6 research outputs found

    Residual structure in disordered peptides and unfolded proteins from multivariate analysis and ab initio simulation of Raman optical activity data

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    Vibrational Raman optical activity (ROA), measured as a small difference in the intensity of Raman scattering from chiral molecules in right- and left-circularly polarized incident light, or as the intensity of a small circularly polarized component in the scattered light, is a powerful probe of the aqueous solution structure of proteins. The large number of structure-sensitive bands in protein ROA spectra makes multivariate analysis techniques such as nonlinear mapping (NLM) especially favorable for determining structural relationships between different proteins. We have previously used NLM to map a large dataset of peptide, protein, and virus ROA spectra into a readily visualizable two-dimensional space in which points close to or distant from each other, respectively, represent similar or dissimilar structures. As well as folded proteins, our dataset contains ROA spectra from many natively unfolded proteins, proteins containing both folded and unfolded domains, denatured partially structured molten globule and reduced protein states, together with folded proteins containing little or no alpha-helix or beta-sheet. In this article, the relative positions of these systems in the NLM plot are used to obtain information about any residual structure that they may contain. The striking differences between the structural propensities of proteins that are unfolded in their native states and those that are unfolded due to denaturation may be responsible for their often very different behavior, especially with regard to aggregation. An ab initio simulation of the Raman and ROA spectra Of an alanine oligopeptide in the poly(L-proline) II-helical conformation confirms previous suggestions that this conformation is a significant structural element in disordered peptides and natively unfolded proteins. The use of ROA to identify and characterize proteins containing significant amounts of unfolded structure will, inter alia, be valuable in structural genomics/proteomics since unfolded sequences often inhibit crystallization

    Homochirality as the signature of life: The SETH Cigar

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    A characteristic hallmark of life is its homochirality: all biomolecules are usually of one hand, e.g. on Earth life uses only L-amino acids for protein synthesis and not their D mirror images. It is therefore suggested that a search for extra-terrestrial life can be approached as a Search for Extra-Terrestrial Homochirality (SETH). A novel miniaturized space polarimeter, called the SETH Cigar, is described which could be used to detect optical rotation as the homochiral signature of life on other planets. Moving parts are avoided by replacing the normal rotating polarizer by multiple fixed polarizers at different angles as in the eye of the bee. It is believed that homochirality will be found in the subsurface layers on Mars as a relic of extinct life


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