32 research outputs found

    Extreme low temperature tolerance in woody plants

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    Woody plants in boreal to arctic environments and high mountains survive prolonged exposure to temperatures below -40°C and minimum temperatures below -60°C, and laboratory tests show that many of these species can also survive immersion in liquid nitrogen at -196°C. Studies of biochemical changes that occur during acclimation, including recent proteomic and metabolomic studies, have identified changes in carbohydrate and compatible solute concentrations, membrane lipid composition, and proteins, notably dehydrins, that may have important roles in survival at extreme low temperature (ELT). Consideration of the biophysical mechanisms of membrane stress and strain lead to the following hypotheses for cellular and molecular mechanisms of survival at ELT: (1) Changes in lipid composition stabilize membranes at temperatures above the lipid phase transition temperature (-20 to -30°C), preventing phase changes that result in irreversible injury. (2) High concentrations of oligosaccharides promote vitrification or high viscosity in the cytoplasm in freeze-dehydrated cells, which would prevent deleterious interactions between membranes. (3) Dehydrins bind membranes and further promote vitrification or act stearically to prevent membrane–membrane interactions.© 2015 Strimbeck, Schaberg, Fossdal, Schröder and Kjellsen. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms

    Geographic range predicts photosynthetic and growth response to warming in co-occurring tree species

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    www.nature.comPopulations near the warm edge of species ranges may be particularly sensitive to climate change, but lack of empirical data on responses to warming represents a key gap in understanding future range dynamics. Herein we document the impacts of experimental warming on the performance of 11 boreal and temperate forest species that co-occur at the ecotone between these biomes in North America. We measured in situ net photosynthetic carbon gain and growth of >4,100 juvenile trees from local seed sources exposed to a chamberless warming experiment that used infrared heat lamps and soil heating cables to elevate temperatures by +3.4 °C above- and belowground for three growing seasons across 48 plots at two sites. In these ecologically realistic field settings, species growing nearest their warm range limit exhibited reductions in net photosynthesis and growth, whereas species near their cold range limit responded positively to warming. Differences among species in their three-year growth responses to warming parallel their photosynthetic responses to warming, suggesting that leaf-level responses may scale to whole-plant performance. These responses are consistent with the hypothesis, from observational data and models, that warming will reduce the competitive ability of currently dominant southern boreal species compared with locally rarer co-occurring species that dominate warmer neighbouring regions. © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

    Functional group contributions to carbon fluxes in arctic-alpine ecosystems

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    Ongoing responses to climate change in arctic-alpine ecosystems, including the increasing dominance of deciduous shrubs, involve major shifts in plant functional group composition. Because rates of photosynthesis and respiration and their responses to temperature may vary among plant functional groups, a better understanding of their contributions to carbon fluxes will help improve predictions of how ecosystem changes will affect carbon source-sink relations in globally important tundra regions. We used a sequential harvest method to estimate growing season functional group contributions to net ecosystem exchange (NEE), ecosystem respiration (ER), and gross photosynthesis (GP) in alpine heath-, meadow-, and Salix-dominated shrub communities. We also partitioned ER into aboveground and belowground components in all three communities. Belowground efflux was the dominant component of ER in the heath and meadow communities (63 percent and 88 percent of ER, respectively) but contributed only approximately 40 percent of ER in the shrub community. The dominant functional group in each community contributed most to aboveground exchanges. Estimates for cryptogams were uncertain, but indicated a minor role for bryophytes and lichens in overall exchange. The results of our novel method of partitioning gas-exchange measurements suggest strong differences in the relative proportions of soil versus aboveground respiration and in the contributions of different functional groups in the net carbon exchange of three important arctic-alpine community types, with implications for changes in carbon dynamics as these systems respond to environmental change

    Operating a pressure-gasification pilot plant using pulverized coal and oxygen : effect of heat loss on economy /

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    Includes bibliographic references.Mode of access: Internet

    Pilot-scale fluidized-coal feeder utilizing zone fluidization /

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    Bibliography: p. 19-20.Mode of access: Internet

    Pair-wise multicomparison and OPLS analyses of cold-acclimation phases in Siberian spruce

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    Analysis of metabolomics data often goes beyond the task of discovering biomarkers and can be aimed at recovering other important characteristics of observed metabolomic changes. In this paper we explore different methods to detect the presence of distinctive phases in seasonal-responsive changes of metabolomic patterns of Siberian spruce (Picea obovata) during cold acclimation occurred in the period from mid-August to January. Multivariate analysis, specifically orthogonal projection to latent structures discriminant analysis (OPLSDA), identified time points where the metabolomic patterns underwent substantial modifications as a whole, revealing four distinctive phases during acclimation. This conclusion was re-examined by a univariate analysis consisting of multiple pair-wise comparisons to identify homogeneity intervals for each metabolite. These tests complemented OPLS-DA, clarifying biological interpretation of the classification: about 60% of metabolites found responsive to the cold stress indeed changed at one or more of the time points predicted by OPLS-DA. However, the univariate approach did not support the proposed division of the acclimation period into four phases: less than 10% of metabolites altered during the acclimation had homogeneous levels predicted by OPLS-DA. This demonstrates that coupling the classification found by OPLS-DA and the analysis of dynamics of individual metabolites obtained by pair-wise multicomparisons reveals a more correct characterization of biochemical processes in freezing tolerant trees and leads to interpretations that cannot be deduced by either method alone. The combined analysis can be used in other ‘omics’-studies, where response factors have a causal dependence (like the time in the present work) and pairwise multicomparisons are not conservative.Published online 11 april 2011. Copywright, The Author(s) 2011. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.co