9 research outputs found

    Vibration and noise measurements during silage thickening with inertia directional vibrator

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    Literature review and performed theoretical investigation indicates that it is environmentally and economically feasible for small and average size farms to use vibrational thickening method for silage preparation. However, the results need to be verified with experiments. This research work provides analysis and evaluation of flat surface inertia type vibrator, in which the excitation force is induced by turning the unbalanced mass. Directed action vibrator was manufactured and tested. Results indicate that application of inertia directional vibrator for thickening of finely chopped corn and Jerusalem artichoke stalk mixture, after 40 minutes thickening, allows to obtain a 114.6 kg m-3 density for both layers, while thickening the first 65 kg mass mixture layer after 10 minutes - a 197.9 kg m-3 density. Dry material densities correspond to 61.5 and 106.3 kg m-3 respectively. After examination of fodder quality it was determined that corn mixture silage, thickened by the inertia directional vibrator, satisfies highgrade silage requirements. Performed tests demonstrated that the effect of vibrations on whole body and the measured noise levels do not have detrimental effect on human health and the established acceptable limits are not exceeded while operating the inertia directional vibrator. The vibrator is suitable for silage preparation since it does not contaminate the fodder with dirt and gasoline products during operation. The proposed silage preparation method provides opportunities to use ecologically safe containers as well as sectional and other types of enclosure

    Vibration and noise measurements during silage thickening with inertia directional vibrator

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    Literature review and performed theoretical investigation indicates that it is environmentally and economically feasible for small and average size farms to use vibrational thickening method for silage preparation. However, the results need to be verified with experiments. This research work provides analysis and evaluation of flat surface inertia type vibrator, in which the excitation force is induced by turning the unbalanced mass. Directed action vibrator was manufactured and tested. Results indicate that application of inertia directional vibrator for thickening of finely chopped corn and Jerusalem artichoke stalk mixture, after 40 minutes thickening, allows to obtain a 114.6 kg m-3 density for both layers, while thickening the first 65 kg mass mixture layer after 10 minutes - a 197.9 kg m-3 density. Dry material densities correspond to 61.5 and 106.3 kg m-3 respectively. After examination of fodder quality it was determined that corn mixture silage, thickened by the inertia directional vibrator, satisfies highgrade silage requirements. Performed tests demonstrated that the effect of vibrations on whole body and the measured noise levels do not have detrimental effect on human health and the established acceptable limits are not exceeded while operating the inertia directional vibrator. The vibrator is suitable for silage preparation since it does not contaminate the fodder with dirt and gasoline products during operation. The proposed silage preparation method provides opportunities to use ecologically safe containers as well as sectional and other types of enclosure

    Исследование мостовых земледельческих систем

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    Bibliogr.: p. 44 (5 pavad.)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Badania elektryczne sterowanego ciągnika bramowego

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    In order to integrate the chief potentials in the shuttle mowing gantry module one has to study the methods of improving precision by the use of automatically controlled more straightforward means that do not require direct hand operation by a man. Precision of the course of both chassis and frequency of its corrections depends on the place of laser catcher’s mounting along or across the spar. Precision and correction frequency increase when photodiodes are distanced transversely from the spar (length 18 m) and when the distance between photodiodes is reduced.W celu zwiększenia integracji przemieszczeń ruchomego modułu urządzenia pozycjonowania i ruchomego podwozia, przeprowadzono badania różnych metod służących poprawie precyzji, przy użyciu automatycznych elementów sterująco-kontrolnych, pozwalających wyeliminować sterowanie ręczne. Precyzja przebiegu procesu przestawiania ruchomego modułu względem podłoża zależy od sposobu zamocowania urządzenia laserowego - wzdłuż lub w poprzek belki nośnej. Precyzja i częstotliwość zwiększają się, kiedy fotodiody znajdują się w położeniu poprzecznym daleko od belki nośnej (o długości 18 m) i kiedy odległość pomiędzy fotodiodami jest mała

    Analiza zagęszczania gleby w uprawie ziemniaków

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    The effect of soil mulching with green manure at potato cultivation on the growth, quality and yielding of tubers were investigated on the light loamy soil in 1998/1999. The sowing rate of oil radish used as green manure was 15 kg·ha⁻¹. Compaction of soil in the ridges - the space of tubers’ growth, by wheels of tractor-implement set, is a negative factor at potato cultivation. It results in increased fuel consumption, rising weed infestation, disturbing of water conditions in soil down to the depth of 50-60 cm. Passing of tractor wheels along the furrow compacts the ridge profile. Half of the ridge profile pressed by tractor wheel, decreases by 20.6 cm² in comparison to the other half. There occur asymmetrical curves illustrating soil compactness on the width of interrow surface. At harvesting of potato tubers the positive effect of mulching on crushing of soil clods was observed. The amount of soil aggregates of size below 10 mm were much higher and aggregates exceeding 30 mm much less, as compared with control field. Mulching of the soil positively affected also the size of potato tubers and consequently-their yield. On experimental object effects of factors such as increased volume and reduction of soil compaction in the ridges, were also observed.Badania nad mulczowaniem nawozami zielonymi przeprowadzono w latach 1998/1999 na glebie lekko-gliniastej. Norma wysiewu nasion rzodkwi oleistej wynosiła 15 kg·ha⁻¹. Negatywnym czynnikiem występującym podczas uprawy ziemniaków jest ugniatanie redlin w przestrzeni wzrostu bulw, kołami agregatu ciągnikowego, w rezultacie czego wzrasta zużycie paliwa, wzrasta zachwaszczenie, naruszone zostają stosunki wodne w glebie do głębokości 50-60 cm. Po przejściu ciągnika bruzdą występuje ugniecenie profilu redliny. Połowa profilu redliny, po powierzchni której przetoczyło się koło, maleje o 20,6 cm² w porównaniu z drugą połową redliny. Występują niesymetryczne krzywe obrazujące twardość gleby na szerokości międzyrzędzia. Podczas zbioru ziemniaków ustalono, że mulczowanie dodatnio wpłynęło na kruszenie gleby. Cząstek gleby o rozmiarach poniżej 10 mm było znacznie więcej, a cząstek powyżej 30 mm znacznie mniej w porównaniu z polem kontrolnym. Mulczowanie gleby korzystnie wpłynęło również na wielkość ziemniaków, a tym samym na plonowanie. W wariancie eksperymentalnym wpływ miały takie czynniki, jak: zwiększenie objętości i zmniejszenie twardości gleby znajdującej się w redlinach

    Vibration and noise measurements during silage thickening with inertia directional vibrator

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    Literature review and performed theoretical investigation indicates that it is environmentally and economically feasible for small and average size farms to use vibrational thickening method for silage preparation. However, the results need to be verified with experiments. This research work provides analysis and evaluation of flat surface inertia type vibrator, in which the excitation force is induced by turning the unbalanced mass. Directed action vibrator was manufactured and tested. Results indicate that application of inertia directional vibrator for thickening of finely chopped corn and Jerusalem artichoke stalk mixture, after 40 minutes thickening, allows to obtain a 114.6 kg m(-3) density for both layers, while thickening the first 65 kg mass mixture layer after 10 minutes - a 197.9 kg m(-3) density. Dry material densities correspond to 61.5 and 106.3 kg m(-3) respectively. After examination of fodder quality it was determined that corn mixture silage, thickened by the inertia directional vibrator, satisfies high-grade silage requirements. Performed tests demonstrated that the effect of vibrations on whole body and the measured noise levels do not have detrimental effect on human health and the established acceptable limits are not exceeded while operating the inertia directional vibrator. The vibrator is suitable for silage preparation since it does not contaminate the fodder with dirt and gasoline products during operation. The proposed silage preparation method provides opportunities to use ecologically safe containers as well as sectional and other types of enclosuresVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij