435 research outputs found

    Preconditioning and Cellular Engineering to Increase the Survival of Transplanted Neural Stem Cells for Motor Neuron Disease Therapy

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    Despite the extensive research effort that has been made in the field, motor neuron diseases, namely, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and spinal muscular atrophies, still represent an overwhelming cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Exogenous neural stem cell-based transplantation approaches have been investigated as multifaceted strategies to both protect and repair upper and lower motor neurons from degeneration and inflammation. Transplanted neural stem cells (NSCs) exert their beneficial effects not only through the replacement of damaged cells but also via bystander immunomodulatory and neurotrophic actions. Notwithstanding these promising findings, the clinical translatability of such techniques is jeopardized by the limited engraftment success and survival of transplanted cells within the hostile disease microenvironment. To overcome this obstacle, different methods to enhance graft survival, stability, and therapeutic potential have been developed, including environmental stress preconditioning, biopolymers scaffolds, and genetic engineering. In this review, we discuss current engineering techniques aimed at the exploitation of the migratory, proliferative, and secretive capacity of NSCs and their relevance for the therapeutic arsenal against motor neuron disorders and other neurological disorders

    Noncoding RNAs in Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies: role in pathogenesis and future prognostic and therapeutic perspectives

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    Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), such as miRNAs and long noncoding RNAs, are key regulators of gene expression at the post-transcriptional level and represent promising therapeutic targets and biomarkers for several human diseases, including Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies (DMD/BMD). A role for ncRNAs in the pathogenesis of muscular dystrophies has been suggested, even if it is still incompletely understood. Here, we discuss current progress leading towards the clinical utility of ncRNAs for DMD/BMD. Long and short noncoding RNAs are differentially expressed in DMD/BMD and have a mechanism of action via targeting mRNAs. A subset of muscle-enriched miRNAs, the so-called myomiRs (miR-1, miR-133, and miR-206), are increased in the serum of patients with DMD and in dystrophin-defective animal models. Interestingly, myomiRs might be used as biomarkers, given that their levels can be corrected after dystrophin restoration in dystrophic mice. Remarkably, further evidence demonstrates that ncRNAs also play a role in dystrophin expression; thus, their modulations might represent a potential therapeutic strategy with the aim of upregulating the dystrophin protein in combination with other oligonucleotides/gene therapy approaches

    Glial cells involvement in spinal muscular atrophy: Could SMA be a neuroinflammatory disease?

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a severe, inherited disease characterized by the progressive degeneration and death of motor neurons of the anterior horns of the spinal cord, which results in muscular atrophy and weakness of variable severity. Its early-onset form is invariably fatal in early childhood, while milder forms lead to permanent disability, physical deformities and respiratory complications. Recently, two novel revolutionary therapies, antisense oligonucleotides and gene therapy, have been approved, and might prove successful in making long-term survival of these patients likely. In this perspective, a deep understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms and of their impact on the interactions between motor neurons and other cell types within the central nervous system (CNS) is crucial. Studies using SMA animal and cellular models have taught us that the survival and functionality of motor neurons is highly dependent on a whole range of other cell types, namely glial cells, which are responsible for a variety of different functions, such as neuronal trophic support, synaptic remodeling, and immune surveillance. Thus, it emerges that SMA is likely a non-cell autonomous, multifactorial disease in which the interaction of different cell types and disease mechanisms leads to motor neurons failure and loss. This review will introduce the different glial cell types in the CNS and provide an overview of the role of glial cells in motor neuron degeneration in SMA. Furthermore, we will discuss the relevance of these findings so far and the potential impact on the success of available therapies and on the development of novel ones

    Genes and pathways involved in adult onset disorders featuring muscle mitochondrial DNA instability

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    Replication and maintenance of mtDNA entirely relies on a set of proteins encoded by the nuclear genome, which include members of the core replicative machinery, proteins involved in the homeostasis of mitochondrial dNTPs pools or deputed to the control of mitochondrial dynamics and morphology. Mutations in their coding genes have been observed in familial and sporadic forms of pediatric and adult-onset clinical phenotypes featuring mtDNA instability. The list of defects involved in these disorders has recently expanded, including mutations in the exo-/endo-nuclease flap-processing proteins MGME1 and DNA2, supporting the notion that an enzymatic DNA repair system actively takes place in mitochondria. The results obtained in the last few years acknowledge the contribution of next-generation sequencing methods in the identification of new disease loci in small groups of patients and even single probands. Although heterogeneous, these genes can be conveniently classified according to the pathway to which they belong. The definition of the molecular and biochemical features of these pathways might be helpful for fundamental knowledge of these disorders, to accelerate genetic diagnosis of patients and the development of rational therapies. In this review, we discuss the molecular findings disclosed in adult patients with muscle pathology hallmarked by mtDNA instability

    Clinical, biochemical and genetic features of glycogen debranching enzyme deficiency

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    Deficiency of debrancher enzyme causes Glycogen Storage Disease (GSD) type III, an autosomal recessive disorder, characterized by tissue accumulation of abnormally structured glycogen. This report reviews current clinical and molecular knowledge about this disorder and describes the variability at phenotype and genotype levels of a large group of Italian GSDIII patient

    Spinal muscular atrophy with respiratory distress type 1: Clinical phenotypes, molecular pathogenesis and therapeutic insights

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    Spinal muscular atrophy with respiratory distress type 1 (SMARD1) is a rare autosomal recessive neuromuscular disorder caused by mutations in the IGHMBP2 gene, which encodes immunoglobulin \u3bc-binding protein 2, leading to progressive spinal motor neuron degeneration. We review the data available in the literature about SMARD1. The vast majority of patients show an onset of typical symptoms in the first year of life. The main clinical features are distal muscular atrophy and diaphragmatic palsy, for which permanent supportive ventilation is required. No effective treatment is available yet, but novel therapeutic approaches, such as gene therapy, have shown encouraging results in preclinical settings and thus represent possible methods for treating SMARD1. Significant advancements in the understanding of both the SMARD1 clinical spectrum and its molecular mechanisms have allowed the rapid translation of preclinical therapeutic strategies to human patients to improve the poor prognosis of this devastating disease

    MicroRNAs as regulators of cell death mechanisms in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder affecting upper and lower motor neurons (MNs), resulting in paralysis and precocious death from respiratory failure. Although the causes of ALS are incompletely understood, the role of alterations in RNA metabolism seems central. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are noncoding RNAs implicated in the regulation of gene expression of many relevant physiological processes, including cell death. The recent model of programmed cell death (PCD) encompasses different mechanisms, from apoptosis to regulated necrosis (RN), in particular necroptosis. Both apoptosis and necroptosis play a significant role in the progressive death of MNs in ALS. In this review, we present key research related to miRNAs that modulate apoptosis and RN pathways in ALS. We also discuss whether these miRNAs represent potential targets for therapeutic development in patients

    Time Is Motor Neuron: Therapeutic Window and Its Correlation with Pathogenetic Mechanisms in Spinal Muscular Atrophy

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive neuromuscular disorder characterized by the degeneration of lower motor neurons (MNs) in the spinal cord and brain stem, which results in relentless muscle weakness and wasting, leading to premature death due to respiratory complications. The identification of the specific mutations in the survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1) gene that causes SMA has led to the development of experimental therapeutic strategies to increase SMN protein expression, including antisense oligonucleotides, small molecules, and gene therapy, which have so far shown promising results. The timing of therapeutic intervention is crucial since most of the degeneration in MNs occurs in the first months of life in patients with SMA type 1, which is the most severe and common form of SMA. Nevertheless, a precise temporal window for therapeutic intervention has not yet been identified. Evidence from in vivo studies in mice and large animals suggested that early therapeutic intervention for SMA correlated with better motor performance, longer survival, and, occasionally, rescue of the pathological phenotype. Indeed, the need to compensate for the loss of SMN protein function seemed to diminish during adulthood (even though repair ability after nerve injury remained impaired), suggesting the possibility of tapering the therapy administration late in the disease course. Moreover, recent clinical trials on children afflicted with SMA type 1 have shown a more rapid achievement of motor milestones and diminished disease severity when therapy was administered at an early age and earlier in the disease course. Finally, these results highlight the importance of newborn screening for SMA to facilitate early diagnosis and present the patient with available treatments while they are still in the presymptomatic stage

    Neural stem cell transplantation for neurodegenerative diseases

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    Neurodegenerative diseases are disabling and fatal neurological disorders that currently lack effective treatment. Neural stem cell (NSC) transplantation has been studied as a potential therapeutic approach and appears to exert a beneficial effect against neurodegeneration via different mechanisms, such as the production of neurotrophic factors, decreased neuroinflammation, enhanced neuronal plasticity and cell replacement. Thus, NSC transplantation may represent an effective therapeutic strategy. To exploit NSCs\u2019 potential, some of their essential biological characteristics must be thoroughly investigated, including the specific markers for NSC subpopulations, to allow profiling and selection. Another key feature is their secretome, which is responsible for the regulation of intercellular communication, neuroprotection, and immunomodulation. In addition, NSCs must properly migrate into the central nervous system (CNS) and integrate into host neuronal circuits, enhancing neuroplasticity. Understanding and modulating these aspects can allow us to further exploit the therapeutic potential of NSCs. Recent progress in gene editing and cellular engineering techniques has opened up the possibility of modifying NSCs to express select candidate molecules to further enhance their therapeutic effects. This review summarizes current knowledge regarding these aspects, promoting the development of stem cell therapies that could be applied safely and effectively in clinical settings
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