7,055 research outputs found

    Chernoff's Theorem and Discrete Time Approximations of Brownian Motion on Manifolds

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    Let (S(t)) be a one-parameter family S = (S(t)) of positive integral operators on a locally compact space L. For a possibly non-uniform partition of [0,1] define a measure on the path space C([0,1],L) by using a) S(dt) for the transition between cosecutive partition times of distance dt, and b) a suitable continuous interpolation scheme (e.g. Brownian bridges or geodesics). If necessary normalize to get a probability measure. We prove a version of Chernoff's theorem of semigroup theory and tighness results which together yield convergence in law of such measures as the partition gets finer. In particular let L be a closed smooth submanifold of a Riemannian manifold M. We prove convergence of Brownian motion on M, conditioned to visit L at all partition times, to a process on L whose law has a Radon-Nikodym density with repect to Brownian motion on L which contains scalar, mean and sectional curvature terms. Various approximation schemes for Brownian motion are also given. These results substantially extend earlier work by the authors and by Andersson and Driver.Comment: 35 pages, revised version for publication, more detailed expositio

    Annotated bibliography of gender in agriculture - A reference resource for Africa RISING researchers

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    Kondo effect of Co adatoms on Ag monolayers on noble metal surfaces

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    The Kondo temperature TKT_K of single Co adatoms on monolayers of Ag on Cu and Au(111) is determined using Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy. TKT_K of Co on a single monolayer of Ag on either substrate is essentially the same as that of Co on a homogenous Ag(111) crystal. This gives strong evidence that the interaction of surface Kondo impurities with the substrate is very local in nature. By comparing TKT_K found for Co on Cu, Ag, and Au (111)-surfaces we show that the energy scale of the many-electron Kondo state is insensitive to the properties of surface states and to the energetic position of the projected bulk band edges.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Gender capacity assessment report for Africa RISING West, East and Southern Africa projects

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    Scale space consistency of piecewise constant least squares estimators -- another look at the regressogram

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    We study the asymptotic behavior of piecewise constant least squares regression estimates, when the number of partitions of the estimate is penalized. We show that the estimator is consistent in the relevant metric if the signal is in L2([0,1])L^2([0,1]), the space of c\`{a}dl\`{a}g functions equipped with the Skorokhod metric or C([0,1])C([0,1]) equipped with the supremum metric. Moreover, we consider the family of estimates under a varying smoothing parameter, also called scale space. We prove convergence of the empirical scale space towards its deterministic target.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/074921707000000274 in the IMS Lecture Notes Monograph Series (http://www.imstat.org/publications/lecnotes.htm) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Robust nonparametric detection of objects in noisy images

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    We propose a novel statistical hypothesis testing method for detection of objects in noisy images. The method uses results from percolation theory and random graph theory. We present an algorithm that allows to detect objects of unknown shapes in the presence of nonparametric noise of unknown level and of unknown distribution. No boundary shape constraints are imposed on the object, only a weak bulk condition for the object's interior is required. The algorithm has linear complexity and exponential accuracy and is appropriate for real-time systems. In this paper, we develop further the mathematical formalism of our method and explore important connections to the mathematical theory of percolation and statistical physics. We prove results on consistency and algorithmic complexity of our testing procedure. In addition, we address not only an asymptotic behavior of the method, but also a finite sample performance of our test.Comment: This paper initially appeared in 2010 as EURANDOM Report 2010-049. Link to the abstract at EURANDOM repository: http://www.eurandom.tue.nl/reports/2010/049-abstract.pdf Link to the paper at EURANDOM repository: http://www.eurandom.tue.nl/reports/2010/049-report.pd

    Kondo temperature of magnetic impurities at surfaces

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    Based on the experimental observation, that only the close vicinity of a magnetic impurity at metal surfaces determines its Kondo behaviour, we introduce a simple model which explains the Kondo temperatures observed for cobalt adatoms at the (111) and (100) surfaces of Cu, Ag, and Au. Excellent agreement between the model and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) experiments is demonstrated. The Kondo temperature is shown to depend on the occupation of the d-level determined by the hybridization between adatom and substrate with a minimum around single occupancy.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Implications of the introduction of forage chopper machines

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    United States Agency for International Developmen

    Gender analysis in farming systems and action research: A training manual

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