609 research outputs found

    Intestinal transplantation

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    Intestinal transplantation is often the only alternative form of treatment for patients dependent on total parenteral nutrition for survival. Although a limited number of intestinal transplantations have been performed, results with FK 506 immunosuppression are comparable to those for other organ transplants. The impact of successful intestinal transplantation on gastroenterology will likely be similar to the impact of kidney and liver transplantation on nephrology and hepatology

    Liver transplantation in patients with patent splenorenal shunts

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    Patent distal splenorenal shunts (Warren shunt) have been reported to cause decreases in the portal perfusion pressure and the total hepatic blood flow. Such hemodynamic alterations could have adverse effects on the transplanted liver. The experience with hepatic replacement in four patients with patent Warren shunts is reported. Operative findings were phlebosclerotic portal veins of small size and diminished portal blood flows. Hepatofugal collateral channels created by the construction of the Warren shunt should not be a contraindication for hepatic transplantation

    Intestinal transplantation in children under FK 506 immunosuppression

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    Intestinal transplantation, solitary (n = 3) or in combination with the liver (n = 7), was performed in 10 pediatric patients with intestinal failure. The liver was only replaced if there was liver failure and portal hypertension. Immunosuppression was based on FK 506. Two patients died, one of graft-versus-host disease and one of lymphoproliferative disease. One patient was still in the intensive care unit 1 month posttransplantation due to perioperative complications. The function of the intestinal grafts in the remaining patients is normal. All nutrition and medications including immunosuppression are being administered enterally. This series indicates that small bowel transplantation, alone or in combination with the liver, is feasible in pediatric patients. © 1993

    Treatment of hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma with liver transplantation

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    Ten patients received liver transplants for unresectable epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE). At the time of transplantation, four patients had microscopic metastases to the hilar lymph nodes, and one of the four also had metastases to a rib. The fifth patient had metastases to the lung, pleura, and diaphragm. The remaining five patients were believed to be free of metastatic disease. Two of these five patients died of metastatic disease at 3 and 16 months, respectively, after transplantation. Interestingly, all five patients with metastatic involvement are currently alive 40.6 ± 22 months (mean ± standard error of mean [SEM]) after transplantation, although one of these patients currently has metastatic disease to the lungs and mediastinum. Thus, the projected 5‐year actuarial survival rate is 76%, with two patients at risk after the third year. In conclusion, liver transplantation is a reasonable procedure for bulky, otherwise unresectable, EHE even in the presence of metastatic disease. Copyright © 1988 American Cancer Societ

    Combined liver-kidney transplantation: Analysis of patients with preformed lymphocytotoxic antibody

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    In this report, we address combined liver-kidney transplantation, with particular attention to the apparent phenomenon of protection of kidney allografts to antibody mediated destruction by liver allografts. Four patients were found to have positive crossmatch before the liver phase of the combined transplant (pre-OT/KT samples). These positive crossmatches were due entirely to anti-HLA class I antibodies, as demonstrated by their removal by immunoabsorption on pololed platelets. In three of these patients, post-OT/pre-KT samples showed a conversion to a negative crossmatch (in the fourth patient this was not done). A kidney allograft, harveted from the same donor, was then placed into the recipient, and in patients no. 3, 7, and 12, good initial function was noted. In one of these patients was there evidence of hyperacute rejection. Post-OT/KT samples were collected in patients no. 3, 7, and 8, and then analyzed for the reappearance of donor specific lymphocytotoxic antibodies in the posttransplant period (data on patient no. 12 was not available at time of preparation). Lymphocytotoxic antibodies with donor specificity could not be detected in any of the samples during the first week posttransplant. The decrease in %PRA and conversion of a positive to negative crossmatch following liver transplantation was correlated to the HLA specificty of the antibody found in the pretransplant serum and the HLA type of the tranplanted organs. In the two instances where an HLA specificity could be determined by panel analysis, transplantation with donor organs bearing these HLA specificities led to a specific disppearance of these antibodies during the postransplant phase

    Early tolerance in pediatric liver allograft recipients

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    The authors report on six pediatric liver transplant recipients for whom allograft tolerance occurred shortly after transplantation (ie, less than 1.5 years). All the patients had associated life-threatening viral complications. They are currently immmunocompetent. The tolerant state may be related to the development of a TH2 cytokine pattern. © 1994

    Analysis of surgical complications after 397 hepatic transplantations

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    The results of 397 consecutive orthotopic hepatic transplantations in 333 recipients were reviewed. One or more surgical complications developed in 172 of 323 patients (55 per cent), excluding ten intraoperative deaths. The six month mortality rate among the patients with surgical complications (55 of 172; 32 per cent) was statistically higher than that among patients without such complications (16 of 151; 11 per cent) (p < 0.001; chi-square, 58.36). Surgical complications including exploratory laparotomy for bleeding or infection in 74 (22 per cent), reconstruction of the bile duct for biliary obstruction or leakage in 55 (17 per cent), external biliary drainage for biliary leakage in four (1 per cent), tracheostomy in 80 (24 per cent), thoracotomy in 12 (4 per cent) and splenectomy in seven (2 per cent). The incidence of biliary obstruction (16 per cent mortality rate) and leakage (48 per cent mortality rate) was 18 per cent (34 of 193) and 2 per cent (four of 193) each after choledochocholedochostomy, which was 3 per cent (five of 187) and 9 per cent (17 of 187) each choledochojejunostomy. Biliary obstruction (16 per cent mortality rate) was more common after choledochocholedochostomy (p < 0.005; chi-square, 23.01), whereas the incidence of more serious biliary leakage (48 per cent mortality rate) was higher after choledochojejunostomy (p < 0.005; chi-square, 8.97). It is concluded that orthotopic hepatic transplantation remains an unforgiving extensive surgical procedure, in which choledochocholedochostomy remains the first-choice reconstruction of the biliary tract because of its lower mortality

    Liver transplantation for arteriohepatic dysplasia (Alagille's syndrome)

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    Thirteen out of 268 children (<18 years old) underwent hepatic transplantation (OLT) for end-stage liver disease (ESLD) associated with arteriohepatic dysplasia (AHD). Seven children are alive and well with normal liver function. Six children died, four within 11 days of the operation and the other two at 4 and 10 months after the OLT. Vascular complications with associated septicemia were responsible for the deaths of three children. Two died of heart failure and circulatory collapse, secondary to pulmonary hypertension and congenital heart disease. The remaining patient died of overwhelming sepsis not associated with technical complications. Seven patients had a portoenterostomy or portocholecystostomy early in life; five of these died after the OLT. Severe cardiovascular abnormalities in some of our patients suggest that complete hemodynamic monitoring with invasive studies should be performed in all patients with AHD, especially in cases of documented hypertrophy of the right ventricle. The improved quality of life in our surviving patients confirms the validity of OLT as a treatment of choice in cases of ESLD due to AHD. © 1992 Springer-Verlag