5 research outputs found

    Biology of Anticarsia gemmatalis on soybean genotypes with different degrees of resistance to insects Biologia de Anticarsia gemmatalis em genótipos de soja com diferentes graus de resistência a insetos

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    A knowledge of the mechanisms of resistance present in genetic materials should help breeding programs in developing cultivars resistant to insects. The biology of Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) was studied on leaves of four soybean genotypes with different degrees of resistance to insects. The genotypes evaluated were cultivars IAC 17 and IAC 24, resistant to defoliators and stink bugs, line PI 229358, a source of multiple resistance to insects and used as parent in various lines selected for resistance to A. gemmatalis, and 'IAC PL-1', the susceptible control. The experiments were carried out in the laboratory, under controlled conditions of temperature (25 &plusmn; 2&ordm;C), relative humidity (60 &plusmn; 10%) and photoperiod (14h). First instar larvae were placed in Petri dishes and fed leaves of each genotype, detached from plants at the R1 and R2 stages (beginning and full bloom). Later on, insect couples were maintained in 25 PVC cages to evaluate parameters of the adult stage. 'IAC 17' and 'IAC 24' promoted low viability of the larval, pupal, and egg stages, causing adult deformation and a reduction of the number of eggs per female. PI 229358 prolonged the immature stage and reduced pupal weight, egg viability, and adult longevity. Considering all tests, 'IAC 17' and 'IAC 24' were characterized as having antibiosis-type resistance, and 'IAC PL-1' demonstrated to be a genotype suitable for insect development.<br>O conhecimento do tipo de resistência presente em genótipos pode dinamizar programas de melhoramento que tenham essa finalidade. Assim, estudaram-se aspectos biológicos de Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em folhas de quatro genótipos de soja, sendo três com diferentes níveis de resistência e um suscetível a insetos. Avaliaram-se os cultivares IAC 17 e IAC 24, portadores de resistência a desfolhadores e sugadores, a linhagem PI 229358, progenitora de diversas linhagens resistentes a A. gemmatalis, e 'IAC PL-1' padrão de suscetibilidade. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em laboratório, sob condições controladas de temperatura (25 &plusmn; 2&ordm;C), umidade relativa (60 &plusmn; 10%), e fotofase (14h). Larvas de primeiro ínstar foram acondicionadas em placas de Petri e alimentadas com folhas de cada um dos genótipos, retiradas de plantas nos estádios R1 e R2 (início e pleno florescimento). Posteriormente, casais foram mantidos em 25 gaiolas (tubo de PVC) para avaliar parâmetros da fase adulta. 'IAC 17' e 'IAC 24' proporcionaram baixa viabilidade das fases larval, pupal e de ovo, provocando deformação de adultos e diminuição do número de ovos por fêmea. PI 229358 alongou a fase imatura e reduziu o peso de pupas, viabilidade de ovos, e longevidade de adultos. Considerando-se todos os testes, os cultivares 'IAC 17' e 'IAC 24' ficam caracterizados como portadoras de resistência do tipo antibiose, e 'IAC PL-1' demonstra ser um genótipo adequado ao desenvolvimento do inseto

    Fator chave para Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner, 1818 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em cultura de soja, para o estado de São Paulo Key factor for Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner, 1818 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in soybean fields in the state of São Paulo

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    Estudou-se a biologia e a flutuação de Anticarsia gemmatalis em campos de soja com o objetivo de construir tabelas de vida ecológica visando determinar o estágio e o fator chave. Os experimentos foram conduzidos durante os períodos agrícolas de 1992 a 1997. Em cada ano foram realizados dois estudos biológicos. Simultaneamente durante o ciclo da soja, nos seis anos estudados, foram realizadas amostragens para determinar a flutuação natural de ovos e de lagartas de A. gemmatalis. De posse desses dados foram construídas tabelas de vida ecológica, tendo-se observado que a taxa líquida de reprodução da espécie aumentou de 2,9 a 7,5 vezes em relação a população inicial, sendo que, para a tabela construída com a média dos dados, esse valor subiu para 15,5 vezes. O tempo médio de duração nas gerações variou de 33,5 a 40,2 dias, com média de 37,9 dias, acarretando uma sobrevivência, por geração entre 1,2 a 3,2%, porém, na média, esta subiu para 6,6%. O estágio chave da população não pôde ser determinado com precisão devido aos baixos valores de R2 obtidos mas, o fator chave, responsável pela mortalidade da população, foi a fertilidade real de fêmeas.<br>The biology and fluctuation of Anticarsia gemmatalis was studied in soybean fields to determine the key stage and factor. Experiments were conducted from 1992 through 1997. Two biological studies were performed each year. In each season, the natural occurrence of eggs and larvae were determined, which allowed the construction of ecological life tables. The net reproduction rate of the species was observed to increase 2.9-to 7.5-fold in relation to the initial population, but the increse was estimated as 15.5-fold for the life table constructed from the averages of annual values. Mean duration time for progenies varied from 33.5 to 40.2 days (mean of 37.9), leading to an average survival per generation between 1.2 and 3.2% (mean of 6.6). The key stage of the population was not determined due the observed low R2. The key factor accounting for population mortality was the fertility of females

    Sedimentary facies of a glacially influenced continental succession in the Pennsylvanian Jericho Formation, Galilee Basin, Australia

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    Recent work on the Late Palaeozoic Ice Age in eastern Australia has shown the Joe Joe Group in the eastern Galilee Basin, Queensland, to be of critical importance as it is one of few records of Pennsylvanian glacial activity outside South America. This paper presents detailed sedimentological data, from which the Late Palaeozoic environment of the region is reconstructed and which, consequently, allows for robust comment on the broader Gondwanan glaciation. The Jericho Formation, in the lower Joe Joe Group, was deposited in an active extensional basin in lacustrine to fluvial environments, during the mid-Namurian to early Stephanian. The region experienced a cool climate during this time, and polythermal mountain or valley-type glaciers periodically advanced into the area from highlands to the north-east. The Jericho Formation preserves a suite of proglacial to terminal glacial facies that is characterized by massive and stratified diamictites deposited from debris flows, massive and horizontally laminated conglomerates and sandstones deposited from hyperconcentrated density flows, laminated siltstones with outsized clasts and interlaminated siltstone/ conglomerate deposited through ice-rafting into lakes, and sedimentary dykes and breccias deposited through overpressurization of groundwater beneath permafrost. Non-glacial facies are dominated by fluvial sandstones and lacustrine/overbank siltstones. The glacigenic rocks of the Jericho Formation are confined to discrete packages, recording three separate glacial advances during the latest Namurian to late Westphalian. This arrangement is consistent with the temporal distribution of glacigenic rocks from around the remainder of Australia and Gondwana, which supports the theory that glacial deposits occurred in discrete intervals. The Joe Joe Group is a key succession in the world in this context as, at this time, eastern Australia provides the only unequivocal evidence of a Namurian/Westphalian glaciation outside South America. The continuous record of sedimentation through the Pennsylvanian and Early Permian is indicative of significant warming between glacial intervals, which is difficult to reconcile with the development of long-lived, cold-based ice sheets across the supercontinent. © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilatio