5,551 research outputs found

    Fraction of clear skies above astronomical sites: a new analysis from the GOES12 satellite

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    Comparing the number of clear nights (cloud free) available for astronomical observations is a critical task because it should be based on homogeneous methodologies. Current data are mainly based on different judgements based on observer logbooks or on different instruments. In this paper we present a new homogeneous methodology on very different astronomical sites for modern optical astronomy, in order to quantify the available night time fraction. The data are extracted from night time GOES12 satellite infrared images and compared with ground based conditions when available. In this analysis we introduce a wider average matrix and 3-Bands correlation in order to reduce the noise and to distinguish between clear and stable nights. Temporal data are used for the classification. In the time interval 2007-2008 we found that the percentage of the satellite clear nights is 88% at Paranal, 76% at La Silla, 72.5% at La Palma, 59% at Mt. Graham and 86.5% at Tolonchar. The correlation analysis of the three GOES12 infrared bands B3, B4 and B6 indicates that the fraction of the stable nights is lower by 2% to 20% depending on the site

    Effects of additives on the activity of a covalently immobilised lipase in organic media

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    Lipase from Mucor miehei was covalently immobilised onto the graft copolymer poly(ethylene)-g.co-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (PE-g.co-HEMA), partially hydrolysed, via a spacer arm of 1,6-diaminohexane activated with glutaraldehyde. To improve the lipolytic activity of the immobilised lipase (for the synthesis of isoamyl-caprylate, as a model), the effect of several additives was investigated. Polyethylene glycol (PEG), glutaraldehyde, organic solvents and buffers, were added during the immobilisation procedure and their effects are reported and compared with the behaviour of the lipolytic preparation without pre-treatment. An increase of 40-100% in the activity was obtained when small quantities of PEG 2000 and glutaraldehyde (used also as an activator of the spacer arm) were added. The activity had a maximum when the pH of the lipase attachment solution was 7.2 and buffered with phosphate. The effect of the aggregation level of biocatalyst particles on the amount of water retained, as well as the effect of the immobilisation on solid supports on the stability to organic solvents, is also reported.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6T3C-3V8CG7H-7/1/f8c9c7095fea93b2ccae17922a1f89d

    Purine-metabolising enzymes and apoptosis in cancer

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    The enzymes of both de novo and salvage pathways for purine nucleotide synthesis are regulated to meet the demand of nucleic acid precursors during proliferation. Among them, the salvage pathway enzymes seem to play the key role in replenishing the purine pool in dividing and tumour cells that require a greater amount of nucleotides. An imbalance in the purine pools is fundamental not only for preventing cell proliferation, but also, in many cases, to promote apoptosis. It is known that tumour cells harbour several mutations that might lead to defective apoptosis-inducing pathways, and this is probably at the basis of the initial expansion of the population of neoplastic cells. Therefore, knowledge of the molecular mechanisms that lead to apoptosis of tumoural cells is key to predicting the possible success of a drug treatment and planning more effective and focused therapies. In this review, we describe how the modulation of enzymes involved in purine metabolism in tumour cells may affect the apoptotic programme. The enzymes discussed are: ectosolic and cytosolic 5′-nucleotidases, purine nucleoside phosphorylase, adenosine deaminase, hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase, and inosine-5′-monophosphate dehydrogenase, as well as recently described enzymes particularly expressed in tumour cells, such as deoxynucleoside triphosphate triphosphohydrolase and 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine triphosphatase

    SWI/SNF regulates a transcriptional programme that induces senescence to prevent liver cancer

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    Oncogene-induced senescence (OIS) is a potent tumour suppressor mechanism. To identify senescence regulators relevant to cancer, we screened an shRNA library targeting genes deleted in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Here, we describe how knockdown of the SWI/SNF component ARID1B prevents OIS and cooperates with RAS to induce liver tumours. ARID1B controls p16INK4a and p21CIP1a transcription but also regulates DNA damage, oxidative stress and p53 induction, suggesting that SWI/SNF uses additional mechanisms to regulate senescence. To systematically identify SWI/SNF targets regulating senescence, we carried out a focused shRNA screen. We discovered several new senescence regulators including ENTPD7, an enzyme that hydrolyses nucleotides. ENTPD7 affects oxidative stress, DNA damage and senescence. Importantly, expression of ENTPD7 or inhibition of nucleotide synthesis in ARID1B-depleted cells results in re-establishment of senescence. Our results identify novel mechanisms by which epigenetic regulators can affect tumor progression and suggest that pro-senescence therapies could be employed against SWI/SNF-mutated cancers

    Ionized and neutral gas in the peculiar star/cluster complex in NGC 6946

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    The characteristics of ionized and HI gas in the peculiar star/cluster complex in NGC 6946, obtained with the 6-m telescope (BTA) SAO RAS, the Gemini North telescope, and the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT), are presented. The complex is unusual as hosting a super star cluster, the most massive known in an apparently non-interacting giant galaxy. It contains a number of smaller clusters and is bordered by a sharp C-shaped rim. We found that the complex is additionally unusual in having peculiar gas kinematics. The velocity field of the ionized gas reveals a deep oval minimum, ~300 pc in size, centered 7" east of the supercluster. The Vr of the ionized gas in the dip center is 100 km/s lower than in its surroundings, and emission lines within the dip appear to be shock excited. This dip is near the center of an HI hole and a semi-ring of HII regions. The HI (and less certainly, HII) velocity fields reveal expansion, with the velocity reaching ~30 km/s at a distance about 300 pc from the center of expansion, which is near the deep minimum position. The super star cluster is at the western rim of the minimum. The sharp western rim of the whole complex is plausibly a manifestation of a regular dust arc along the complex edge. Different hypotheses about the complex and the Vr depression origins are discussed, including a HVC/dark mini-halo impact, a BCD galaxy merging, and a gas outflow due to release of energy from the supercluster stars.Comment: MN RAS, accepte

    Physical activity level and lifestyle-related risk factors from Catalan physicians.

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    BACKGROUND: Physicians' own Physical Activity (PA) and other health-related habits influence PA promotion. The current study identifies the PA level, according to the current PA recommendations and other health-related habits of physicians from the Catalan Medical Council. METHODS: 2400 physicians (30-55 years) were randomly selected; each received a self-administered mailed questionnaire identifying medical specialization, work setting, health self-perception, body mass index (BMI), PA, and smoking habits. RESULTS: 762 physicians responded (52% female). Almost 1 in 2 (49.3%) exercised sufficiently, nearly all self-perceived good health, while 80.5% were nonsmokers. Almost 6 in 10 males reported overweight or obesity (56.9%) versus 18.2% of females. Active physicians dominated specific groups: (1) aged 45-55 years, (2) specializing either in primary care or surgery, (3) working in the private sector, (4) BMI < 25 kg/m2, (5) perceiving themselves in good health, or (6) having free leisure time. CONCLUSIONS: Only half of Catalan physicians met current PA recommendations; male physicians were particularly at risk for overweight/obesity. Overweight and under-exercise were associated with private workplaces and positive health perceptions, meaning that it is it is now possible to target inactive and/or overweight Catalan physicians in future interventions

    140 ans d'aménagement forestier en Espagne.

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    Cite les principaux faits historiques qui sont à l'origine de la mise en place et des premiers pas de l'aménagement forestier en Espagne pendant la deuxième moitié du XIXè siècle, ainsi que l'évolution au cours du XXè siècle et son état actuel. Si le bilan de ces 140 ans de pratique d'aménagement est globalement très positif, il reste cependant à combler d'importantes lacunes notamment en ce qui concerne les forêts issues de reboisements, ainsi qu'en ce qui concerne les méthodes de conversion fortement conditionnées par des facteurs sociaux et saisonniers surtout dans les forêts feuillues méditerranéennes souvent dégradées

    A Study of the Near-Ultraviolet Spectrum of Vega

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    UV, optical, and near-IR spectra of Vega have been combined to test our understanding of stellar atmospheric opacities, and to examine the possibility of constraining chemical abundances from low-resolution UV fluxes. We have carried out a detailed analysis assuming Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE) to identify the most important contributors to the UV continuous opacity: H, H^{-}, C I, and Si II. Our analysis also assumes that Vega is spherically symmetric and its atmosphere is well described with the plane parallel approximation. Comparing observations and computed fluxes we have been able to discriminate between two different flux scales that have been proposed, the IUE-INES and the HST scales, favoring the latter. The effective temperature and angular diameter derived from the analysis of observed optical and near-UV spectra are in very good agreement with previous determinations based on different techniques. The silicon abundance is poorly constrained by the UV observations of the continuum and strong lines, but the situation is more favorable for carbon and the abundances inferred from the UV continuum and optical absorption lines are in good agreement. Some spectral intervals in the UV spectrum of Vega that the calculations do not reproduce well are likely affected by deviations from LTE, but we conclude that our understanding of UV atmospheric opacities is fairly complete for early A-type stars.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, to be published in Ap