82 research outputs found

    State-dependent Jastrow correlation functions for 4He nuclei

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    We calculate the ground-state energy for the nucleus 4He with V4 nucleon interactions, making use of a Jastrow description of the corresponding wavefunction with state-dependent correlation factors. The effect related to the state dependence of the correlation is quite important, lowering the upper bound for the ground-state energy by some 2 MeV.Comment: 10 pages, REVTeX, to be published in J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phy

    Stressed backbone and elasticity of random central-force systems

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    We use a new algorithm to find the stress-carrying backbone of ``generic'' site-diluted triangular lattices of up to 10^6 sites. Generic lattices can be made by randomly displacing the sites of a regular lattice. The percolation threshold is Pc=0.6975 +/- 0.0003, the correlation length exponent \nu =1.16 +/- 0.03 and the fractal dimension of the backbone Db=1.78 +/- 0.02. The number of ``critical bonds'' (if you remove them rigidity is lost) on the backbone scales as L^{x}, with x=0.85 +/- 0.05. The Young's modulus is also calculated.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, uses epsfi

    Hypernetted-chain study of broken rotational symmetry states for the ν\bm{\nu} = 1/3 fractional quantum Hall effect and other fractionally filled Landau levels

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    We investigate broken rotational symmetry (BRS) states for the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) at 1/3-filling of the valence Landau level (LL). Recent Monte Carlo calculations by Musaelian and Joynt [J. Phys.: Condens.\ Matter {\bf 8}, L105 (1996)] suggest that Laughlin's state becomes unstable to a BRS state for some critical finite thickness value. We study in detail the properties of such state by performing a hypernetted-chain calculation that gives results in the thermodynamic limit, complementing other methods which are limited to a finite number of particles. Our results indicate that while Laughlin's state is stable in the lowest LL, in higher LLs a BRS instability occurs, perhaps indicating the absence of FQHE at partial fillings of higher LLs. Possible connections to the newly discovered liquid crystalline phases in higher LLs are also discussed.Comment: 7 pages including 3 eps figure

    State Dependent Effective Interaction for the Hyperspherical Formalism

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    The method of effective interaction, traditionally used in the framework of an harmonic oscillator basis, is applied to the hyperspherical formalism of few-body nuclei (A=3-6). The separation of the hyperradial part leads to a state dependent effective potential. Undesirable features of the harmonic oscillator approach associated with the introduction of a spurious confining potential are avoided. It is shown that with the present method one obtains an enormous improvement of the convergence of the hyperspherical harmonics series in calculating ground state properties, excitation energies and transitions to continuum states.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pages, 8 ps figure

    Short-range and tensor correlations in the 16^{16}O(e,e'pn) reaction

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    The cross sections for electron induced two-nucleon knockout reactions are evaluated for the example of the 16^{16}O(e,e'pn)14^{14}N reaction leading to discrete states in the residual nucleus 14^{14}N. These calculations account for the effects of nucleon-nucleon correlations and include the contributions of two-body meson exchange currents as the pion seagull, pion in flight and the isobar current contribution. The effects of short-range as well as tensor correlations are calculated within the framework of the coupled cluster method employing the Argonne V14 potential as a model for a realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction. The relative importance of correlation effects as compared to the contribution of the meson exchange currents depends on the final state of the residual nucleus. The cross section leading to specific states, like e.g. the ground state of 14^{14}N, is rather sensitive to the details of the correlated wave function.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures include

    Projected multicluster model with Jastrow and linear state dependent correlations for 12A1612 \leq A \leq 16 nuclei

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    Variational wave functions based on a Margenau-Brink cluster model with short range and state dependent correlations, and angular momentum projection are obtained for some nuclei with 12A1612 \leq A \leq 16. The calculations have been carried out starting from the nucleon-nucleon interaction by using the Variational Monte Carlo method. The configuration used consists of three alpha clusters located at the apexes of an equilateral triangle, and an additional cluster, not necessarily of alpha type, forming a tetrahedron. This cluster is located at the top of its height. Short-range and state dependent correlations are included by means of a central Jastrow factor and a linear operatorial correlation factor respectively. Angular momentum projection is performed by using the Peierls-Yoccoz operators. Optimal structures are obtained for all the nuclei studied. Some aspects of our methodology have been tested by comparing with previous calculations carried out without short range correlations. The binding energy, the root mean square radius, and the one- and two-body densities are reported. The effects of correlations on both the energy and the nucleon distribution are analyzed systematically.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Connectivity-dependent properties of diluted sytems in a transfer-matrix description

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    We introduce a new approach to connectivity-dependent properties of diluted systems, which is based on the transfer-matrix formulation of the percolation problem. It simultaneously incorporates the connective properties reflected in non-zero matrix elements and allows one to use standard random-matrix multiplication techniques. Thus it is possible to investigate physical processes on the percolation structure with the high efficiency and precision characteristic of transfer-matrix methods, while avoiding disconnections. The method is illustrated for two-dimensional site percolation by calculating (i) the critical correlation length along the strip, and the finite-size longitudinal DC conductivity: (ii) at the percolation threshold, and (iii) very near the pure-system limit.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, RevTeX, Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications (to be published

    Analytic theory of ground-state properties of a three-dimensional electron gas at varying spin polarization

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    We present an analytic theory of the spin-resolved pair distribution functions gσσ(r)g_{\sigma\sigma'}(r) and the ground-state energy of an electron gas with an arbitrary degree of spin polarization. We first use the Hohenberg-Kohn variational principle and the von Weizs\"{a}cker-Herring ideal kinetic energy functional to derive a zero-energy scattering Schr\"{o}dinger equation for gσσ(r)\sqrt{g_{\sigma\sigma'}(r)}. The solution of this equation is implemented within a Fermi-hypernetted-chain approximation which embodies the Hartree-Fock limit and is shown to satisfy an important set of sum rules. We present numerical results for the ground-state energy at selected values of the spin polarization and for gσσ(r)g_{\sigma\sigma'}(r) in both a paramagnetic and a fully spin-polarized electron gas, in comparison with the available data from Quantum Monte Carlo studies over a wide range of electron density.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    One Body Density Matrix, Natural Orbits and Quasi Hole States in 16O and 40Ca

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    The one body density matrix, momentum distribution, natural orbits and quasi hole states of 16O and 40Ca are analyzed in the framework of the correlated basis function theory using state dependent correlations with central and tensor components. Fermi hypernetted chain integral equations and single operator chain approximation are employed to sum cluster diagrams at all orders. The optimal trial wave function is determined by means of the variational principle and the realistic Argonne v8' two-nucleon and Urbana IX three-nucleon interactions. The correlated momentum distributions are in good agreement with the available variational Monte Carlo results and show the well known enhancement at large momentum values with respect to the independent particle model. Diagonalization of the density matrix provides the natural orbits and their occupation numbers. Correlations deplete the occupation number of the first natural orbitals by more than 10%. The first following ones result instead occupied by a few percent. Jastrow correlations lower the spectroscopic factors of the valence states by a few percent (~1-3%) and an additional ~8-12% depletion is provided by tensor correlations. It is confirmed that short range correlations do not explain the spectroscopic factors extracted from (e,e'p) experiments. 2h-1p perturbative corrections in the correlated basis are expected to provide most of the remaining strength, as in nuclear matter.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Diffusion on random site percolation clusters. Theory and NMR microscopy experiments with model objects

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    Quasi two-dimensional random site percolation model objects were fabricate based on computer generated templates. Samples consisting of two compartments, a reservoir of H2_2O gel attached to a percolation model object which was initially filled with D2_2O, were examined with NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) microscopy for rendering proton spin density maps. The propagating proton/deuteron inter-diffusion profiles were recorded and evaluated with respect to anomalous diffusion parameters. The deviation of the concentration profiles from those expected for unobstructed diffusion directly reflects the anomaly of the propagator for diffusion on a percolation cluster. The fractal dimension of the random walk, dwd_w, evaluated from the diffusion measurements on the one hand and the fractal dimension, dfd_f, deduced from the spin density map of the percolation object on the other permits one to experimentally compare dynamical and static exponents. Approximate calculations of the propagator are given on the basis of the fractional diffusion equation. Furthermore, the ordinary diffusion equation was solved numerically for the corresponding initial and boundary conditions for comparison. The anomalous diffusion constant was evaluated and is compared to the Brownian case. Some ad hoc correction of the propagator is shown to pay tribute to the finiteness of the system. In this way, anomalous solutions of the fractional diffusion equation could experimentally be verified for the first time.Comment: REVTeX, 12 figures in GIF forma