128 research outputs found

    Formare insegnanti inclusivi: il tirocinio come contesto di crescita professionale

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    Reflexivity as an intentional and systematic action constitutes a pivotal dimension in all educational professions, in particular for specialized support teachers, called to work together with a plurality of subjects in multiple fields.Therefore, supporting the reflective processes in the initial training courses aimed at future specialized teachers becomes essential to overcome any form of technicality and to favor, multiply and amplify the opportunities for active participation by all students in the various educational proposals and the wider society. In this sense, learning to decentralize the look, rereading the practices and pedagogical choices made daily, questioning the convictions and beliefsthat guide them, to explore new opportunities for change, can be fostered and supported by the adoption of self-reflection tools capable of directing the teachers' attention to the multiple components that constitute quality inclusive educational contexts.In this perspective, we intend to examine a training proposal addressed to future teachers of preschools specialized, carried out within the indirect internship meetings of the specialization course (a.y. 2018/2019), in which a self-reflection tool was adopted, recently developed within a broader European research project (European Agency, 2017)

    Relazione educativa, valutazione e lavoro di equipe

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    Prendere in esame le dimensioni organizzative e relazionali di un contesto educativo significa analizzare quei fattori che, pur disegnandone la fisionomia educativa, molto spesso rimangono impliciti e irriflessi. In tal senso, per acquisire e rigenerare nuove consapevolezze circa le implicazioni pedagogiche delle pratiche quotidiane, diviene sempre più necessario promuovere e sostenere i processi di riflessione all’interno di ciascuna èquipe pedagogica, mediante una pluralità di prospettive e metodologie. In quest’ottica, la valutazione formativa del contesto educativo si configura come un processo dialogico e transattivo, nel quale ciascun gruppo di lavoro è attivo nell’interrogare i processi realizzati e attivati con i bambini, al fine di condividere e negoziare i significati, le finalità e i valori che li orientano e, quindi, acquisire maggiori consapevolezze, superando così un’accezione meramente certificativa e classificatoria dell’atto valutativo. In particolare, il poter osservare, descrivere e valutare la qualità della relazione educativa, a partire dall’analisi di alcuni frammenti video riguardanti gli scambi comunicativi realizzati con i bambini, diviene per ciascuna èquipe educativa un’occasione formativa particolarmente rilevante, in quanto consente di soffermarsi su aspetti cardine dell’agire educativo, ma che rischiano di restare inglobati nel flusso delle routine quotidiane e relegati alla discrezionalità del singolo insegnante. Scelte organizzative e modalità relazionali che possono essere ulteriormente interrogate e problematizzate intrecciando tali metodologie con approcci fondati sull’impiego di strategie di scrittura riflessiva, realizzando così con ogni gruppo educativo dei percorsi formativi, nei quali sguardi e saperi differenti si confrontano per co-costruire repertori di significati condivisi e generare nuove consapevolezze.Parole chiave: Relazione Educativa. Valutazione Formativa. Riflessione. Collegialità. Educazione Prescolare. 

    Construindo a avaliação em conjunto: a experimentação de uma abordagem participativa para avaliação na região italiana da Emília Romanha

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    A partir de 2010, na região de Emília Romanha, foi promovido um plano de ação negociado em nível institucional, seguido pela experimentação de uma abordagem participativa para a avaliação dos serviços educativos para a primeira infância. A experimentação, que envolveu serviços públicos e privados, visa à construção de um sistema regional de regulamentação de qualidade educacional na governança pública. As principais características da abordagem de avaliação são a sua natureza social e a sua função formativa, a criação de uma relação de colaboração entre os serviços dentro do processo de autoavaliação, a possibilidade de uma contextualização parcial de ferramentas e procedimentos e o caráter recursivo do processo.Dal 2010 in Regione Emilia Romagna (Italia) è stato promosso, a livello istituzionale, un percorso di elaborazione negoziata e successiva sperimentazione di un approccio partecipato alla valutazione dei servizi educativi per la prima infanzia. La sperimentazione, che sta coinvolgendo progressivamente tutti i servizi pubblici e privati, è finalizzata alla costruzione di un sistema regionale di regolazione della qualità educativa a governance pubblica. Caratteristiche fondamentali dell’approccio valutativo sono la sua natura sociale e la sua funzione formativa, la creazione di un rapporto di collaborazione tra i servizi nell’ambito del processo di auto-eterovalutazione, la possibilità di una parziale contestualizzazione di strumenti e procedure e il carattere ricorsivo del processo.From 2010 in Emilia Romagna Region (Italy) the institutional authority promoted a negotiation process of elaboration and subsequent experimentation of a participative approach to evaluation of educational services for early childhood. The experimentation, that is gradually involving all public and private services, is aimed at the implementation of a regional system of quality regulation in public governance. Key features of the evaluation approach are its formative function and social characterization, the creation of a collaborative relationship beetween educational services within the process of self-evaluation and external evaluation, the possibility of a partial contextualization of evaluation tools and procedures and the recursive nature of the process

    Formare insegnanti inclusivi: il tirocinio come contesto di crescita professionale

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    Reflexivity as an intentional and systematic action constitutes a pivotal dimension in all educational professions, in particular for specialized support teachers, called to work together with a plurality of subjects in multiple fields.Therefore, supporting the reflective processes in the initial training courses aimed at future specialized teachers becomes essential to overcome any form of technicality and to favor, multiply and amplify the opportunities for active participation by all students in the various educational proposals and the wider society. In this sense, learning to decentralize the look, rereading the practices and pedagogical choices made daily, questioning the convictions and beliefsthat guide them, to explore new opportunities for change, can be fostered and supported by the adoption of self-reflection tools capable of directing the teachers' attention to the multiple components that constitute quality inclusive educational contexts.In this perspective, we intend to examine a training proposal addressed to future teachers of preschools specialized, carried out within the indirect internship meetings of the specialization course (a.y. 2018/2019), in which a self-reflection tool was adopted, recently developed within a broader European research project (European Agency, 2017)

    Formare insegnanti inclusivi: il tirocinio come contesto di crescita professionale

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    Reflexivity as an intentional and systematic action constitutes a pivotal dimension in all educational professions, in particular for specialized support teachers, called to work together with a plurality of subjects in multiple fields.Therefore, supporting the reflective processes in the initial training courses aimed at future specialized teachers becomes essential to overcome any form of technicality and to favor, multiply and amplify the opportunities for active participation by all students in the various educational proposals and the wider society. In this sense, learning to decentralize the look, rereading the practices and pedagogical choices made daily, questioning the convictions and beliefsthat guide them, to explore new opportunities for change, can be fostered and supported by the adoption of self-reflection tools capable of directing the teachers' attention to the multiple components that constitute quality inclusive educational contexts.In this perspective, we intend to examine a training proposal addressed to future teachers of preschools specialized, carried out within the indirect internship meetings of the specialization course (a.y. 2018/2019), in which a self-reflection tool was adopted, recently developed within a broader European research project (European Agency, 2017)

    Relação educativa, avaliação e trabalho de equipe

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    Taking into consideration the organizational and relational dimensions of an educational context means analyzing those factors that, although they draw its educational physiognomy, very often remain implicit and unaware. In this sense, to acquire and regenerate new awareness about the pedagogical implications of everyday practices, it becomes increasingly necessary to promote and support the processes of reflection within each pedagogical equipe, through a plurality of perspectives and methodologies. In this perspective, the educational evaluation of the context is outlined as a dialogic and transactive process, in which each working group is active in interrogating the processes implemented and activated with the children, in order to share and negotiate the meanings, the purposes and values that guide them and, therefore, to acquire greater awareness, thus overcoming a merely certification and classificatory view of the evaluation. In particular, being able to observe, describe and evaluate the quality of the teacher-child relationship, starting from the analysis of some video concerning the dialogues realized with the children, becomes an important training opportunity for each educational equipe to dwell on key aspects of educational action, but that they risk becoming embedded in the flow of daily routines and bound to the discretion of the individual teacher. Organizational choices and relational modalities that can be further interrogated and problematized by intertwining these methodologies with approaches based on the use of reflective writing strategies, thus realizing with each educational group the training paths, in which different perspectives and knowledge are compared to co-construct repertoires of shared meanings and generate new awareness

    Formare insegnanti inclusivi: il tirocinio come contesto di crescita professionale

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    Reflexivity as an intentional and systematic action constitutes a pivotal dimension in all educational professions, in particular for specialized support teachers, called to work together with a plurality of subjects in multiple fields.Therefore, supporting the reflective processes in the initial training courses aimed at future specialized teachers becomes essential to overcome any form of technicality and to favor, multiply and amplify the opportunities for active participation by all students in the various educational proposals and the wider society. In this sense, learning to decentralize the look, rereading the practices and pedagogical choices made daily, questioning the convictions and beliefsthat guide them, to explore new opportunities for change, can be fostered and supported by the adoption of self-reflection tools capable of directing the teachers' attention to the multiple components that constitute quality inclusive educational contexts.In this perspective, we intend to examine a training proposal addressed to future teachers of preschools specialized, carried out within the indirect internship meetings of the specialization course (a.y. 2018/2019), in which a self-reflection tool was adopted, recently developed within a broader European research project (European Agency, 2017)

    Role of microstructure in the exploitation of self-healing potential in form-stable composite phase change materials based on immiscible alloys

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    Metallic Phase Change Materials (PCMs), based on solid-liquid transitions, represents one of the most promising technologies for efficient Thermal Energy Storage (TES), due to their superior thermal conductivity and energy storability per unit volume, but suffer of limited solutions for their handling at the molten state. The use of Miscibility Gap Alloys (MGAs) allows to manage PCM volume expansion and keep it confined when molten, preventing interaction with the environment. A relevant example is provided by the Al-Sn system, where Al covers the role of the high-temperature stable and highly thermal-conductive passive matrix and Sn the active PCM. The alloy can thus be considered a Composite PCM (C-PCM). The response fastness of these systems depends on their thermal diffusivity, subjected to abrupt variations under the presence of discontinuities and damages. In this sense, the authors investigated the possibility to employ molten Sn mobility in a potentially damaged C-PCM for self-healing purposes, aimed to restore, at least partially, the material continuity and thus its thermal diffusivity. Exudation heat treatments above the melting temperature of Sn were performed on sets of Al-40%wt. Sn metallic composites, produced either with powder metallurgy or liquid metal routes, in order to quantify and assess the mobility of the Sn under simulated operating conditions. Exudation tests assess Simple Mixed powders and liquid metal routes sample as the ones with the highest healing potential. Al dissolution and re-deposition was established by EDS analyses as one of the principal Sn mobility mechanisms. Laser Flash Analysis tests, as well as microstructural investigations, were performed on the samples before and after both healing-focused and simulated service heat treatments to evaluate the changes of thermal diffusivity. Healing-focused treatment at 250°C for 1 hour generally displayed a moderate thermal diffusivity recovery and simulated service by shorter cycles between 170°C and 270°C slightly reduce it. The beneficial role of healing focused heat treatments at 250°C for 1 hour suggests that the presence of fully molten Sn phase during service for relatively long time could be beneficial for functional healing. The requirements of suitable Al-Sn microstructures for self-healing purposes, granting at the same time the C-PCM functionalities, i.e., thermal energy storage and form-stability, were set

    Valutazione come dialogo

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    L’istituzione del sistema integrato di educazione e di istruzione dalla nascita ai sei anni (Decreto legislativo n.65 del 13 Aprile 2017) mira a garantire a tutti i bambini il diritto all’educazione, riconoscendo nei servizi per l’infanzia dei luoghi di cultura educativa e di inclusione sociale. Tuttavia, oltre ad assicurare l’accessibilità, la sostenibilità e l’inclusività di un tale sistema formativo, diviene necessario interrogarsi circa quali scelte pedagogiche e condizioni organizzative consentono di sostenere e promuovere quotidianamente nei servizi la realizzazione di prassi educative di qualità, sottolineando così l’urgenza di introdurre dei sistemi efficaci di monitoraggio e valutazione, come indicato anche a più riprese dal Consiglio Europeo (Raccomandazione del Consiglio Europeo, 2019). A tal proposito, nella bozza delle Linee pedagogiche per il sistema integrato “zerosei”, nella sezione riservata alla valutazione, si pone in evidenza la funzione formativa e il carattere riflessivo e partecipativo che tale dispositivo deve assumere per permettere all’intero gruppo di lavoro di poter contestualizzare, riflettere e quindi elaborare l’esperienza educativa realizzata, facendo emergere e problematizzando la complessità dei significati in essa racchiusi. In tale prospettiva, la valutazione viene dunque a configurarsi come dispositivo funzionale ad attivare dinamiche di scambio tra i diversi gruppi di educatori e insegnanti, anche in una dinamica di dialogo e confronto tra i servizi, individuando anche i bisogni formativi di uno specifico contesto territoriale e promuovendo il processo di integrazione tra i soggetti istituzionali implicati (Benedetti, Gariboldi, & Maselli, 2017). Infatti, l’efficacia formativa di un processo di valutazione non si esaurisce solamente nell’elaborazione di un progetto di miglioramento, ma è connessa alla capacità di attivare indagini riflessive ed autoriflessive, costruire repertori di significati condivisi e alimentare forme di co-partecipazione all’interno delle equipe educative coinvolte (Bondioli, 2015; Bondioli, & Savio, 2014; Gariboldi, Babini, & Vannini, 2014; Fetterman, 2001; Fetterman, Deitz, & Gesundheit, 2010). Significa, quindi, adottare e implementare un approccio partecipato e corale alla valutazione, valorizzando quest’ultima come un catalizzatore di processi plurimi di apprendimento trasformativo (Bondioli, & Ferrari, 2004; Garaway, 1995; Butler, & Schnellert, 2012). Nel contesto di un approccio formativo e transattivo alla valutazione, il presente contributo intende illustrare due differenti percorsi di autovalutazione, il primo legato al processo di accreditamento dei servizi educativi 0/3 in Regione Emilia-Romagna e il secondo realizzato in 20 scuole dell’infanzia statali della provincia di Como. Pur presentando delle differenze per quanto riguarda gli strumenti utilizzati e le modalità di partecipazione dei vari attori coinvolti, entrambi i percorsi presi in esame si muovono a due livelli: lo sviluppo di pratiche riflessive e trasformative all’interno del singolo servizio e l’attivazione di una dinamica di rete nel contesto di un coordinamento pedagogico territoriale (Benedetti, Gariboldi, & Maselli, 2017). In tale prospettiva, la realizzazione di percorsi di autovalutazione formativa nei servizi per l’infanzia non mira solo a sostenere le equipe nel progettare e realizzare delle possibili azioni di miglioramento, ma è anche volta a promuovere lo sviluppo di una consapevolezza pedagogica di equipe e di una progettualità educativa esplicita e condivisa a livello della rete di servizi e scuole presenti in un determinato territorio, livello essenziale per la realizzazione progressiva di un sistema integrato zerosei di qualità.The establishment of the integrated instruction and education system from birth to six years (Legislative Decree no. 65 of 13 April 2017) aims to guarantee all children the right to education, recognizing the early childhood and care services as places of educational culture and social inclusion. However, in addition to ensuring the accessibility, sustainability, and inclusiveness of such an educational system, it becomes necessary to ask oneself about which pedagogical choices and organizational conditions make it possible to support and promote the implementation of quality daily educational practices in the services, thus underlining the urgency to introduce effective monitoring and evaluation systems, as indicated on several occasions by the European Council (Recommendation of the European Council, 2019). In this regard, in the draft of the pedagogical guidelines for the integrated system "zerosei", in the section reserved for evaluation, the formative function and the reflective and participatory character that this strategy must assume in order to allow the entire working group to be able to contextualize, reflect and then elaborate the educational experience realized, bringing out and problematizing the complexity of the meanings contained in it. In this perspective, evaluation is therefore configured as a functional strategy to activate exchange dynamics between different groups of educators and teachers, also in a dynamic of dialogue and discussion between services, identifying the formative needs of a specific territorial context and promoting the integration process between the institutional subjects involved (Benedetti, Gariboldi, & Maselli, 2017). In fact, the formative efficacy of an evaluation process does not end only in the elaboration of an improvement project but is connected to the ability to activate reflective and self-reflective investigations, to build repertoires of shared meanings, and to nurture forms of co-participation in the educational groups involved (Bondioli, 2015; Bondioli, & Savio, 2014; Gariboldi, Babini, & Vannini, 2014; Fetterman, 2001; Fetterman, Deitz, & Gesundheit, 2010). It, therefore, means adopting and implementing a participatory and unanimous approach to evaluation, valuing the latter as a catalyst for multiple transformative learning processes (Bondioli, & Ferrari, 2004; Garaway, 1995; Butler, & Schnellert, 2012). As part of a formative and participatory approach to evaluation, this contribution intends to illustrate two different self-evaluation paths, the first linked to the accreditation process of 0/3 educational services of the Emilia-Romagna Region and the second carried out in state preschools in the province of Como. While presenting differences with regard to the instruments used and the manners of participation of the various actors involved, both paths examined move on two levels: the development of reflective and transformative practices within the single service and the activation of network dynamics in the context of a territorial pedagogical coordination (Benedetti, Gariboldi, & Maselli, 2017). In this perspective, the realization of educational self-evaluation paths in early childhood and care services not only aims to support the groups of educators and teachers in planning and implementing possible improvement actions but is also aimed at promoting the development of a pedagogical awareness of equipe and of an explicit and shared educational planning at the level of a network of services and preschools present in a specific territory, an essential level for the progressive realization of a zero-six integrated system of quality

    Formare insegnanti inclusivi: il tirocinio come contesto di crescita professionale

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    Reflexivity as an intentional and systematic action constitutes a pivotal dimension in all educational professions, in particular for specialized support teachers, called to work together with a plurality of subjects in multiple fields.Therefore, supporting the reflective processes in the initial training courses aimed at future specialized teachers becomes essential to overcome any form of technicality and to favor, multiply and amplify the opportunities for active participation by all students in the various educational proposals and the wider society. In this sense, learning to decentralize the look, rereading the practices and pedagogical choices made daily, questioning the convictions and beliefsthat guide them, to explore new opportunities for change, can be fostered and supported by the adoption of self-reflection tools capable of directing the teachers' attention to the multiple components that constitute quality inclusive educational contexts.In this perspective, we intend to examine a training proposal addressed to future teachers of preschools specialized, carried out within the indirect internship meetings of the specialization course (a.y. 2018/2019), in which a self-reflection tool was adopted, recently developed within a broader European research project (European Agency, 2017)