25 research outputs found

    Il paradosso del mentitore in Memorie dal sottosuolo di Dostoevskij

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    In this article the Liar\u2019s Paradox is examined in reference to Dostoevsky\u2019s novel Notes from the Underground (1864). First the concept of unreliable narrator is discussed and examined within the genres of autobiography and \u2018confession\u2019, where the narrator not always tells the truth but sometimes intentionally lies in order to obtain the reader\u2019s sympathy and admiration. Then the narrative strategies of the Man from the underground are analyzed and a series of \u201cextreme\u201d narrative devices (Richardson 2006) are identified, such as \u201cepanorthosis\u201d, \u201cdenarration\u201d, \u201cdisnarration\u201d. All of these narrative devices realize verbally the Liar\u2019s paradox which traps the Man from the Underground into a vicious circle from which it is impossible to exit

    Il romanzo di Svetlana Vasilenko Duro\u10dka. Tra mito e agiografia

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    Vasilenko\u2019s novel The Little Fool: between Myth and Hagiography In this article Vasilenko\u2019s novel The Little Fool is analysed in order to highlight the ways the author created the hybrid genre of the \u201cnovel-hagiography\u201d by revisioning a series of classical, biblical and folk myths. The novel has a frame-like structure and the main character of the novel has two hypostases in two different timelines: Nad\u2019ka in the early Sixties and Ganna in the early Thirties, both in the Soviet Union. The core of the novel revisions and recreates the figure of the \u2018Fool in Christ\u2019 by assigning this role to a female protagonist, the thirteen-year-old girl Ganna. Her double Nad\u2019ka merges the figures of the archetypal Great Mother and the Mother of Christ. At the end of the novel Nad\u2019ka gives birth to a new Sun thereby saving her people from the menace of a nuclear war. This novel is a very fine example of the neo-mythological conscience which, in the late twentieth century, found expression in the works of many Russian women writers who revisioned classical and folk myths by giving agency to female characters and astutely altering the traditional plots of myth

    \u201cVojna v My\u161elovke\u201d Velimira Chlebnikova -- Opyt pro\u10dtenija ['La guerra in trappola' di Velimir Chlebnikov - saggio di lettura],

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    Nell'articolo si tratta la posizione di Velimir Chlebnikov nei confronti della guerra che dai toni antigermanici e bellicosi presenti nelle dichiarazioni e nelle poesie degli anni 1908-1913 passa alla ricerca di un utopico superamento della guerra mediante l'individuazione di "leggi del fato" che, nella concezione chlebnikoviana, collegherebbe eventi storici analoghi secondo una scansione temporale regolare e prevedibile. Dopo aver discusso alcune liriche e dichiarazioni di Chlebnikov e Majakovskij relative alla Grande guerra si analizza il "metapoema" (sverchpovest) "La guerra in trappola", composto mediante l'assemblaggio di poesie e frammenti scritti e pubblicati da Chlebnikov in periodi diversi. Si cerca di individuare la linea tematica del componimento e le principali strategie retoriche e compositive alla luce delle teorie linguistiche e storiosofiche dell'autore