52 research outputs found


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    Programming with Partially Specified Aggregates in Java

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    Various forms of data aggregates, e.g., arrays, lists, sets, etc., are usually provided by programming languages, either as primitive entities or as additional features made available by standard libraries. In conventional programming languages these data structures are usually specified by completely and precisely enumerating all their constituent elements. Conversely, in (constraint) logic programming languages it is common to deal with partially specified aggregates where either some elements or some parts of the aggregate are left unknown. In this paper we consider the case where partially specified aggregates can occur in a conventional O-O programming language. Specifically, we consider partially specified lists and sets as provided by the Java library JSetL. The definition of such data structures is strongly based on the notion of logical (or constrained) variable usually provided by languages and libraries to support constraint programming. We show through simple examples using Java and JSetL how partially specified lists and sets, along with a few basic constraints over them, can be conveniently exploited in a number of common programming problems

    Intrinsic contrast vs perceived contrast

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    The detection of a displayed message is the first step of the cognitive process to identify its meaning. It can be psychophysically evaluated through measurement of contrast. The intrinsic contrast (Ci) is a physical parameter depending on display characteristics and environmental light distribution. The perceived contrast (Cp) is our real parameter of interest and it is obtained from Ci considering the veiling luminance (LVeil), evaluated with a mathematical model of the eyes properties. Disability glare is due to the scatter of light within the eye, and it results in veiling light superimposed over the normal scene, effectively reducing contrast of objects observed. On equal conditions of vision, it reduces perceived contrast and its value can descends under the threshold of perception making not legible the information displayed otherwise perfectly detectable. We calculate Cp adding LVeil both on target and background luminance, to Ci: As LVeil increase, Rc (Cp /Ci) goes from 1 to 0, Cp decreases and can reach a value under the contrast threshold rendering the character illegible. To evaluate the veiling luminance we used the CIE general disability glare equation, where glaring sources can be ‘single points’ or ‘large surround sources’. Simulations of worst cases have been done with the method described

    Studio di una pala a geometria variabile con lamine Ni-Ti e relative metodologie di indagine sperimentale

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    Lo scopo del presente lavoro è mostrare come materiali a memoria di forma possono essere utilizzati per la realizzazione di pale innovative di ventole assiali, in grado di modificare attivamente la propria geometria quando soggette a stimoli esterni. Dispositivi meccanici e pneumatici vengono normalmente utilizzati per ottimizzare le prestazioni di ventole a geometria variabile mediante rotazione delle pale attorno al proprio asse. Nella memoria è presentato un prototipo di pala realizzato come struttura funzionale, dotato di lamine NiTi integrate in una matrice polimerica. Le lamine, trattate termicamente e predeformate in fase martensitica, sono in grado di deformare macroscopicamente la pala quando attivate termicamente. La valutazione preliminare delle deformazioni è stata eseguita mediante tecniche di analisi di immagine sviluppate in ambiente matlab. Si presentano inoltre i risultati ottenuti mediante tecniche termografiche sulla valutazione dello stato tensionale indotto dopo test a fatica su di una ventola assiale, con l’obiettivo di applicare tale metodologia nella verifica dell’integrità strutturale di ventole realizzate con pale a struttura funzionale
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