Regulaciones Regionales. IV. Influencia de lasregulaciones internacionales en el derecho privado y en elderecho del consumidor argentino. Modificaciones que produjola ley 24.240 al Código Civil. V. El derecho del consumidordesde la óptica del derecho argentino: recepción porla doble vía: legal y constitucional. VI. Conclusiones