827 research outputs found

    Modelling electronic service systems using UML

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    This paper presents a profile for modelling systems of electronic services using UML. Electronic services encapsulate business services, an organisational unit focused on delivering benefit to a consumer, to enhance communication, coordination and information management. Our profile is based on a formal, workflow-oriented description of electronic services that is abstracted from particular implementation technologies. Resulting models provide the basis for a formal analysis to verify behavioural properties of services. The models can also relate services to management components, including workflow managers and Electronic Service Management Systems (ESMSs), a novel concept drawn from experience of HP Service Composer and DySCo (Dynamic Service Composer), providing the starting point for integration and implementation tasks. Their UML basis and platform-independent nature is consistent with a Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) development strategy, appropriate to the challenge of developing electronic service systems using heterogeneous technology, and incorporating legacy systems

    Voluntary Assumption of Risk and the Gratuitous Passenger

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    In the so-called gratuitous passenger cases, the defence of voluntary assumption of risk, being a complete defence to negligence, has fallen into some disfavour with the courts in recent years, preference having been given to the more moderate defence of contributory negligence with its consequent apportionment of responsibility.\u27 With one exception, 2 this has also proved to be the case in their dealing with a gratuitous passenger\u27s rights against the drunken driver found to be grossly negligent under the motor vehicle legislation. a As a rule, the plea of volenti and that of contributory negligence go together, so that the defence of contributory negligence may succeed where volenti fails. The defences can cover the same field, so to speak. The essence of volenti is that the plaintiff has abrogated his legal rights

    Production of callus from protoplasts of cultured grape pericarp

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    Protoplasts were isolated from callus cultures of grape vine pericarp after an overnight incubation at 26 °c in 2% Cellulase Onozuka SS plus 1 % Macerozyme dissolved in a mixture of 0.14 molal KCl and 0.10 molal CaCl2 at pH 5.5. When cultured in a liquid medium with either 0.24 M sorbitol or 0.23 M sucrose as osmotic stabilizer, new cell walls were regenerated within the first few days. Cell division commenced by the sixth day of culture, and approximately 0.5% of the population continued dividing. Eventual transfer of the culture to the surface of medium solidified with agar resulted in callus formation.Kallusbildung aus Protoplasten von kultiviertem TraubenperikarpEine Nährlösung wird beschrieben, in der Protoplasten, die aus Kalluskulturen von Traubenperikarp isoliert worden waren, neue Zellwände bildeten und Zellteilungen eingingen. Spätere Übertragung auf einen festen Nährboden ergab aktives Kalluswachstum

    Diethyl 2-amino-5-[(E)-(furan-2-yl­methyl­idene)amino]­thio­phene-3,4-di­carboxyl­ate

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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, C15H16N2O5S, the azomethine adopts the E configuration. The two heterocyclic rings adopt an anti­periplanar orientation. The mean planes of the thio­phene and furan rings are twisted by 2.51 (4)°. The crystal structure exhibits inter­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonding. π–π stacking is also observed, the centroid-to-centroid distance being 3.770 (4) Å

    Diethyl 2,5-bis­[(E)-2-furylmethyl­ene­amino]thio­phene-3,4-dicarboxyl­ate

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    The title compound, C20H18N2O6S, crystallizes as two independent mol­ecules that are disposed about a pseudo-inversion center (1/2, 1/4, 1/8). The mean planes of the two terminal furyl rings are twisted with respect to the central thio­phene ring by 7.33 (4) and 21.74 (5)° in one mol­ecule, and by 6.91 (4) and 39.80 (6)° in the other

    In vitro propagation of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) from fragmented shoot apices

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    A method is described for the in vitro propagation of grapevine from fragmented shoot apices, which has the potential to produce approximately 8000 plantlets from a single apex within 4 months. Apical cell clumps were grown in a liquid culture medium with cytokinin but in the absence of auxin. Transfer of the differentiated cell clumps to the same medium gelled with agar resulted in shoot masses which could be repeatedly subcultured. Excised shoots rooted readily on a hormone-free basal medium, and were successfully transferred to glasshouse conditions. This method has potential value in commercial clonal grapevine propagation.In-vitro-Vermehrung der Rebe (Vitis vinifera L.) aus zerstückelten TriebspitzenEine Methode für die in-vitro-Vermehrung der Rebe aus zerstückelten Triebspitzen wird beschrieben. Zellklumpen der Triebspitze wurden auf einem flüssigen Medium, das Cytokinin, aber kein Auxin enthielt, kultiviert. Nach Übertragung der differenzierten Zellklumpen auf ein mit Agar verfestigtes, aber sonst gleich zusammengesetztes Medium entstanden Büschel von Trieben, die zerteilt und weiter vermehrt werden konnten. Explantierte Einzeltriebe bewurzelten sich auf einem hormonfreien Grundmedium rasch


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    Two mol­ecules of the title compound, C14H10N2OS, are hydrogen bonded about a center of inversion. In the mol­ecule, the two aromatic rings are twisted by 37.27 (5)° with respect to one another. The azomethine bond is in the E configuration

    The Cannon Hall Muscat grape

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    The Canon Hall Muscat table grape grown for export in Western Australia is consistent with the early descriptions and the present appearance of the original  Cannon Hall Muscat vine, and is clearly the same variety. It has the diploid number of chromosomes and the use of its name for tetraploid sports of Muscat of Alexandria is not justified.Die Rebensorte Cannon Hall MuscatDie Tafeltraube Canon Hall Muscat, die in Westaustralien zum Export angebaut wird, gleicht der ursprünglichen Cannon-Hall-Muscat-Rebe, da die erstgenannte eindeutig den alten Beschreibungen und dem heutigen Aussehen der letzteren entspricht. Canon Hall Muscat ist diploid, und deshalb sollte dieser Name nicht für tetraploide Mutanten von Muscat of Alexandria gebraucht werden

    Ploidy stability in grapevines following long term storage in vitro

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    A modified method to prepare root tip squashes was used for the routine examination of chromosomes of grapevines developed from in vitro shoot cultures. The results established that adventitious buds obtained by culture of fragmented shoot apices were diploid, and that storage at 9.5 °C of multiple shoot cultures of eight Vitis genotypes for periods up to 12 months did not affect the ploidy level of plants regenerated from them