438 research outputs found

    Sensor Node Failure Detection Using Round Trip Path in WSNs

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    Now a days, applications of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has been increased due to its vast potential to connect the physical world to the practical world. Also, advancement in microelectronic fabrication technology reduced the cost of manufacturing convenient wireless sensor nodes and now it becomes a trend to deploy the large numbers of wireless sensors in WSNs so that to increase the quality of service (QoS). The QoS of such WSNs is mainly affected by the faulty or malfunctioning sensor nodes. Probability of sensor node failure increases if number of sensor node increases in the network. For maintaining the better QoS under failure conditions such faulty sensor node should be detected and it should be removed. In this proposed method, faulty sensor node is detected by calculating the round trip delay (RTD) time of round trip paths and comparing them with threshold value. This proposed method is tested with three sensors Nodes designed using microcontroller, sensor and ZigBee. The main server section which will display the failure sensor node is also designed using microcontroller and ZigBee

    Unsteady Axisymmetric Rotational Flow of Dusty Elastico Viscous Liquid

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    This paper reports the flow of elastico-viscous liquid embedded with particles in an oscillating cylinder. Explicit expressions are obtained for the velocities of liquid and dust particles by the technique of Laplace transforms. Numerical computations of the velocity fields are carried out for different values of mass concentration and relaxation time of the dust particles and varying elastic elements in the liquid

    Design of Different Controllable Inverters using a Novel Technology Quantum Dot Cellular Automata (QCA)

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    Application of quantum-dot is a promising technology for implementing digital systems at nano-scale. Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) is a system with low power consumption and a potentially high density and regularity. Also, QCA supports the new devices with nanotechnology architecture. This technique works based on electron interactions inside quantum-dots leading to emergence of quantum features and decreasing the problem of future integrated circuits in terms of size. In this paper, we will successfully design, implement and simulate a new 2-input and 3-input XOR gate (exclusive OR gate) based on QCA with the minimum delay, area and complexities. The state of each cell is affected in a very nonlinear way by the states of its neighbors. A line of these cells can be used to transmit binary information. We use these cells to design inverters, programmable logic gates, dedicated AND and OR gates, and non-interfering wire crossings. Complex arrays are simulated which implement the exclusive-OR function and a single-bit full adder

    Secure and Reliable Data Transfer across Multiple Entities by Using LIME

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    A data distributor has given precise data to a set of evidently trusted agents. Some of the data are leaked and found in an unjustified place. The distributor must assess the probability that the splitted data came from one or more agents, as opposed to having been individually collected by others. We suggest data allocation techniques which can enhance the chance of identifying split. These strategies do not build on changes of the outsourced data. While sending data through the network there is a lot of dishonest user looking to hack useful data. A proper security should be provided to data which is send to network. To avoid this data leakage, we used the data lineage mechanism. We develop and analyze novel accountable data transfer protocol between two entities within a malicious environment by building upon oblivious transfer and robust Watermarking

    Molecular cloning, purification, and characterization of the Caenorhabditis elegans Phosphodiesterase 3 (CEPDE3) gene

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    Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are enzymes that regulate the cellular levels of the second messenger molecules cAMP and cGMP by controlling their rates of degradation. In humans, there are 11 different PDE genes, and each gene produces several different isoforms and splice variants. The PDEs are a medically important class of proteins that regulate signaling across a range of tissues, and inhibition of these enzymes is clinically important in a wide array of human diseases. The human PDE3 gene produces two distinct, but related isoforms PDE3A and PDE3B. PDE3A is further subdivided into three isoforms with masses averaging at ~125 kDa. PDE3 play an important role in insulin signaling pathways, cardiovascular tissues, platelets, adipocytes, and oocyte maturation. In particular, PDE3A isoforms are prominently expressed in myocardium and vascular smooth muscle cells, hence, the inhibition of PDE3 activity is particularly useful in treatment of cardiac disease. The focus of this project is the PDE3 gene present in C. elegans. Although PDE3 activity has been widely studied from cell and tissue extracts from mammals, there is little data on purified protein for detailed biochemical analysis and characterization of the PDE3 gene and, based on the literature, it suggests that these are difficult proteins to express and purify. There is also very little structural data on the PDE family of enzymes. What exists is mostly on partial proteins, and none at all on the PDE3s. The aims of this project were to clone and overexpress affinity-tagged recombinant proteins of isoforms of the C. elegans PDE3 gene to analyze their catalytic properties and attempt crystallization of the isoforms. The CEPDE3 gene is a homolog of the mammalian PDE3 family encoding two different CEPDE3 isoforms; CEPDE3-LF (long form) codes for a 63.5 kDa protein, and CEPDE3-SF (short form) codes for a 54.2 kDa protein. Sequence homology alignments of CEPDE3 with human PDE sequences indicate the mammalian and the nematode gene have ~ 47% homology. The advantages of this approach are that the C. elegans isoforms are smaller in mass, making them potentially easier to purify. Preliminary experimental data has suggested that the nematode CEPDE3 gene exhibits catalytic properties and inhibitor sensitivities that are characteristic of the mammalian PDE3 gene family. A crystal structure would enable the determination of structural elements of the PDE3 catalytic pocket which could contribute to the design of more effective small molecule modulators of PDE3 catalytic activity. Initially, the CEPDE3-SF isoform was expressed as a His-tag protein from an existing clone. However, due to low protein expression, solubility, and enzyme activity, the use of a GST-tag was attempted since GST-tags are reported to improve solubility in some studies. Initial cloning using traditional PCR and restriction/ligation cloning was attempted to clone both isoforms into the plasmid pGEX-6P1 with little success. To overcome the problem, two alternative approaches to traditional cloning were attempted. The long form was amplified by PCR and was cloned by recombination using the TOPO vector system, prior to subcloning into the expression vector pGEX-6P1. The short form was made synthetically and shipped as a codon optimized insert in a vector and also subcloned into the expression vector pGEX-6P1. Both isoforms were expressed as a GST-tag protein in E. coli and, despite the change of affinity tag, the solubility was still poor using standard expression conditions. The solubility of these proteins was a significant barrier to purification, and this was improved by the optimization of the growth conditions, IPTG concentration, and cell lysis. Optimal solubility was achieved by a novel expression protocol which included an incubation of cells at 4°C prior to expression. Both isoforms were then purified by optimizing conditions using the batch method of purification and using glutathione sepharose 4B. Cleavage of the GST-tag was achieved using PreScission Protease. The purified CEPDE3-LF and CEPDE3-SF after enzymatic cleavage from GST-tag correspond to the predicted size of 63.5 kDa and 54.2 kDa, respectively. Some initial biochemistry was performed on the proteins. CEPDE3-LF and SF lysate and purified protein were assayed for PDE3 enzyme activity by measuring breakdown of cAMP to adenosine. CEPDE3-SF purified protein showed an increase in enzyme activity (24 pmoles/min/mg) compared to crude lysate (5.6 pmoles/min/mg), which is a ~5-fold increase. CEPDE3-LF showed an increase from 2.8 pmoles/min/mg in lysate to 37.5 pmoles/min/mg in purified protein; a ~ 7-fold increase in PDE3 enzyme activity. The CEPDE3-LF and SF isofoms expressed in Sf21 insect cells were assayed with a range of doses of the PDE3 specific inhibitor cilostamide to determine the capacity of enzyme inhibition. A 0.01 μM cilostamide treatments showed a 10-20% inhibition of activity and 5 μM of cilostamide showed ~95% inhibition. Hence both isoforms were inhibited by PDE3 specific inhibitor. The CEPDE3 isoforms expressed in insect cells were also assayed for cAMP and cGMP hydrolysis. The CEPDE3-LF actively hydrolyzed cAMP substrate with a Vmax of 70.4 pmoles/min/mg, Km of 0.11 μM and Kcat of 0.26 seconds-1. In comparison, the CEPDE3-SF assay did not reach saturation under the same experimental conditions. Therefore, CEPDE3-SF was less efficient in cAMP hydrolysis. Meanwhile, CEPDE3-SF actively hydrolyzed cGMP substrate with a Vmax of 232 pmoles/min/mg, Km of 0.37 μM and Kcat of 0.84 seconds-1. However, CEPDE3-LF assay did not reach saturation under the same experimental conditions. While both CEPDE3 isoforms have dual specificity for cAMP and cGMP, in this study, the long isoform hydrolyzes cAMP more efficiently short isoform more efficiently hydrolyze

    Isolation and identification of candida species from various clinical samples in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Candida spp is a member of the normal flora of the skin, mucous membrane and gastrointestinal tract. They are endogenous opportunists which cause secondary infection in individuals with underlying immunocompromised conditions. Candidiasis is a common fungal disease in humans. An increase in the prevalence of non-albicans species has been noted during the last decades because of increasing use of azoles. This study aims to Spectate Candida using chromogenic medium.Methods: A total of 50 Candida isolates from various clinical samples were included in the study. These isolates were subjected to gram's stain, germ tube test and inoculation on commercially available CHROM agar (HiMedia India).Results: In current study majority of isolates were from high vaginal swab (34%) followed by sputum (28%), urine (18%), pus from surgical sites and others constituted to 20%. Candida albicans (51%) was the most common candida species, followed by C. tropicalis (25%), C. krusei (16%), C. glabrata (6%) and C. dubliniensis (1%).Conclusions: Along with Candida albicans, non-albicans candida spp like C. tropicalis, C. krusei, C. glabrata, and C. dubliniensis are increasingly being isolated from clinical samples. CHROM agar is a simple, rapid and inexpensive method for identification of such species. Characterization to species level helps to identify species which might be intrinsically resistant to commonly used antifungal agents

    Image based Seen Detection in Real Time Video Interpretation for Surveillance Systems using Support Vectors Machine

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    People that are perpetually hunting for knowledge will benefit from data acquisition. The early phase in video data acquisition is splitting the video into images. Many images are tiny and don't reveal a lot about the picture's information. Scene boundary identification, or video segmentation into action sequences, enables a more complete comprehension of the image sequence by classifying images based on comparable visual content. The purpose of this article is to discuss video scene recognition, particularly video structure extraction for pattern comparison with significant properties. The article designed and developed a methodology that would include stages for image collection, detecting commonalities among frames, selecting important frames, and detecting the time at where the relevant frame is identified. The pictures are generated by Python's OpenCV and scene classification metrics are used to assess the method. As assessed by numerous parameters, the findings shows that scene identification and accuracy are considerable. Furthermore, we investigated and researched contemporary identification and assessment techniques. Moreover, we have tested extensively our research framework on a variety of publicly available event video databases, and these outperformed several futuristic techniques. The outcomes of this research can be utilized to generate real-time definitional video assessments

    Clinical evaluation of the effect of Khanda Kushmanda Avaleha in Rakta Pradara (Abnormal uterine bleeding)

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    Background: Raktapradara manifesting as excessive bleeding per vagina is seen to be an age old disease known to mankind since the era of Veda and Purana. Excessive and irregular menstrual bleeding condition is similar to Raktapradara a gynaecological condition mentioned in Ayurvedic classics. Rakta Pradara is one among the Rakta Pradoshaja Vikara and characterized by Artava Ati Pravrutti, Deerga Kala Pravrutti, Anruta Kala Pravrutti, Daha in Adho Vankshana Pradesha, Sroni, Prushta and Kukshi, Shoola in Garbhashaya, Angamardha etc. Objectives: To clinically evaluate the effect of Khanda Kushmanda Avaleha in Raktapradara. Materials and Methods: The patients attending the O.P.D. and I.P.D. of S.V.M Ayurvedic Medical College and PG Centre, Ilkal, were randomly divided into 2 groups, Group A was treated with Khanda Kusmanda Avaleha and Group B was treated with Placebo Capsule. Results: Khanda Kushmanda Avaleha cured 12 patients i.e. 85.71% followed by markedly improvement in 2 patients i.e. 14.28%. Placebo capsule mildly improved 61.54% i.e. 8 patients followed by no improvement to 38.46% i.e. 5 patients. Discussion: The effect of therapy on chief complaints in Group A is better than Group B. Percentage wise Khanda Kusmanda Avaleha gave 86.3% relief on duration of blood loss, 85.7% on Interval between two cycles and 58.3% on Amount of total blood loss during one period while Placebo capsule gave 27.2% relief on Duration of blood loss, 20% on Interval between cycle, and 21.05% relief on Amount of blood loss. So, more relief was observed on chief complaints in Group - A i.e. Khanda Kusmanda Avaleha

    Concept of Rakta Dhatu w.s.r. to Rakta Pradoshaja Vikara

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    Dhatu (tissue) is an entity by which sustenance, growth and nourishment of the body takes place. Dhatu are the functional apparatus of the Dosha (body humours). Rakta Dhatu is the 2nd Dhatu. It is produced from the Prasada Bhaga of Rasa Dhatu with the help of Bhutagni and Rasa Dhatwagni. Rakta is word originated Sanskrit word from ‘Raj Ranjane’ meaning is to stain. If white cloth is stained with this Dhatu (tissue) it become red coloured hence it is called as Rakta. As it is one of the seven Dhatu, (tissue) it is present in entire part of the body. However it may present in large quantity in some places & may be functioning specifically in context to some organ. Such places are known as Sthana (location) of the Raktadhatu (Blood) Raktavaha Strotas (channel) is main site of Raktadhatu (Blood). Principle organs of this Strotas are liver & spleen

    Isosorbide dinitrate, with or without hydralazine, does not reduce wave reflections, left ventricular hypertrophy, or myocardial fibrosis in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

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    Background-Wave reflections, which are increased in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, impair diastolic function and promote pathologic myocardial remodeling. Organic nitrates reduce wave reflections acutely, but whether this is sustained chronically or affected by hydralazine coadministration is unknown. Methods and Results-We randomized 44 patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in a double-blinded fashion to isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN; n=13), ISDN+hydralazine (ISDN+hydral; n=15), or placebo (n=16) for 6months. The primary end point was the change in reflection magnitude (RM; assessed with arterial tonometry and Doppler echocardiography). Secondary end points included change in left ventricular mass and fibrosis, measured with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, and the 6-minute walk distance. ISDN reduced aortic characteristic impedance (mean baseline=0.15 [95% CI, 0.14-0.17], 3 months=0.11 [95% CI, 0.10-0.13], 6 months=0.10 [95% CI, 0.08-0.12] mmHg/mL per second; P=0.003) and forward wave amplitude (P-f, mean baseline=54.8 [95% CI, 47.6-62.0], 3 months=42.2 [95% CI, 33.2-51.3]; 6 months=37.0 [95% CI, 27.2-46.8] mmHg, P=0.04), but had no effect on RM (P=0.64), left ventricular mass (P=0.33), or fibrosis (P=0.63). ISDN+hydral increased RM (mean baseline=0.39 [95% CI, 0.35-0.43]; 3 months=0.31 [95% CI, 0.25-0.36]; 6 months=0.44 [95% CI, 0.37-0.51], P=0.03), reduced 6-minute walk distance (mean baseline=343.3 [95% CI, 319.2-367.4]; 6 months=277.0 [95% CI, 242.7-311.4] meters, P=0.022), and increased native myocardial T1 (mean baseline=1016.2 [95% CI, 1002.7-1029.7]; 6 months=1054.5 [95% CI, 1036.5-1072.3], P=0.021). A high proportion of patients experienced adverse events with active therapy (ISDN=61.5%, ISDN+hydral=60.0%; placebo=12.5%; P=0.007). Conclusions-ISDN, with or without hydralazine, does not exert beneficial effects on RM, left ventricular remodeling, or submaximal exercise and is poorly tolerated. ISDN+hydral appears to have deleterious effects on RM, myocardial remodeling, and submaximal exercise. Our findings do not support the routine use of these vasodilators in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
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