282 research outputs found

    Vinculando avaliações TIMSS e NAEP para avaliar tendências internacionais em realizações

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    The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) makes it possible to compare the performance of students in the US in Mathematics and Science to the performance of students in other countries. TIMSS uses four international benchmarks for describing student achievement: Low, Intermediate, High, and Advanced. In this study, we linked the eighth-grade Math TIMSS and NAEP scales using equipercentile equating to (a) help better interpret U.S. eighth-grade students’ performance on TIMSS, and (b) investigate the progress of eighth-grade U.S. students over time relative to the progress of students in other countries. Results indicated that relative to other countries, U.S. eighth-grade students increased with respect to the “At or Above Basic” NAEP Achievement level, but that other countries saw larger improvements in the higher achievement level categories, relative to the US. This finding may reflect the emphasis of No Child Left Behind on raising lower achievement to “proficient.” However, with respect to “Advanced” mathematics achievement, eighth-grade U.S. students showed less improvement than students in other countries. Las Tendencias en Matemáticas Internacionales y Estudios Ciencias (TIMSS) le permite comparar el rendimiento de los estudiantes en los EE.UU. en Matemáticas y Ciencia con el rendimiento de otros estudiantes de los países. El TIMSS utiliza cuatro puntos de referencia internacionales para describir el rendimiento del estudiante: bajo, intermedio y avanzado de alta. En este estudio, asociamos las escalas de TIMSS matemáticas y NAEP dadas en octavo grado utilizando equipercentile equivalente a (a) ayuda a interpretar mejor el rendimiento de octavo grado en el TIMSS, y (b) para investigar el progreso de los estudiantes de 8º grado en los Estados Unidos en el tiempo sobre el progreso de los estudiantes de otros países. Los resultados indicaron que, en comparación con otros países, los estudiantes de 8º grado de Estados Unidos aumentaron desde el nivel “igual o superior al básico” NAEP logro, pero otros países marcaron la mayor mejora en la mayoría de las categorías de nivel de rendimiento en los EE.UU.. Este hallazgo puede reflejar el énfasis de No Child Left Behind (NCLB) para elevar el rendimiento más bajo de "competente". Sin embargo, en cuanto a rendimiento en matemáticas “avanzada”, los estudiantes estadounidenses de octavo grado mostraron menor mejoría de los estudiantes de otros países.As Tendências em Matemática Internacional e Estudos em Ciências (TIMSS) permite comparar o desempenho dos estudantes nos EUA em Matemática e Ciência com o desempenho de alunos de outros países. O TIMSS usa quatro referências internacionais para descrever o desempenho dos alunos: Baixo, Intermediário, Alto e Avançado. Neste estudo, associamos as escalas de TIMSS e NAEP de matemática dada na 8ª série usando equivalentes equipercentile para (a) ajudar a interpretar melhor o desempenho dos estudantes da oitava série no TIMSS, e (b) investigar o progresso de estudantes de 8ª série nos EUA ao longo do tempo relativo ao progresso dos alunos em outros países. Os resultados indicaram que, em relação a outros países, os estudantes de 8º ano dos Estados Unidos aumentaram em relação ao nível “no ou acima do básico” de realização NAEP, mas que outros países marcaram melhorias maiores nas categorias de maior nível de desempenho em relação aos EUA. Essa descoberta pode refletir na ênfase de Nenhuma Criança Deixada Para Trás (No Child Left Behind) em elevar a realização inferior para "proficiente". No entanto, no que diz respeito à conquista de matemática “Avançada,” os estudantes americanos de 8ª série apresentaram menor melhora do que os estudantes de outros países

    Invariant NKT cells and rheumatic disease: Focus on primary sjogren syndrome

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    Primary Sjogren syndrome (pSS) is a complex autoimmune disease mainly affecting salivary and lacrimal glands. Several factors contribute to pSS pathogenesis; in particular, innate immunity seems to play a key role in disease etiology. Invariant natural killer (NK) T cells (iNKT) are a T-cell subset able to recognize glycolipid antigens. Their function remains unclear, but studies have pointed out their ability to modulate the immune system through the promotion of specific cytokine milieu. In this review, we discussed the possible role of iNKT in pSS development, as well as their implications as future markers of disease activity

    Jurnal Pendidik dan Pendidikan

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    Abstract: National Assessments seeks to include all students in the sampling frame from which students are selected to participate in the assessment. However, some students with disabilities (SWD) are either unable to take tests under standard testing conditions or are unable to perform at their best under standard testing conditions. In many testing situations, accommodations to standard testing conditions are given to SWD to improve measurement of their knowledge, skills and abilities. This practice is in the pursuit of more valid test score interpretation; however, it produces the ultimate psychometric oxymoron -an accommodated standardized test. In this paper, I review validity issues related to test accommodations and summarize some empirical studies in this area. The focus of the paper is on accommodations for reading tests because some types of accommodations on these tests are particularly controversial. The specific accommodations emphasized in this review are extended time and oral (read-aloud) accommodations. A review of professional standards, validity theory, and recent empirical research in this area suggests that extended time accommodations may be appropriate for reading tests, but read-aloud accommodations are likely to alter the construct measured. Suggestions for determining when to provide accommodations and how to report scores from accommodated test administrations are provided. Keywords: construct validity, reading tests, test accommodations, validity Abstrak: Pentaksiran Kebangsaan berhasrat melibatkan semua pelajar Amerika Syarikat dalam kerangka pemilihan sampel yang mengambil bahagian dalam pentaksiran. Namun, pelajar yang kurang upaya (SWD) mungkin tidak dapat menduduki ujian atau menunjukkan kebolehan mereka di bawah keadaan piawai ujian. Dalam kebanyakan keadaan, akomodasi diberi kepada SWD untuk memperbaiki pengukuran pengetahuan, kemahiran dan kebolehan. Amalan ini dilakukan supaya pentafsiran skor akan mempunyai kesahan yang lebih baik. Hasilnya ialah satu ujian piawai dengan akomodasi. Dalam kertas kerja ini, saya meninjau isu kesahan berkaitan akomodasi dan merumuskan daripada kajian empirik dalam bidang ini. Fokus kertas kerja ini adalah pada akomodasi untuk ujian membaca yang menimbulkan kontroversi. Jenis akomodasi yang ditumpukan ialah melanjutkan masa ujian dan akomodasi lisan. Tinjauan standard profesional, teor

    A promising new ELISA diagnostic test for cattle babesiosis based on Babesia bigemina Apical Membrane Antigen-1.

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    Babesiosis due to Babesia bigemina is a relevant tick‑borne disease, affecting cattle worldwide. Many surface proteins of the pathogen including the Apical Membrane Antigen 1 (AMA‑1) ‑ have been analysed for vaccine and diagnostic purposes. This study focused on B. bigemina AMA‑1 and on its use for the assessment of diagnostic tests. After bioinformatic analyses, AMA‑1 codifying region was amplified and cloned into an expression vector used to induce protein synthesis in Escherichia coli cells. AMA‑1 was purified by affinity chromatography and used to set up the best condition for an ELISA protocol. Bovine field sera positive to B. bigemina were used to evaluate the presence of anti‑AMA‑1 antibodies. In order to verify the assay specificity, sera positive to Babesia bovis or to the piroplasm Theileria annulata were also included. Significant differences were obtained between sera negative to both B. bigemina and B. bovis and samples positive to B. bigemina, to B. bovis or to both pathogens. No significant reaction was observed with T. annulata positive sera. The results showed that AMA‑1 protein is suitable to be used as antigen in diagnostic assays for babesiosis diagnosis in cattle, as it does not show any cross reaction with anti-T. annulata antibodies

    Validity Issues In Accommodating Reading Tests

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    National Assessments seeks to include all students in the sampling frame from which students are selected to participate in the assessment. However, some students with disabilities (SWD) are either unable to take tests under standard testing conditions or are unable to perform at their best under standard testing conditions. In many testing situations, accommodations to standard testing conditions are given to SWD to improve measurement of their knowledge, skills and abilities. This practice is in the pursuit of more valid test score interpretation; however, it produces the ultimate psychometric oxymoron – an accommodated standardized test. In this paper, I review validity issues related to test accommodations and summarize some empirical studies in this area. The focus of the paper is on accommodations for reading tests because some types of accommodations on these tests are particularly controversial. The specific accommodations emphasized in this review are extended time and oral (read-aloud) accommodations. A review of professional standards, validity theory, and recent empirical research in this area suggests that extended time accommodations may be appropriate for reading tests, but read-aloud accommodations are likely to alter the construct measured. Suggestions for determining when to provide accommodations and how to report scores from accommodated test administrations are provided