15,715 research outputs found

    Identification of the Sequence of Steps Intrinsic to Spheromak Formation

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    A planar coaxial electrostatic helicity source is used for studying the relaxation process intrinsic to spheromak formation Experimental observations reveal that spheromak formation involves: (1) breakdown and creation of a number of distinct, arched, filamentary, plasma-filled flux loops that span from cathode to anode gas nozzles, (2) merging of these loops to form a central column, (3) jet-like expansion of the central column, (4) kink instability of the central column, (5) conversion of toroidal flux to poloidal flux by the kink instability. Steps 1 and 3 indicate that spheromak formation involves an MHD pumping of plasma from the gas nozzles into the magnetic flux tube linking the nozzles. In order to measure this pumping, the gas puffing system has been modified to permit simultaneous injection of different gas species into the two ends of the flux tube linking the wall. Gated CCD cameras with narrow-band optical filters are used to track the pumped flows

    Distortion of genealogical properties when the sample is very large

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    Study sample sizes in human genetics are growing rapidly, and in due course it will become routine to analyze samples with hundreds of thousands if not millions of individuals. In addition to posing computational challenges, such large sample sizes call for carefully re-examining the theoretical foundation underlying commonly-used analytical tools. Here, we study the accuracy of the coalescent, a central model for studying the ancestry of a sample of individuals. The coalescent arises as a limit of a large class of random mating models and it is an accurate approximation to the original model provided that the population size is sufficiently larger than the sample size. We develop a method for performing exact computation in the discrete-time Wright-Fisher (DTWF) model and compare several key genealogical quantities of interest with the coalescent predictions. For realistic demographic scenarios, we find that there are a significant number of multiple- and simultaneous-merger events under the DTWF model, which are absent in the coalescent by construction. Furthermore, for large sample sizes, there are noticeable differences in the expected number of rare variants between the coalescent and the DTWF model. To balance the tradeoff between accuracy and computational efficiency, we propose a hybrid algorithm that utilizes the DTWF model for the recent past and the coalescent for the more distant past. Our results demonstrate that the hybrid method with only a handful of generations of the DTWF model leads to a frequency spectrum that is quite close to the prediction of the full DTWF model.Comment: 27 pages, 2 tables, 14 figure

    Stable dilute supersolid of two-dimensional dipolar bosons

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    We consider two-dimensional bosonic dipoles oriented perpendicularly to the plane. On top of the usual two-body contact and long-range dipolar interactions we add a contact three-body repulsion as expected, in particular, for dipoles in the bilayer geometry with tunneling. The three-body repulsion is crucial for stabilizing the system, and we show that our model allows for stable continuous space supersolid states in the dilute regime and calculate the zero-temperature phase diagram.Comment: revised version, 5 pages, 2 figures, with 3 pages supplementary materia

    Cluster Formation in Protostellar Outflow-Driven Turbulence

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    Most, perhaps all, stars go through a phase of vigorous outflow during formation. We examine, through 3D MHD simulation, the effects of protostellar outflows on cluster formation. We find that the initial turbulence in the cluster-forming region is quickly replaced by motions generated by outflows. The protostellar outflow-driven turbulence (``protostellar turbulence'' for short) can keep the region close to a virial equilibrium long after the initial turbulence has decayed away. We argue that there exist two types of turbulence in star-forming clouds: a primordial (or ``interstellar'') turbulence and a protostellar turbulence, with the former transformed into the latter mostly in embedded clusters such as NGC 1333. Since the majority of stars are thought to form in clusters, an implication is that the stellar initial mass function is determined to a large extent by the stars themselves, through outflows which individually limit the mass accretion onto forming stars and collectively shape the environments (density structure and velocity field) in which most cluster members form. We speculate that massive cluster-forming clumps supported by protostellar turbulence gradually evolve towards a highly centrally condensed ``pivotal'' state, culminating in rapid formation of massive stars in the densest part through accretion.Comment: 11 pages (aastex format), 2 figures submitted to ApJ

    Molecular Gas Content of HI Monsters and Implications to Cold Gas Content Evolution in Galaxies

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    We present 12CO (J=1-0) observations of a sample of local galaxies (0.04<z<0.08) with a large neutral hydrogen reservoir, or "HI monsters". The data were obtained using the Redshift Search Receiver on the FCRAO 14 m telescope. The sample consists of 20 HI-massive galaxies with M(HI)>3e10Msun from the ALFALFA survey and 8 LSBs with a comparable M(HI) (>1.5e10Msun). Our sample selection is purely based on the amount of neutral hydrogen, thereby providing a chance to study how atomic and molecular gas relate to each other in these HI-massive systems. We have detected CO in 15 out of 20 ALFALFA selected galaxies and 4 out of 8 LSBs with molecular gas mass M(H2) of (1-11)e9Msun. Their total cold gas masses of (2-7e10Msun make them some of the most gas-massive galaxies identified to date in the Local Universe. Observed trends associated with HI, H2, and stellar properties of the HI massive galaxies and the field comparison sample are analyzed in the context of theoretical models of galaxy cold gas content and evolution, and the importance of total gas content and improved recipes for handling spatially differentiated behaviors of disk and halo gas are identified as potential areas of improvement for the modeling.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables; Accepted for publication in MNRA
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