10 research outputs found

    Mass occurrence of polyploid green frogs (Rana esculenta complex) in Eastern Ukraine

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    Первое сообщение об обнаружении Северско-Донецкого центра разнообразия зеленых лягуше

    Gamete production patterns and mating systems in water frogs of the hybridogenetic Pelophylax esculentus complex in northeastern Ukraine

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    Hybridization and polyploidy play an important role in animal speciation. European water frogs of the Pelophylax esculentus complex demonstrate unusual genetic phenomena associated with hybridization, clonality and polyploidy which presumably indicate an initial stage of reticulate speciation. The Seversky Donets River drainage in north-eastern Ukraine is inhabited by both sexes of the diploid and triploid hybrid P. esculentus and only one parental species Pelophylax ridibundus. Based on the presence of various types of hybrids, all populations studied can be divided into three geographical groups: I) P. ridibundus—P. esculentus without triploids; II) P. ridibundus—P. esculentus without diploid hybrids; and III) P. ridibundus—P. esculentus with a mixture of diploids and triploids. A study of gametogenesis revealed that diploid P. esculentus in populations of the first type usually produced haploid gametes of P. ridibundus and a mixture of haploid gametes that carried one or another parental genome (hybrid amphispermy). In populations of the second type, hybrids are derived from crosses of P. ridibundus males with triploid hybrid females producing haploid eggs with a genome of P. lessonae. Therefore, we suggest that clonal genome duplication in these eggs might be the result of suppression of second polar body formation or extra precleavage endoreduplication. In populations of the third type, some diploid females can produce diploid gametes. Fertilization of these eggs with haploid sperm can result in triploid hybrids. Other hybrids here produce haploid gametes with one or another parental genome or their mixture giving rise to new diploid hybrids

    Variation of the IMF

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    (abridged) The {stellar IMF} has been found to be essentially invariant. While some apparent differences are seen, the uncertainties inherent to this game do not allow a firm conclusion to be made that the IMF varies systematically with conditions. The IMF integrated over entire galaxies, however, is another matter. Chemical and photometric properties of various galaxies do hint at {galaxial IMFs} being steeper than the stellar IMF, as is also deduced from direct star-count analysis in the MW. These results are sensitive to the modelling of stellar populations and to corrections for stellar evolution, and are thus also uncertain. However, by realising that galaxies are made from dissolving star clusters, star clusters being viewed as {the fundamental building blocks of galaxies}, the result is found that galaxial IMFs must be significantly steeper than the stellar IMF, because the former results from a folding of the latter with the star-cluster mass function. Furthermore, this notion leads to the important insight that galaxial IMFs must vary with galaxy mass, and that the galaxial IMF is a strongly varying function of the star-formation history for galaxies that have assembled only a small mass in stars. Cosmological implications of this are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, to appear in IMFat50: The Initial Mass Function 50 years later, ed: E. Corbelli, F. Palla, and H. Zinnecker, Kluwer Academic Publishers; a meeting held at the Abbazia di Spineto, Tuscany, Italy -- May 16-20, 200

    VISIONS:the VISTA Star Formation Atlas I. Survey overview

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    VISIONS is an ESO public survey of five nearby (d < 500 pc) star-forming molecular cloud complexes that are canonically associated with the constellations of Chamaeleon, Corona Australis, Lupus, Ophiuchus, and Orion. The survey was carried out with the Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA), using the VISTA Infrared Camera (VIRCAM), and collected data in the near-infrared passbands J (1.25 μm), H (1.65 μm), and KS (2.15 μm). With a total on-sky exposure time of 49.4h VISIONS covers an area of 650 deg2, it is designed to build an infrared legacy archive with a structure and content similar to the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) for the screened star-forming regions. Taking place between April 2017 and March 2022, the observations yielded approximately 1.15 million images, which comprise 19 TB of raw data. The observations undertaken within the survey are grouped into three different subsurveys. First, the wide subsurvey comprises shallow, large-scale observations and it has revisited the star-forming complexes six times over the course of its execution. Second, the deep subsurvey of dedicated high-sensitivity observations has collected data on areas with the largest amounts of dust extinction. Third, the control subsurvey includes observations of areas of low-to-negligible dust extinction. Using this strategy, the VISIONS observation program offers multi-epoch position measurements, with the ability to access deeply embedded objects, and it provides a baseline for statistical comparisons and sample completeness – all at the same time. In particular, VISIONS is designed to measure the proper motions of point sources, with a precision of 1 mas yr−1 or better, when complemented with data from the VISTA Hemisphere Survey (VHS). In this way, VISIONS can provide proper motions of complete ensembles of embedded and low-mass objects, including sources inaccessible to the optical ESA Gaia mission. VISIONS will enable the community to address a variety of research topics from a more informed perspective, including the 3D distribution and motion of embedded stars and the nearby interstellar medium, the identification and characterization of young stellar objects, the formation and evolution of embedded stellar clusters and their initial mass function, as well as the characteristics of interstellar dust and the reddening law

    VISIONS:the VISTA Star Formation Atlas I. Survey overview

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    VISIONS is an ESO public survey of five nearby (d < 500 pc) star-forming molecular cloud complexes that are canonically associated with the constellations of Chamaeleon, Corona Australis, Lupus, Ophiuchus, and Orion. The survey was carried out with the Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA), using the VISTA Infrared Camera (VIRCAM), and collected data in the near-infrared passbands J (1.25 μm), H (1.65 μm), and KS (2.15 μm). With a total on-sky exposure time of 49.4h VISIONS covers an area of 650 deg2, it is designed to build an infrared legacy archive with a structure and content similar to the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) for the screened star-forming regions. Taking place between April 2017 and March 2022, the observations yielded approximately 1.15 million images, which comprise 19 TB of raw data. The observations undertaken within the survey are grouped into three different subsurveys. First, the wide subsurvey comprises shallow, large-scale observations and it has revisited the star-forming complexes six times over the course of its execution. Second, the deep subsurvey of dedicated high-sensitivity observations has collected data on areas with the largest amounts of dust extinction. Third, the control subsurvey includes observations of areas of low-to-negligible dust extinction. Using this strategy, the VISIONS observation program offers multi-epoch position measurements, with the ability to access deeply embedded objects, and it provides a baseline for statistical comparisons and sample completeness – all at the same time. In particular, VISIONS is designed to measure the proper motions of point sources, with a precision of 1 mas yr−1 or better, when complemented with data from the VISTA Hemisphere Survey (VHS). In this way, VISIONS can provide proper motions of complete ensembles of embedded and low-mass objects, including sources inaccessible to the optical ESA Gaia mission. VISIONS will enable the community to address a variety of research topics from a more informed perspective, including the 3D distribution and motion of embedded stars and the nearby interstellar medium, the identification and characterization of young stellar objects, the formation and evolution of embedded stellar clusters and their initial mass function, as well as the characteristics of interstellar dust and the reddening law

    The Physics of Star Cluster Formation and Evolution

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    © 2020 Springer-Verlag. The final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1007/s11214-020-00689-4.Star clusters form in dense, hierarchically collapsing gas clouds. Bulk kinetic energy is transformed to turbulence with stars forming from cores fed by filaments. In the most compact regions, stellar feedback is least effective in removing the gas and stars may form very efficiently. These are also the regions where, in high-mass clusters, ejecta from some kind of high-mass stars are effectively captured during the formation phase of some of the low mass stars and effectively channeled into the latter to form multiple populations. Star formation epochs in star clusters are generally set by gas flows that determine the abundance of gas in the cluster. We argue that there is likely only one star formation epoch after which clusters remain essentially clear of gas by cluster winds. Collisional dynamics is important in this phase leading to core collapse, expansion and eventual dispersion of every cluster. We review recent developments in the field with a focus on theoretical work.Peer reviewe

    A Known Iron(II) Complex in Different Nanosized Particles: Variable-Temperature Raman Study of Its Spin-Crossover Behavior

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    The spin-crossover (SCO) polymorph B (complex 1) of the known compound [Fe II {N(CN) 2 } 2 (abpt) 2 ], where abpt is 4-amino-3,5-bis(pyridin-2-yl)-1,2,4-triazole, has been prepared in three different particle sizes averaging ∼300 (sample 1a), ∼80 (sample 1b), and ∼20 nm (sample 1c). Two independent octahedral molecules possessing Fe1 and Fe2 were found to be present in the crystal of B. Magnetostructural relationships had established that at room temperature both Fe II sites are in the high-spin state (HS-HS), whereas a decrease in the temperature to 90 K induces the complete high-spin to low-spin conversion of the Fe1 site, with Fe2 remaining in the high-spin state (LS-HS). The three samples have been characterized by elemental analyses, ATR spectra, solution UV/vis spectra (to exclude resonance Raman effects) and powder X-ray diffraction patterns, while their morphological characteristics have been examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The SCO behavior of the originally prepared sample 1a has been monitored in detail by variable-temperature Raman studies in the 300-80 K range using mainly low-frequency ν(Fe-N) and I(NFeN) modes and the ν(C≡N) mode of the axial dicyanamido groups as spin-sensitive vibrations. The new peaks that appear in the low-temperature Raman spectra of the LS-HS form of the complex are reproduced in the calculated spectrum of the LS state of [Fe II {N(CN) 2 } 2 (abpt) 2 ]. The influence of the average particle size on the SCO properties of 1 has also been studied by variable-temperature Raman spectra. The studies indicate that, during the HS-HS → LS-HS transition, the latter form of the complex appears at higher temperatures for the smaller particles; the T 1/2 shift accomplished by manipulating the particle size within a range of roughly 1 order of magnitude (300-20 nm) may be as high as ∼30 K. The SCO features of 1, as deduced from the Raman study, are in excellent agreement with those derived from a traditional variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility study, indicating the utility of the former. © 2019 American Chemical Society

    Zooming in on Individual Star Formation: Low- and High-Mass Stars

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