9 research outputs found

    Observation Of A High-energy Cosmic-ray Family Caused By A Centauro-type Nuclear Interaction In The Joint Emulsion Chamber Experiment At The Pamirs

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    An exotic cosmic-ray family event is observed in the large emulsion chamber exposed by the joint at the Pamirs (4360 m above sea level). The family is composed of 120γ-ray-induced showers and 37 hadron-induced showers with individual visible energy exceeding 1 TeV. The decisive feature of the event is the hadron dominance: ΣEγ, ΣE(γ) h, 〈Eγ, 〈E(γ) h〉, 〈Eγ·Rγ〉 and 〈E(γ)·Rh〉 being 298 TeV, 476 TeV, 2.5 TeV, 12.9 TeV, 28.6 GeV m and 173 GeV m, respectively. Most probably the event is due to a Centauro interaction, which occured in the atmosphere at ∼700 m above the chamber. The event will constitute the second beautiful candidate for a Centauro observed at the Pamirs. © 1987.1901-2226233Bayburina, (1981) Nucl. Phys. B, 191, p. 1Lattes, Fujimoto, Hasegawa, Hadronic interactions of high energy cosmic-ray observed by emulsion chambers (1980) Physics Reports, 65, p. 151(1984) Trudy FIAN, 154, p. 1Borisov, (1984) Proc. Intern. Symp. on Cosmic rays and particle physics, p. 3. , TokyoRen, (1985) 19th Intern. Cosmic ray Conf., 6, p. 317. , La JollaYamashita, (1985) 19th Intern. Cosmic ray Conf., 6, p. 364. , La JollaTamada, (1977) Nuovo Cimento, 41 B, p. 245T. Shibata et al., to be publishedHillas, (1979) 16th Intern. Cosmic ray Conf., 6, p. 13. , KyotoBattiston, Measurement of the proton-antiproton elastic and total cross section at a centre-of-mass energy of 540 GeV (1982) Physics Letters B, 117, p. 126UA5 Collab., G.J. Alner et al., preprint CERN-EP/85-62Taylor, (1976) Phys. Rev. D, 14, p. 1217Burnett, (1984) Proc. Intern. Symp. on Cosmic rays and particle physics, p. 468. , Toky

    A New Method and Mass-Spectrometric Instrument for Extraterrestrial Microbial Life Detection Using the Elemental Composition Analyses of Martian Regolith and Permafrost/Ice

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    We propose a new technique for the detection of microorganisms by elemental composition analyses of a sample extracted from regolith, permafrost, and ice of extraterrestrial bodies. We also describe the design of the ABIMAS instrument, which consists of the onboard time-of-flight laser mass-reflectron (TOF LMR) and the sample preparation unit (SPU) for biomass extraction. This instrument was initially approved to fly on board the ExoMars 2020 lander mission. The instrument can be used to analyze the elemental composition of possible extraterrestrial microbial communities and compare it to that of terrestrial microorganisms. We have conducted numerous laboratory studies to confirm the possibility of biomass identification via the following biomarkers: P/S and Ca/K ratios, and C and N abundances. We underline that only the combination of these factors will allow one to discriminate microbial samples from geological ones. Our technique has been tested experimentally in numerous laboratory trials on cultures of microorganisms and polar permafrost samples as terrestrial analogues for martian polar soils. We discuss various methods of extracting microorganisms and sample preparation. The developed technique can be used to search for and identify microorganisms in different martian samples and in the subsurface of other planets, satellites, comets, and asteroids—in particular, Europa, Ganymede, and Enceladus

    Mass Spectrometry in Russia

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