431 research outputs found

    Using the Hopf Algebra Structure of QFT in Calculations

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    We employ the recently discovered Hopf algebra structure underlying perturbative Quantum Field Theory to derive iterated integral representations for Feynman diagrams. We give two applications: to massless Yukawa theory and quantum electrodynamics in four dimensions.Comment: 28 p, Revtex, epsf for figures, minor changes, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Non Local Theories: New Rules for Old Diagrams

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    We show that a general variant of the Wick theorems can be used to reduce the time ordered products in the Gell-Mann & Low formula for a certain class on non local quantum field theories, including the case where the interaction Lagrangian is defined in terms of twisted products. The only necessary modification is the replacement of the Stueckelberg-Feynman propagator by the general propagator (the ``contractor'' of Denk and Schweda) D(y-y';tau-tau')= - i (Delta_+(y-y')theta(tau-tau')+Delta_+(y'-y)theta(tau'-tau)), where the violations of locality and causality are represented by the dependence of tau,tau' on other points, besides those involved in the contraction. This leads naturally to a diagrammatic expansion of the Gell-Mann & Low formula, in terms of the same diagrams as in the local case, the only necessary modification concerning the Feynman rules. The ordinary local theory is easily recovered as a special case, and there is a one-to-one correspondence between the local and non local contributions corresponding to the same diagrams, which is preserved while performing the large scale limit of the theory.Comment: LaTeX, 14 pages, 1 figure. Uses hyperref. Symmetry factors added; minor changes in the expositio

    Dimensional renormalization: ladders to rainbows

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    Renormalization factors are most easily extracted by going to the massless limit of the quantum field theory and retaining only a single momentum scale. We derive factors and renormalized Green functions to all orders in perturbation theory for rainbow graphs and vertex (or scattering diagrams) at zero momentum transfer, in the context of dimensional renormalization, and we prove that the correct anomalous dimensions for those processes emerge in the limit D -> 4.Comment: RevTeX, no figure

    The Hopf Algebra of Renormalization, Normal Coordinates and Kontsevich Deformation Quantization

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    Using normal coordinates in a Poincar\'e-Birkhoff-Witt basis for the Hopf algebra of renormalization in perturbative quantum field theory, we investigate the relation between the twisted antipode axiom in that formalism, the Birkhoff algebraic decomposition and the universal formula of Kontsevich for quantum deformation.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figure

    On the Brownian gas: a field theory with a Poissonian ground state

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    As a first step towards a successful field theory of Brownian particles in interaction, we study exactly the non-interacting case, its combinatorics and its non-linear time-reversal symmetry. Even though the particles do not interact, the field theory contains an interaction term: the vertex is the hallmark of the original particle nature of the gas and it enforces the constraint of a strictly positive density field, as opposed to a Gaussian free field. We compute exactly all the n-point density correlation functions, determine non-perturbatively the Poissonian nature of the ground state and emphasize the futility of any coarse-graining assumption for the derivation of the field theory. We finally verify explicitly, on the n-point functions, the fluctuation-dissipation theorem implied by the time-reversal symmetry of the action.Comment: 31 page

    From Quantum Mechanics to Quantum Field Theory: The Hopf route

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    We show that the combinatorial numbers known as {\em Bell numbers} are generic in quantum physics. This is because they arise in the procedure known as {\em Normal ordering} of bosons, a procedure which is involved in the evaluation of quantum functions such as the canonical partition function of quantum statistical physics, {\it inter alia}. In fact, we shall show that an evaluation of the non-interacting partition function for a single boson system is identical to integrating the {\em exponential generating function} of the Bell numbers, which is a device for encapsulating a combinatorial sequence in a single function. We then introduce a remarkable equality, the Dobinski relation, and use it to indicate why renormalisation is necessary in even the simplest of perturbation expansions for a partition function. Finally we introduce a global algebraic description of this simple model, giving a Hopf algebra, which provides a starting point for extensions to more complex physical systems

    Transcendental numbers and the topology of three-loop bubbles

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    We present a proof that all transcendental numbers that are needed for the calculation of the master integrals for three-loop vacuum Feynman diagrams can be obtained by calculating diagrams with an even simpler topology, the topology of spectacles.Comment: 4 pages in REVTeX, 1 PostScript figure included, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Dimensional Renormalization in phi^3 theory: ladders and rainbows

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    The sum of all ladder and rainbow diagrams in ϕ3\phi^3 theory near 6 dimensions leads to self-consistent higher order differential equations in coordinate space which are not particularly simple for arbitrary dimension D. We have now succeeded in solving these equations, expressing the results in terms of generalized hypergeometric functions; the expansion and representation of these functions can then be used to prove the absence of renormalization factors which are transcendental for this theory and this topology to all orders in perturbation theory. The correct anomalous scaling dimensions of the Green functions are also obtained in the six-dimensional limit.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Heavy-Higgs Lifetime at Two Loops

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    The Standard-Model Higgs boson with mass MH>>2MZ M_H >> 2M_Z decays almost exclusively to pairs of WW and ZZ bosons. We calculate the dominant two-loop corrections of O(GF2MH4) O( G_F^2 M_H^4 ) to the partial widths of these decays. In the on-mass-shell renormalization scheme, the correction factor is found to be 1+14.6 1 + 14.6 % (M_H/TeV)^2 + 16.9 % (M_H/TeV)^4 , where the second term is the one-loop correction. We give full analytic results for all divergent two-loop Feynman diagrams. A subset of finite two-loop vertex diagrams is computed to high precision using numerical techniques. We find agreement with a previous numerical analysis. The above correction factor is also in line with a recent lattice calculation.Comment: 26 pages, 6 postscript figures. The complete paper including figures is also available via WWW at http://www.physik.tu-muenchen.de/tumphy/d/T30d/PAPERS/TUM-HEP-247-96.ps.g

    Operator approach to analytical evaluation of Feynman diagrams

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    The operator approach to analytical evaluation of multi-loop Feynman diagrams is proposed. We show that the known analytical methods of evaluation of massless Feynman integrals, such as the integration by parts method and the method of "uniqueness" (which is based on the star-triangle relation), can be drastically simplified by using this operator approach. To demonstrate the advantages of the operator method of analytical evaluation of multi-loop Feynman diagrams, we calculate ladder diagrams for the massless ϕ3\phi^3 theory (analytical results for these diagrams are expressed in terms of multiple polylogarithms). It is shown how operator formalism can be applied to calculation of certain massive Feynman diagrams and investigation of Lipatov integrable chain model.Comment: 16 pages. To appear in "Physics of Atomic Nuclei" (Proceedings of SYMPHYS-XII, Yerevan, Armenia, July 03-08, 2006