68 research outputs found

    English Reformer John Frith on Catholic Theology of Purgatory

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    The Catholic theology of purgatory and its refutation in the works of the ideologists of Protestantism in the first third of the XVI century is analyzed in the article. The works of the little-known in the domestic historiography of the English reformer John Frith (1503-1533) are investigated. Frith’s commitment to Protestant dogmas on justification by faith and the exceptional authority of Holy Scripture is shown. It is noted that Frith, following them, denied the existence of purgatory, since it cannot be confirmed by the Holy Scriptures, and he interpreted the “cleansing fire” mentioned in the New Testament texts symbolically as torment of conscience and repentance. It is claimed that the theologian considered faith to be the atoning sacrifice of Christ the only means of salvation. It is concluded that the denial of purgatory naturally led Frith to a refutation of the Catholic practice of papal acts of grace and their theological justification, for which he was arrested and sentenced to be burned. It is emphasized that J. Frith called purgatory "creation" of the Roman pontiff and saw purely material reasons for the emergence and existence of faith in purgatory. It is noted that criticism by the English reformer of the Catholic faith in purgatory was subsequently reflected in the Anglican creed

    Periodic Travelling Waves in Dimer Granular Chains

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    We study bifurcations of periodic travelling waves in granular dimer chains from the anti-continuum limit, when the mass ratio between the light and heavy beads is zero. We show that every limiting periodic wave is uniquely continued with respect to the mass ratio parameter and the periodic waves with the wavelength larger than a certain critical value are spectrally stable. Numerical computations are developed to study how this solution family is continued to the limit of equal mass ratio between the beads, where periodic travelling waves of granular monomer chains exist

    Polarons as stable solitary wave solutions to the Dirac-Coulomb system

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    We consider solitary wave solutions to the Dirac--Coulomb system both from physical and mathematical points of view. Fermions interacting with gravity in the Newtonian limit are described by the model of Dirac fermions with the Coulomb attraction. This model also appears in certain condensed matter systems with emergent Dirac fermions interacting via optical phonons. In this model, the classical soliton solutions of equations of motion describe the physical objects that may be called polarons, in analogy to the solutions of the Choquard equation. We develop analytical methods for the Dirac--Coulomb system, showing that the no-node gap solitons for sufficiently small values of charge are linearly (spectrally) stable.Comment: Latex, 26 page

    Urban sprawl in the regional settlement system: a case study of Belgorod and Stary Oskol-Gubkin metropolitan areas

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    The paper defines factors and methods of studying spatial sprawl of Belgorod and Stary Oskol-Gubkin metropolitan areas. A differentiation of population dynamics in Belgorod regional settlement system is made. Built-up areas are found to occupy larger territories and display a higher development density, while the population size in metropolitan areas does not change significantl


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    Visceral obesity (VO) is a predictor of complications after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), and a risk factor for cognitive and psychological disorders.Purpose. Of our study was to investigate features of neurocognitive disorders and their interactions in patients with VO in a perioperative period of CABG.Materials and methods. 90 patients with a body mass index from 25 to 35 kg/m2 were included in the study, they had indications for CABG. VO was assessed in terms of «waist circumference/hip circumference» (WC/HC). Group 1 included patients with VO (WC/HC >0.9 for men and WC/HC >0.85 for women), Group 2 – patients without VO (WC/HC ≤0,9 for men and WC/HC ≤0,85 for women). Cognitive functions were evaluated with the use of the automated complex software Status PF (Kemerovo,Russia). The Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-T, STAI-S) was used for an estimation of anxiety.Results. Group 1 showed statistically lower rates of attention and neurodynamics and higher levels of depression and anxiety in the perioperative period of CABG. Group 1 demonstrated the decrease in memory and neurodynamics scores as STAI-T levels were higher in the perioperative period of CABG; the growth of STAI-T levels in Group 2 did not always lead to the derangements of attention and neurodynamics scores. Moreover, in Group 2 higher attention and neurodynamics scores were at higher STAI-T levels in 6 months after CABG. High STAI-S levels in both groups negatively affected the performance of attention and neurodynamics in the perioperative period of CABG.Conclusion. Patients with VO have a higher risk of developing neurocognitive disorders in the perioperative period of CABG. Висцеральное ожирение (ВО) является предиктором осложнений после коронарного шунтирования (КШ) и фактором риска когнитивных и психологических нарушений.Цель. Изучение особенности нейрокогнитивных нарушений и их взаимосвязей у пациентов с ВО в периоперационном периоде КШ.Материалы и методы. В исследование включено 90 пациентов с индексом массы тела от 25 до 35 кг/м2 и определенными показаниями к КШ. Наличие ВО оценивалось по показателю «окружность талии/окружность бедер» (ОТ/ОБ). Группу 1 составили пациенты с ВО при ОТ/ОБ >0,9 для мужчин и ОТ/ОБ >0,85 для женщин, группу 2 – пациенты без ВО при ОТ/ОБ ≤0,9 для мужчин и ОТ/ОБ ≤0,85 для женщин. Для оценки когнитивных функций использована программа Status PF (Кемерово, Россия), тревога оценивалась по шкале реактивной тревожности (РТ) и личностной тревожности (ЛТ) Спилбергера – Ханина.Результаты. В группе 1 отмечались статистически значимо более низкие показатели внимания и нейродинамики и более высокие уровни депрессии и тревоги в периоперационном периоде КШ. В группе 1 при более высоких уровнях ЛТ отмечалось снижение памяти и нейродинамики в периоперацонном периоде КШ; а в группе 2 повышение уровня ЛТ не всегда приводило к нарушению внимания и нейродинамики. Более того, в группе 2 при высоких уровнях ЛТ через 6 месяцев после КШ наблюдались более высокие показатели внимания и нейродинамики. Высокий уровень РТ в обеих группах негативно отражался на показателях нейродинамических процессов и внимания в периоперационном периоде КШ.Выводы. Пациенты с ВО имеют высокий риск развития психокогнитивных нарушений в периоперационном периоде КШ.

    Solitary waves in the Nonlinear Dirac Equation

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    In the present work, we consider the existence, stability, and dynamics of solitary waves in the nonlinear Dirac equation. We start by introducing the Soler model of self-interacting spinors, and discuss its localized waveforms in one, two, and three spatial dimensions and the equations they satisfy. We present the associated explicit solutions in one dimension and numerically obtain their analogues in higher dimensions. The stability is subsequently discussed from a theoretical perspective and then complemented with numerical computations. Finally, the dynamics of the solutions is explored and compared to its non-relativistic analogue, which is the nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation. A few special topics are also explored, including the discrete variant of the nonlinear Dirac equation and its solitary wave properties, as well as the PT-symmetric variant of the model


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    Aim. To assess the influence of visceral obesity (VO) on cognitive function (CF) of patients after coronary artery bypass surgery (CBG).Material and methods. Totally, 90 patients included, selected to 2 groups (gr.) by the parameter “waist/hip circumference”. To 1st gr. we included 46 patients with VO, to 2nd — 44 patients without VO. CG assessed via software and hardware by “Status PF” (Kemerovo), the tests on memory, attention, cognition and neurodynamics were done.Results. In comparison of CF between the groups, in 1 gr. there were lower results comparing to the 2nd before CBG, after 2 weeks and 6 months. In timeline of CF assessment of 1 gr. there was decline of imagery memory (p=0,014) in 2 weeks after CBG. In 6 months after CBG there was improvement of CF in gr. 1 comparing to preoperation data, incl. statistically significant improvement of memory, cognition and neurodynamics. While comparing the CF parameters in 2nd group, there was improvement by “simple analogy” test (p=0,00028) and neurodynamics (the total delays decreased (p=0,033) in the reaction on moving object) even in 2 weeks after CBG. In 6 months after CBG the patients from 2nd group showed improvement of attention, cognition and neurodynamics.Conclusion. Patients with VO have significantly worse CF and the risk of permanent cognition disorders development after CBG, than those without VO


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    We are study the onset age of epilepsy in a cohort of 155 women of reproductive age and the effect of onset age on the severity of epilepsy and the occurrence of reproductive disorders. The prevalence of epilepsy debut in adolescence with maximum rate in menarche and ovulatory cycles from 12 to 16 years old was identified. We are demonstrated that debut of epilepsy in adolescence hasn't influence in the future on the frequency of attacks and the occurrence of reproductive disorders in epileptic patient