224 research outputs found

    Algorithms for the workflow satisfiability problem engineered for counting constraints

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    The workflow satisfiability problem (WSP) asks whether there exists an assignment of authorized users to the steps in a workflow specification that satisfies the constraints in the specification. The problem is NP-hard in general, but several subclasses of the problem are known to be fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) when parameterized by the number of steps in the specification. In this paper, we consider the WSP with user-independent counting constraints, a large class of constraints for which the WSP is known to be FPT. We describe an efficient implementation of an FPT algorithm for solving this subclass of the WSP and an experimental evaluation of this algorithm. The algorithm iteratively generates all equivalence classes of possible partial solutions until, whenever possible, it finds a complete solution to the problem. We also provide a reduction from a WSP instance to a pseudo-Boolean SAT instance. We apply this reduction to the instances used in our experiments and solve the resulting PB SAT problems using SAT4J, a PB SAT solver. We compare the performance of our algorithm with that of SAT4J and discuss which of the two approaches would be more effective in practice


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    Corporate social responsibility merupakan kewajiban dari peraturan perundang-undangan yang dibebankan kepada setiap perusahaan agar memperhatikan lingkungan sekitar dimana perusahaan tersebut berada. Tujuan corporate social responsibility adalah untuk ikut berkontribusi bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat dan melakuka pembangunan secara berkesinambungan bersama pemerintah daerah. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana impelentasi kewajiban hukum perusahaan dalam memberikan corporate social responsibility di kabupaten karawang. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian yuridis empiris. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah belum adanya kesadaran hukum bagi perusahaan di Kabupaten Karawang untuk memberikan corporate social responsibility kepada lingkungan dan Kabupaten Karawang pada umumnya. Padahal menurut ketentuan perundang-undangan perusahaan wajib memberikan corporate social responsibility sebagai kewajibannya untuk melakukan pembangunan ekonomi dan masyarakat yang ada di suatu daerah. Kata Kunci : Corporate Social Responsibility, Perusahaan dan Kewajiban Huku

    Antibiotic efficacy patterns in the critically ill

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    Background: Knowledge of antibiotic sensitivity patterns in the critically ill would lead to better outcomes by refinement of empirical therapy. The aim of the study was to analyze the antibiotic sensitivity patterns of pathogens in the critically ill.Methods: Retrospective analytical study of 267 culture samples from critically ill patients was done. Data was collected from hospital medical records department and analyzed.Results: In case of community-acquired infections, carbapenems and piperacillin-tazobactam had high efficacy for UTI; carbapenems, aminoglycosides and levofloxacin had intermediate efficacy for pneumonia; aminoglycosides, piperacillin-tazobactam, carbapenems and quinolones had intermediate efficacy for soft tissue infections; and linezolid and vancomycin had high efficacy for blood borne sepsis of unknown source. In case of hospital acquired infections, carbapenems and aztreonam had intermediate efficacy for UTI; aminoglycosides had intermediate efficacy for blood borne sepsis of unknown source and aminoglycosides had high efficacy for CLABSI. Only colistin and tigecycline demonstrated high efficacy for VAP. Colistin and tigecycline showed high efficacy for community and hospital acquired UTI, pneumonia and soft tissue infections as well as gram negative CLABSI and hospital acquired blood borne sepsis of unknown source.Conclusions: The study shows that in critically ill, in general, carbapenems are fast losing their efficacy. Colistin and tigecycline are effective even against MDR pathogens in their spectrum. Fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins have poor efficacy overall to be recommended for empirical therapy. Piperacillin-tazobactam is not satisfactory for many critical infections. Amikacin has variable efficacy. Linezolid, vancomycin and teicoplanin are highly active against MRSA and Enterococcus infections

    Ninja data analysis with a detection pipeline based on the Hilbert-Huang Transform

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    The Ninja data analysis challenge allowed the study of the sensitivity of data analysis pipelines to binary black hole numerical relativity waveforms in simulated Gaussian noise at the design level of the LIGO observatory and the VIRGO observatory. We analyzed NINJA data with a pipeline based on the Hilbert Huang Transform, utilizing a detection stage and a characterization stage: detection is performed by triggering on excess instantaneous power, characterization is performed by displaying the kernel density enhanced (KD) time-frequency trace of the signal. Using the simulated data based on the two LIGO detectors, we were able to detect 77 signals out of 126 above SNR 5 in coincidence, with 43 missed events characterized by signal to noise ratio SNR less than 10. Characterization of the detected signals revealed the merger part of the waveform in high time and frequency resolution, free from time-frequency uncertainty. We estimated the timelag of the signals between the detectors based on the optimal overlap of the individual KD time-frequency maps, yielding estimates accurate within a fraction of a millisecond for half of the events. A coherent addition of the data sets according to the estimated timelag eventually was used in a characterization of the event.Comment: Accepted for publication in CQG, special issue NRDA proceedings 200

    A study on the utility of preventive health check-up in early detection of disease states

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    Background: Because of the current lifestyle and food habits, people are becoming more vulnerable to many diseases like diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and coronary artery disease. Early detection of disease in its latent phase helps in timely therapeutic interventions, thereby significantly reducing the morbidity and mortality. Preventive health check-up is widely adopted by many hospitals towards this goal. The aim of the study was to analyze the utility of master health check-up in early detection of disease states.Methods: Retrospective study of 262 asymptomatic individuals attending Master Health Checkup section was done. Patients with significant symptoms were excluded. Descriptive analysis was used in the processing and analysis of data.Results: In the study population, 12.8% had diabetic range of blood sugar values and 21.7% had BP in the hypertensive range. Dyslipidemia was detected in 89.2% of asymptomatic individuals. Thyroid function abnormalities were detected in 10.7% of the population. Among other newly detected diseases, detection rates were 40.9% for NAFLD, 4.2% for renal impairment and 26.7% for anemia.Conclusions: The study results are encouraging to educate the society to utilize preventive health services, as significant number of disease states were newly detected in the preventive health check-up


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    Abstrak Pemberlakuan aturan mengenai kewarisan di Indonesia selama ini terjadi perdebatan antara para ahli hukum tentang status hukum Islam dan hukum adat.Berkaitan dengan permasalahan dalam hukum waris pada hukum Islam dan hukum Adat, maka perlu adanya kesesuaian bagi masyarakat yang akan mempergunakan masing-masing hukum tersebut dalam menyelesaian warisannya kepada sang ahli waris yang berhak. Ketentuan hukum Islam di Indonesia belum merupakan undang-undang (kodifikasi) haruslah sistematis dan prosedural, harus jelas siapa subyek dan obyeknya dan diundangkan oleh lembaga yang berwenang dalam negara. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perbandingan dalam pembagian waris berdasarkan pada hukum islam dan hukum adat. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan metode pendekatan yuridis empiris. Hasil penelitian yaitu Hukum waris Islam telah menempatkan atauran kewarisan dan hukum mengenai harta benda dengan sebaik-baiknya dan seadil-adilnya. Islam menetapkan hak milik seseorang atas harta, baik bagi laki-laki maupun perempuan seperti perpindahan hak milik dan perempuan pada waktu masih hidup atau perpindahan harta kepada ahli warisnya setelah ia meninggal dunia. Hukum waris adat berpangkal dari bentuk masyarakat dan sifat kekeluargaan yang terdapat di Indonesia menurut sistem keturunan, dan setiap sistem keturunan yang ada mempunyai kekhususan dalam hukum waris yang satu dengan yang lain berbeda-beda. Kata Kunci:Waris, Hukum Islam, Hukum Adat Abstract The enactment of the rules regarding inheritance in Indonesia has been a debate between legal experts about the status of Islamic law and customary law. In connection with problems in inheritance law in Islamic law and Customary law, it is necessary for the community to use each of these laws in complete the inheritance to the rightful heirs. The provisions of Islamic law in Indonesia are not yet laws (codification) must be systematic and procedural, it must be clear who the subject and object are and are promulgated by the authorized institutions in the country. The formulation of the problem in this study is how comparisons in inheritance distribution are based on Islamic law and customary law. This research method uses qualitative methods with an empirical juridical approach method. The results of the research, namely Islamic inheritance law has placed the inheritance and law regarding property as well as possible and as fair as fair. Islam establishes someone's property rights, both for men and women, such as the transfer of property rights and women while still alive or the transfer of property to his heirs after he dies. The customary inheritance law stems from the form of the community and the family character found in Indonesia according to the hereditary system, and each of the offspring systems that have specific inheritance laws is different from one another Keyword: Inheritance, Islamic Law, Customary La

    Modern studies of the cryosphere of the Zeravshan and Gissar Ranges (Tien Shan)

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    The paper presents brief results of the modern studies of the cryosphere of the Zeravshan and Gissar ranges. Also the rate of decrease in the area of glaciers over the last almost a hundred years and the presence and degradation of permafrost during that time were considered. The actual description of the methodic for estimation of the depth of the ground freezing based on air temperature and snow thickness data were also given. An experience of application of this method for estimating the depth of ground freezing on the mountain slopes in order to compile the maps of the permafrost zone of the Zeravshan and Gissar ranges was described

    There is no triangulation of the torus with vertex degrees 5, 6, ..., 6, 7 and related results: Geometric proofs for combinatorial theorems

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    There is no 5,7-triangulation of the torus, that is, no triangulation with exactly two exceptional vertices, of degree 5 and 7. Similarly, there is no 3,5-quadrangulation. The vertices of a 2,4-hexangulation of the torus cannot be bicolored. Similar statements hold for 4,8-triangulations and 2,6-quadrangulations. We prove these results, of which the first two are known and the others seem to be new, as corollaries of a theorem on the holonomy group of a euclidean cone metric on the torus with just two cone points. We provide two proofs of this theorem: One argument is metric in nature, the other relies on the induced conformal structure and proceeds by invoking the residue theorem. Similar methods can be used to prove a theorem of Dress on infinite triangulations of the plane with exactly two irregular vertices. The non-existence results for torus decompositions provide infinite families of graphs which cannot be embedded in the torus.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, only minor changes from first version, to appear in Geometriae Dedicat

    Physicochemical and biochemical properties of the Keplerate-type nanocluster polyoxomolybdates as promising components for biomedical use

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    The paper discusses the results of a research on physicochemical and biochemical properties of the Keplerate-type molybdenum-based nanocluster polyoxometalates (POMs), which show promise in the field of biomedicine as a means of targeted drug delivery, including the transport to immune privileged organs. POMs can be considered as components of releasing systems, including the long-acting ones with feedback (for controlling the drug active component release rate). POMs are promising drugs for the treatment of anemia. Also, the paper deals with the results of studies of POM effect on living systems at the molecular and cellular levels, at that of individual organs, and on the organism as a whole. The mechanism and kinetics of POM destruction and possibilities of stabilization, the oscillatory phenomena manifestation, the formation of POM conjugates with bioactive substances which can be released during the destruction of POM, with polymer components, and with indicator fluorescent dyes, as well as forecasts for further research, are considered. © 2021, ITMO University. All rights reserved.The paper was prepared in the framework of implementation of the State Assignment from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Projects Nos. AAAA-A20-120061990010-7 (FEUZ-2020-0052) and AAAA-A18-118020590107-0), as well as of the Program for Increasing Competitiveness of UrFU (financially supported according to the Decree No. 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, Contract No. 02.A03.21.0006). The research aimed at creating the long-time drug release systems with feedback was carried out within the framework of the project of the Russian Science Foundation No. 19-73-00177