4,150 research outputs found

    The changes in chemical composition during development of the bovine nuchal ligament

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    Whole bovine nuchal ligaments, or portions thereof (in the case of commercially valuable animals), were obtained from 45 animals (28 fetal and 17 postnatal) ranging in age from 110 days of gestation to 10 yr. Insoluble elastin was quantitatively prepared from the fresh ligaments by extraction with hot alkali and by a combination of multiple extractions with alkaline buffer and then repeated autoclaving. When adult samples were examined, the yields of insoluble residue by these two methods were very similar, but with young fetal samples the second method gave significantly higher values, because of incomplete purification of the elastin residue. The changes in the concentration of collagen, alkali-insoluble elastin, and DNA have been examined. DNA concentration, and, thus, cell population density, fell progressively during the fetal period of development, to reach a steady value soon after birth. Collagen appeared in appreciable quantities before elastin, but its concentration was rapidly halved at about the time of birth. Insoluble elastin concentration was low until the end of the 7th fetal month, at which time it began to rise rapidly. The rate of increase in elastin concentration remained high throughout the next 10–12 wk, by which time the adult value had been reached. Quantitative studies, on the basis of the whole ligament, showed that the total cell content rises to a maximum at birth, but falls soon after to a level about half that at birth. Total collagen production and elastin deposition continue at a steady, maximal rate over the interval from 235 days of gestation to the end of the 1st postnatal month. It is concluded that the immediate postnatal period would be the most favorable phase in which to attempt the isolation of the soluble precursor elastin

    Universal Probability Distribution Function for Bursty Transport in Plasma Turbulence

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    Bursty transport phenomena associated with convective motion present universal statistical characteristics among different physical systems. In this letter, a stochastic univariate model and the associated probability distribution function for the description of bursty transport in plasma turbulence is presented. The proposed stochastic process recovers the universal distribution of density fluctuations observed in plasma edge of several magnetic confinement devices and the remarkable scaling between their skewness SS and kurtosis KK. Similar statistical characteristics of variabilities have been also observed in other physical systems that are characterized by convection such as the X-ray fluctuations emitted by the Cygnus X-1 accretion disc plasmas and the sea surface temperature fluctuations.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Implementation of mean-timing and subsequent logic functions on an FPGA

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    This article describes the implementation of a mean-timer and coincidence logic on a Virtex-5 FPGA for trigger purposes in a particle physics experiment. The novel feature is that the mean-timing and the coincidence logic are not synchronized with a clock which allows for a higher resolution of approximately 400 ps, not limited by a clock frequency.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    A titanium-nitride near-infrared kinetic inductance photon-counting detector and its anomalous electrodynamics

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    We demonstrate single-photon counting at 1550 nm with titanium-nitride (TiN) microwave kinetic inductance detectors. Energy resolution of 0.4 eV and arrival-time resolution of 1.2 microseconds are achieved. 0-, 1-, 2-photon events are resolved and shown to follow Poisson statistics. We find that the temperature-dependent frequency shift deviates from the Mattis-Bardeen theory, and the dissipation response shows a shorter decay time than the frequency response at low temperatures. We suggest that the observed anomalous electrodynamics may be related to quasiparticle traps or subgap states in the disordered TiN films. Finally, the electron density-of-states is derived from the pulse response.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Theoretical Properties of Projection Based Multilayer Perceptrons with Functional Inputs

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    Many real world data are sampled functions. As shown by Functional Data Analysis (FDA) methods, spectra, time series, images, gesture recognition data, etc. can be processed more efficiently if their functional nature is taken into account during the data analysis process. This is done by extending standard data analysis methods so that they can apply to functional inputs. A general way to achieve this goal is to compute projections of the functional data onto a finite dimensional sub-space of the functional space. The coordinates of the data on a basis of this sub-space provide standard vector representations of the functions. The obtained vectors can be processed by any standard method. In our previous work, this general approach has been used to define projection based Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) with functional inputs. We study in this paper important theoretical properties of the proposed model. We show in particular that MLPs with functional inputs are universal approximators: they can approximate to arbitrary accuracy any continuous mapping from a compact sub-space of a functional space to R. Moreover, we provide a consistency result that shows that any mapping from a functional space to R can be learned thanks to examples by a projection based MLP: the generalization mean square error of the MLP decreases to the smallest possible mean square error on the data when the number of examples goes to infinity

    The Los Alamos Trapped Ion Quantum Computer Experiment

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    The development and theory of an experiment to investigate quantum computation with trapped calcium ions is described. The ion trap, laser and ion requirements are determined, and the parameters required for quantum logic operations as well as simple quantum factoring are described.Comment: 41 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Fortschritte der Physi

    Butt Joint Reinforcement in Parallel-Laminated Veneer (PLV) Lumber

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    Parallel-laminated veneer (PLV) is a high-strength structural material consisting of thin parallel-laminated wood veneers. The use of graphite-cloth reinforcement, placed on either side of a butt joint in 1 1/2- by 3 1/2- by 32-inch Douglas-fir PLV tensile members, was assessed. The finite-element method of analysis was used to predict the behavior in different unreinforced and reinforced butt-jointed PLV tensile members. Relationships between the reinforcing parameters—length, modulus of elasticity, and thickness—and the stresses in the wood and reinforcement components were developed by regression analysis techniques. The reinforcing mechanism reduced the peak stresses at the butt joint and hence increased the ultimate strength of the member. Design of PLV material whose strength is limited by shear stresses that develop at the butt joint is facilitated by use of the proposed relationships.Experimental testing confirmed the predictions of the finite-element analysis. Failure initiated at the unreinforced joint in the specimens. Average tensile strength increased and variability decreased in reinforced specimens. Application of a small amount of reinforcement at the butt joint has been shown to enhance PLV performance

    Women, know your limits: Cultural sexism in academia

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    Despite the considerable advances of the feminist movement across Western societies, in Universities women are less likely to be promoted, or paid as much as their male colleagues, or even get jobs in the first place. One way in which we can start to reflect on why this might be the case is through hearing the experiences of women academics themselves. Using feminist methodology, this article attempts to unpack and explore just some examples of ‘cultural sexism’ which characterise the working lives of many women in British academia.This article uses qualitative methods to describe and make sense of just some of those experiences. In so doing, the argument is also made that the activity of academia is profoundly gendered and this explicit acknowledgement may contribute to our understanding of the under-representation of women in senior positions
