17 research outputs found

    Retroperitoneal hemorrhage caused by trephine biopsy

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    The bone marrow biopsy is usually a safe procedure; however, it can occasionally present important complications. These complications are not always immediately evident or quickly diagnosed and may include pain at the biopsy site, trauma to neighboring structures, vascular injuries, infection, transient pressure neuropathies, pneumoretroperitoneum, and hemorrhage. Several risk factors are recognized, including thrombocytopenia, concurrent use of anticoagulants, and the presence of an underlying myeloproliferative disorder. While several reports of adverse events have been published, only 2 deaths attributable to this procedure have been reported. We present 2 cases of fatal hemorrhage after bone marrow biopsy

    Filtri cavali

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    gli autori trattano delle problematiche cliniche e medico legali dei filtri caval

    Stimolazione elettrica del midollo spinale

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    gli autori trattano delel problematiche cliniche e medico legali della stimolazione elettrica del midollo spinal

    Apparato locomotore

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    gli autori trattano le problematiche cliniche e medico legali delle protesi dell'apparato locomotor

    Neuron-specific enolase end S-100 protein activity in asphyxiated human brain

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    Neuron specific enolase (NSE) in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and glutamate in CSF were investigated in the immediate postasphyctic period in 22 term newborn infants. The cerebral function monitor (CFM) pattern was also assessed and hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) was graded. NSE was significantly increased in the CSF of infants with HIE (median value 25.4 micrograms/l) compared with control infants (10.0 micrograms/l). Infants with the highest concentrations died. NSE in CSF correlated with the degree of asphyxial damage. Glutamate and NSE in CSF did not correlate, presumably due to the different time factors of the release after the insult. NSE in CSF corresponded well with the type of CFM pattern, which was also highly predictive of outcome

    By-pass aorto coronarici

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    gli autori trattano delel problematiche cliniche e medico legali dei By-pass aortocoronaric