14 research outputs found
Клинико-эпидемиологические аспекты аскаридоза у детей в Астраханской области
The purpose of the study: to analyze the clinical and epidemiological condition of children infected with ascariids in 2015—201 9 on the territory of the Astrakhan region. Materials and methods. During the analyzed period, 87 cases of ascariasis in children were registered in the Astrakhan region. We observed 23 children (26.4%) diagnosed with Ascariasis.Research result. The age of children whose eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides were found in the biomaterial ranged from 1 to 17 years, and in the age groups of children (schoolchildren — preschoolers), cases of ascariasis were recorded almost equally.Clinically, the disease occurred in the form of complaints of children — 65.2% (п = 15) for pain in the epigastric region — 34.8% (п = 8), nausea, vomiting, cough and poor appetite — 20.0% (п = 3), liquid stool and fever to subfebrile numbers — 1 3.3% (п = 2). In isolated cases, children complained of teeth grinding at night, frequent fatigue and headache-6.7% (п = 1). Complaints about the exit of the parasite at the time of the act of defecation were made by 40.0% (п = 6). Some patients had no complaints — 34.8% (п = 8).Conclusions: Ascariasis was registered almost equally in all age groups. The main complaints were epigastric pain, nausea, decreased appetite, and loose stools. The main cause of the disease was non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, eating unwashed fruits and vegetables, and the habit of eating without first washing your hands. Isolation of a male Ascaris lumbricoides at the time of defecation and a negative result of fecal examination indicate the absence of a female As-caris lumbricoides in the macroorganism and does not require further treatment.Цель исследования: клинико-эпидемиологический анализ аскаридоза у детей за 2015—201 9 гг. на территории Астраханской области.Материалы и методы. За анализируемый период на территории Астраханской области зарегистрировано 87 случаев аскаридоза у детей. Под нашим наблюдением находилось 23 ребенка (26,4%) с диагнозом «Аскаридоз».Результаты исследования. Возраст детей, у которых в биоматериале были обнаружены яйца Ascarislumbricoides, составлял от 1 года до 1 7 лет, причем в возрастных группах детей школьники и дошкольники случаи аскаридоза регистрировались практически с одинаковой частотой.Клинически заболевание протекало с жалобами детей — 65,2% (п = 15) на боль в эпигастральной области — 34,8% (п = 8), тошноту, рвоту, кашель и плохой аппетит — по 20,0% (по п = 3), жидкий стул и повышение температуры до субфебрильных цифр — по 13,3% (по п = 2). В единичных случаях дети предъявляли жалобы на скрип зубами по ночам, частую утомляемость и головную боль — по 6,7% (по п = 1). Жалобы на выход паразита в момент акта дефекации предъявляли 40,0% (п = 6). У части больных жалобы отсутствовали — 34,8% (п = 8).Выводы: Аскаридоз регистрировался с одинаковой частотой у школьников и дошкольников. Основными клиническими проявлениями являлись боль в эпигастральной области, тошнота, снижение аппетита, жидкий стул. Причиной заболевания послужило несоблюдение правил личной гигиены, употребление в пищу немытых фруктов и овощей и привычка есть без предварительного мытья рук. Выделение самца Ascarislumbricoides в момент акта дефекации и отрицательный результат исследования фекалий, свидетельствуют об отсутствии самки Ascarislumbricoides в макроорганизме и не требует дальнейшего лечения
Results of the Test-Run of the Computer Software Model Support System for Managerial Decision Making
Considered is the experience of development of the decision support system (DSS) in the sphere of biological safety provision. Described are the objectives, functions, and architecture of DSS. Represented are the results of operational program-testing in the model territory (the Astrakhan region). Indicated is the effectiveness of DSS for information support of the control activity over internal and external biosafety hazards. Determined are the directions for further development of DSS
Objective of the study is to investigate biological properties of avian influenza virus strains that caused the outbreaks in Russia in 2016–2017.Materials and methods. The study was performed using advanced virological and molecular-biological methods in state-of-the-art equipment.Results and conclusion. In 2016, the outbreaks among wild birds and poultry caused by highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 virus have occurred in the territory of the Russian Federation. In May, 2016 an outbreak of H5N8 among wild birds was registered in the territory of the Republic of Tyva. In October-November, 2016 influenza virus H5N8 was isolated in the territory of the Republics of Tatarstan and Kalmykia, Krasnodar and Astrakhan Regions of Russia. In 2017 avian influenza H5N8 has become widespread in European part of Russia and caused multiple outbreaks among wild birds and poultry. Results of the investigations of the isolated strains show that all of them are highly pathogenic and belong to the clade Molecular-genetic and virological analysis has revealed the differences between the viruses isolated in 2016–2017 and the virus of the same clade that was isolated in 2014
Purpose of the study: Analyze the epidemiological situation of echinococcosis in children in the Astrakhan region. In the Astrakhan region from 2001 to 2016. Registered 141 cases of echinococcosis in humans, incl. In children — 22 cases (15,6%). Among all the sick children, echinococcosis was more often reported in school-age persons — 90,9%. From the preschool age group, echinococcosis was recorded in two (9,1%) unorganized children aged 5 and 6 years. The main complaints in the majority of invasive children were pain and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium — 40,9%, periodically arising cramping pain in the area of localization of the parasite — 31,8%. In rare cases, complaints of weakness and a feeling of bursting at the site of echinococcal cyst localization were noted — 4,5% each. A part of patients — 18,2% of the complaints were absent. When diagnosing, both laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods were used. In most cases — 90,9%, the diagnosis of echinococcosis was confirmed by the enzyme immunoassay (ELISA method). Thus, recently in the territory of the Astrakhan region there has been an increase in the number of cases of human infection with echinococcus, incl. аnd children of school age. The parasite is located, as a rule, in the liver and lung. The disease was susceptible to those who had a history of permanent contact with non-undelminthic dogs. In the diagnosis of echinococcosis, the main role is played by the complex methods of ELISA, CT, ultrasound, x-ray and histological methods. Цель исследования: проанализировать эпидемиологическую ситуацию по эхинококкозу у детей в Астраханской области. В Астраханской области с 2001 по 2016 гг. зарегистрирован 141 случай эхинококкоза у человека, в т.ч. 22 случая — у детей (15,6%). Среди всех заболевших детей, эхинококкоз чаще регистрировался у школьников — 90,9%. Из группы пациентов дошкольного возраста эхинококкоз выявлен у двух (9,1%) неорганизованных детей в возрасте 5 и 6 лет. Основными жалобами у большинства инвазированных детей были боль и чувство тяжести в области правого подреберья — 40,9%, периодически возникающая схваткообразная боль в области локализации паразита — 31,8%. В редких случаях отмечались жалобы на слабость и чувство распирания в месте локализации эхинококковой кисты — по 4,5%. У части больных —18,2% жалобы отсутствовали. В большинстве случаев — 90,9% диагноз эхинококкоз был подтвержден метом иммуноферментного анализа (ИФА). Таким образом, в последнее время на территории Астраханской области отмечается увеличение числа случаев заражения человека эхинококком, в т.ч. и детей школьного возраста. Паразит локализовался, как правило, в печени и легком. Заболеванию были подвержены лица, имевшие в анамнезе постоянный контакт с недегельминтизированными собаками. В диагностике эхинококкоза главную роль играет комплекс методов: ИФА, КТ, УЗИ, рентгенологический и гистологический.
Паразитарные поражения в пищеварительном тракте детей, вызванные лямблиями
Purpose of the study. To characterize lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in children, caused by parasitism in the body lamblia based on the analysis of case histories based on helminthological center GBUZ of “Children’s city polyclinic № 3». Materials and methods. We analyzed the medical records of 95 children treated with the diagnosis of “Giardiasis” in 2016 in GBUZ of “Children’s city polyclinic № 3”. Clinically, giardiasis proceeded with the defeat of the gastrointestinal tract and lymphatic system. Thus, according to US data, 41.1% of children showed no pathological changes in the organs of the abdominal cavity. Reactive changes in the liver were observed in 20%, and reactive changes of the pancreas - 40%. Mezadenita phenomena were observed in 8.4% of patients, splenomegaly - at 6.3%, poliadenopatiya - 4.2%, and signs DZHVP - 20%. Results of the study. All patients complained of: abdominal pain - 44.7%, gnashing their teeth at night - 27.6%, decreased appetite and diarrhea - 18.4%, nausea - 13.2%, allergic reactions of varying intensity - 16 2% vomiting - 7.9%; In rare cases, children complained of a slight increase in temperature to subfebrile and hair loss - by 2.7%; in 11.8% of cases in children no complaints. From the liver, all the children were observed following complaints: abdominal pain - 42.1%, diarrhea and gnashing of teeth at night - by 26.3%, decreased appetite - 21.1%, nausea and allergic rashes on the skin - on 15.8%, vomiting - 10.5%. In 15.8% of children were no complaints. Reactive changes in the pancreas were observed in 50% of cases, when all the children complained of: abdominal pain -50%, friction and grinding of teeth at night - 31.6%, allergic reactions in the form of a rash on the skin of varying intensity - 28, 9%, decreased appetite - 23.7%, diarrhea - 21.1%, nausea - 13.7%, vomiting - 7.9% and a slight increase in the temperature of - 2.6%. In 4 cases (23.5%) - complaints of children missing. In addition to reactive changes of the liver and pancreas, some children (25%) according to the results of ultrasound showed signs of biliary dyskinesia (DZHVP). For all sick children complained of abdominal pain of varying degrees of intensity and allergic rashes on the skin - by 36.8%. In rare cases, they have been complaints of teeth grinding at night - 21.1%, diarrhea - 15.8%, and nausea and hair loss - by 10.5%. In rare cases, patients reported vomiting, loss of appetite and fever - by 5.3%. In 10.5% of complaints in children missing. Conclusions. Thus, the most frequent complaints of children were abdominal pain, allergic reaction in the skin, rattle and creak of teeth at night and loose stools. Most often observed in children sochetannye reactive changes of the liver and pancreas. Giardiasis often registered in preschool children. The diagnosis in all cases was established on the basis of koproovoskopicheskogo research - detection lamblia cysts in feces.Цель исследования - охарактеризовать поражения в пищеварительном тракте детей, вызванные паразитированием в организме лямблий. Материалы и методы. Нами проанализированы 95 историй болезни детей, леченных с диагнозом лямблиоз в 2016 г в ГБУЗ АО «Детская городская поликлиника № 3». Клинически лямблиоз протекал с поражением пищеварительного тракта и лимфатической системы. По данным УЗИ, в 41,1 % у детей не выявили патологических изменений со стороны органов брюшной полости. Реактивные изменения в печени отмечали у 20 %, реактивные изменения в поджелудочной железе - у 40 %. Явления мезаденита установлены у 8,4 % больных, спленомегалия - у 6,3 %, полиаденопатия - у 4,2 % и признаки дискинезии желчевыводящих путей (ДЖВП) - у 20 %. Результаты и обсуждение. Все больные имели жалобы на: боль в животе - 44,7 %, скрежет зубами в ночное время - 27,6 %, снижение аппетита и жидкий стул - 18,4 %, тошноту - 13,2 %, аллергические реакции различной интенсивности - 16,2 %, рвоту - 7,9 %; в редких случаях дети жаловались на незначительное повышение температуры до субфебрильных цифр и выпадение волос - по 2,7 %; в 11,8 % случаев у детей жалобы отсутствовали. Со стороны печени, у всех детей наблюдали следующие жалобы: боль в животе - 42,1 %, жидкий стул и скрежет зубами по ночам - по 26,3 %, снижение аппетита - 21,1 %, тошнота и аллергические высыпания на коже - по 15,8 %, рвота - 10,5 %. В 15,8 % у детей жалобы отсутствовали. Реактивные изменения со стороны поджелудочной железы отмечали в 50 % случаев, когда дети предъявляли жалобы на: боль в животе - 50 %, трение и скрежет зубами по ночам - 31,6 %, аллергические проявления в виде высыпаний на коже различной интенсивности - 28,9 %, снижение аппетита - 23,7 %, жидкий стул - 21,1 %, тошноту - 13,7 %, рвоту - 7,9 % и незначительное повышение температуры - 2,6 %. В четырех случаях (23,5 %) жалобы у детей отсутствовали. Кроме реактивных изменений печени и поджелудочной железы у некоторых детей (25 %) по данным результатов ультразвукового исследования отмечали признаки ДЖВП. Больные дети жаловались на боль в животе различной степени интенсивности и аллергические высыпания на коже - по 36,8 %. В редких случаях у них регистрировали жалобы на скрежет зубами по ночам - 21,1 %, жидкий стул - 15,8 % и тошноту и выпадение волос - по 10,5 %. В единичных случаях больные отмечали рвоту, снижение аппетита и повышение температуры - по 5,3 %. В 10,5 % жалобы у детей отсутствовали. Таким образом, наиболее частыми жалобами детей были боль в животе, аллергические реакции на коже, скрежет и скрип зубами по ночам и жидкий стул. Чаще всего у детей отмечали сочетанные реактивные изменения со стороны печени и поджелудочной железы. Лямблиоз регистрировали, в основном, у детей дошкольного возраста. Диагноз во всех случаях был установлен на основании копроовоскопического исследования - обнаружения цист лямблий в фекалиях
Характеристика лямблиоза и энтеробиоза у детей Астраханской области
Purpose: assessment of the clinical and epidemiological situation of current invasions in children of the Astrakhan region. 315 outpatient cards of children were analyzed in 2016.The diagnosis of Giardiasis was made to 151 children, the diagnosis of Enterobiasis — 164. The age of all observed children ranged from 9 months to 17 years. The largest part was made up of children aged 3 to 14 years of age — 80.3%, among them enterobiasis was identified — in 46.7%, giardiasis — in 33.6% of cases. Most of the children — 90.5% were from organized groups (they attended preschool institutions or school). The reasons for the examination of all children were varied. Some children — 63.5% went to the doctor with complaints or clinical symptoms. Another part of the children — 33% of the diagnosis was made as a result of preventive examinations.In most cases — 78.7% various bad habits were identified. Thus, geophagy (the habit of eating the earth) was noted in 33.3% of children, and onigophagy (the habit of biting the nails) in 24.8%. In 21.3% of cases, bad habits were absent. Contact with pets was established in 22.9% of children. According to the ultrasound, most children with giardiasis (83.8%) had pathology (reactive changes of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder dyskinesia, etc.)In case of giardiasis niferator, albendazole was administered. In case of enterobiasis albendazole, pyrantel, and mebendazole were administered in age dosages. After antiparasitic treatment, in 91.4% of cases, the clinical symptoms of the disease completely disappeared, with giardiasis — in 85.4%, with enterobiasis — in 97% of cases.In 1.3% of children with giardiasis, after several courses of antiparasitic drugs, Giardia was found in feces in the absence of complaints and clinical symptoms, indicating a possible Giardia carrier parasite in children.С целью оценки клинико-эпидемиологической ситуации по актуальным инвазиям у детей Астраханской области было проанализировано 315 амбулаторных карт детей, обратившихся в 2016 г. Диагноз Лямблиоз был поставлен 151 ребенку, диагноз Энтеробиоз — 164.Возраст всех наблюдаемых детей составлял от 9 месяцев до 17 лет. Наибольшую часть составили дети в возрасте от 3 до 14 лет жизни — 80,3%, среди них энтеробиоз был выявлен в 46,7%, лямблиоз — в 33,6% случаев. Большинство детей — 90,5% были из организованных коллективов (посещали детские дошкольные учреждения или школу). Причины обследования всех детей были разнообразными. Часть детей — 63,5% обратились к специалисту в связи с наличием у них тех или иных клинических симптомов и жалоб. Другой части детей — 33% диагноз был выставлен в результате профилактических осмотров.В большинстве случаев — 78,7% были выявлены различные вредные привычки. Так, геофагия (привычка есть землю) отмечалась у 33,3% детей, а онигофагия (привычка грызть ногти) — у 24,8%. В 21,3% случаев вредные привычки отсутствовали. Котакт с домашними животными был установлен у 22,9% детей. По данным УЗИ, у большинства детей с лямблиозом (83,8%) отмечалась патология (реактивные изменения поджелудочной железы, печени, дискинезия желчного пузыря и др.).В качестве антипаразитарной терапии при лямблиозе назначался нифуратель, альбендазол, при энтеробиозе — альбендазол, пирантел и мебендазол в возрастных дозировках. После лечения в 91,4% случаев клинические симптомы заболевания полностью исчезли, при лямблиозе — в 85,4%, при энтеробиозе — в 97% случаев.У 1,3% детей с лямблиозом после нескольких курсов антипаразитарными препаратами обнаруживались лямблии в фекалиях при отсутствии жалоб и клинических симптомов, что свидетельствует о возможном паразитоносительстве лямблий у детей
Clinical and epidemiological aspects of Ascariasis in children in the Astrakhan region
The purpose of the study: to analyze the clinical and epidemiological condition of children infected with ascariids in 2015—201 9 on the territory of the Astrakhan region. Materials and methods. During the analyzed period, 87 cases of ascariasis in children were registered in the Astrakhan region. We observed 23 children (26.4%) diagnosed with Ascariasis.Research result. The age of children whose eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides were found in the biomaterial ranged from 1 to 17 years, and in the age groups of children (schoolchildren — preschoolers), cases of ascariasis were recorded almost equally.Clinically, the disease occurred in the form of complaints of children — 65.2% (п = 15) for pain in the epigastric region — 34.8% (п = 8), nausea, vomiting, cough and poor appetite — 20.0% (п = 3), liquid stool and fever to subfebrile numbers — 1 3.3% (п = 2). In isolated cases, children complained of teeth grinding at night, frequent fatigue and headache-6.7% (п = 1). Complaints about the exit of the parasite at the time of the act of defecation were made by 40.0% (п = 6). Some patients had no complaints — 34.8% (п = 8).Conclusions: Ascariasis was registered almost equally in all age groups. The main complaints were epigastric pain, nausea, decreased appetite, and loose stools. The main cause of the disease was non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, eating unwashed fruits and vegetables, and the habit of eating without first washing your hands. Isolation of a male Ascaris lumbricoides at the time of defecation and a negative result of fecal examination indicate the absence of a female As-caris lumbricoides in the macroorganism and does not require further treatment
Purpose of the study: Analyze the epidemiological situation of echinococcosis in children in the Astrakhan region. In the Astrakhan region from 2001 to 2016. Registered 141 cases of echinococcosis in humans, incl. In children — 22 cases (15,6%). Among all the sick children, echinococcosis was more often reported in school-age persons — 90,9%. From the preschool age group, echinococcosis was recorded in two (9,1%) unorganized children aged 5 and 6 years. The main complaints in the majority of invasive children were pain and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium — 40,9%, periodically arising cramping pain in the area of localization of the parasite — 31,8%. In rare cases, complaints of weakness and a feeling of bursting at the site of echinococcal cyst localization were noted — 4,5% each. A part of patients — 18,2% of the complaints were absent. When diagnosing, both laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods were used. In most cases — 90,9%, the diagnosis of echinococcosis was confirmed by the enzyme immunoassay (ELISA method). Thus, recently in the territory of the Astrakhan region there has been an increase in the number of cases of human infection with echinococcus, incl. аnd children of school age. The parasite is located, as a rule, in the liver and lung. The disease was susceptible to those who had a history of permanent contact with non-undelminthic dogs. In the diagnosis of echinococcosis, the main role is played by the complex methods of ELISA, CT, ultrasound, x-ray and histological methods
Parasitic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in children caused infestation giardia
Purpose of the study. To characterize lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in children, caused by parasitism in the body lamblia based on the analysis of case histories based on helminthological center GBUZ of “Children’s city polyclinic № 3». Materials and methods. We analyzed the medical records of 95 children treated with the diagnosis of “Giardiasis” in 2016 in GBUZ of “Children’s city polyclinic № 3”. Clinically, giardiasis proceeded with the defeat of the gastrointestinal tract and lymphatic system. Thus, according to US data, 41.1% of children showed no pathological changes in the organs of the abdominal cavity. Reactive changes in the liver were observed in 20%, and reactive changes of the pancreas - 40%. Mezadenita phenomena were observed in 8.4% of patients, splenomegaly - at 6.3%, poliadenopatiya - 4.2%, and signs DZHVP - 20%. Results of the study. All patients complained of: abdominal pain - 44.7%, gnashing their teeth at night - 27.6%, decreased appetite and diarrhea - 18.4%, nausea - 13.2%, allergic reactions of varying intensity - 16 2% vomiting - 7.9%; In rare cases, children complained of a slight increase in temperature to subfebrile and hair loss - by 2.7%; in 11.8% of cases in children no complaints. From the liver, all the children were observed following complaints: abdominal pain - 42.1%, diarrhea and gnashing of teeth at night - by 26.3%, decreased appetite - 21.1%, nausea and allergic rashes on the skin - on 15.8%, vomiting - 10.5%. In 15.8% of children were no complaints. Reactive changes in the pancreas were observed in 50% of cases, when all the children complained of: abdominal pain -50%, friction and grinding of teeth at night - 31.6%, allergic reactions in the form of a rash on the skin of varying intensity - 28, 9%, decreased appetite - 23.7%, diarrhea - 21.1%, nausea - 13.7%, vomiting - 7.9% and a slight increase in the temperature of - 2.6%. In 4 cases (23.5%) - complaints of children missing. In addition to reactive changes of the liver and pancreas, some children (25%) according to the results of ultrasound showed signs of biliary dyskinesia (DZHVP). For all sick children complained of abdominal pain of varying degrees of intensity and allergic rashes on the skin - by 36.8%. In rare cases, they have been complaints of teeth grinding at night - 21.1%, diarrhea - 15.8%, and nausea and hair loss - by 10.5%. In rare cases, patients reported vomiting, loss of appetite and fever - by 5.3%. In 10.5% of complaints in children missing. Conclusions. Thus, the most frequent complaints of children were abdominal pain, allergic reaction in the skin, rattle and creak of teeth at night and loose stools. Most often observed in children sochetannye reactive changes of the liver and pancreas. Giardiasis often registered in preschool children. The diagnosis in all cases was established on the basis of koproovoskopicheskogo research - detection lamblia cysts in feces