204 research outputs found

    Cellulases from Mycelial fungi <em>Penicillium verruculosum</em> as a Real Alternative to Trichoderma Enzymes in Industrial Hydrolysis of Cellulosic Biomass

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    Abstract The possibility of using the recipient strain Penicillium verruculosum B1-537 (ΔniaD) as a producer of laboratory and industrial enzymes was considered. The advantage of this strain is its ability to secrete a basic cellulase complex consisting of cellobiohydrolases, endoglucanases, and β-glucosidase, which exceeds in its hydrolytic ability the enzyme complex of Hypocrea (Trichoderma) strains. Using the expression system, the basic complex of cellulases of the recipient strain Piptochaetium verruculosum B1-537 (ΔniaD) was supplemented with new (booster) enzymes that are necessary to increase its hydrolytic activity. Enzyme preparations adapted to the processing of various types of renewable plant biomass were obtained

    Safe Use of Contrast Media in Radiology (Clinical Guidelines)

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    In recent years, the frequency of contrast-enhanced radiological studies has increased significantly, and the issues of their selection and rational use do not lose their relevance. These methodological recommendations represent a complete up-to-date guide for using contrast agents (CA) in radiology. Types of currently used CA in computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound examinations are described. Safety rules for injection of each CA type are systematized, the principles of dosing and possible side effects are explained. In addition, it is important to highlight the issues of interactions between CA and other drugs that patient might take, in particular, the possible deterioration of renal function when using CA in diabetes mellitus patients taking metformin. It should be noted that these recommendations have undergone significant changes in recent years. Also questionnaire templates for patients prior to the contrast-enhanced study are given in the supplements. The methodological guidelines are based on current publications of international experts on CA use in radiology as well as on the data of two major guidelines: American College of Radiologists (ACR) Guidelines (2023) and European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) Safety Recommendations (2018, version 10). Thus, the information presented is validated, which provides grounds for its application in real clinical practice. The guidelines will be actualized as new scientific evidence becomes available, but to date they appear to be the most relevant

    Utilization of Alcohol Treatment Among HIV-Positive Women with Hazardous Drinking

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    Hazardous alcohol consumption has been frequently reported among women with HIV infection and is associated with a variety of negative health consequences. Treatments to reduce alcohol use may bring in health benefits. However, little is known regarding the utilization of alcohol treatment services among HIV+ women with hazardous drinking. Using data from the Women’s Interagency HIV Study (WIHS), this study assessed utilization of any alcohol treatment in the past 6 months and performed multivariable logistic regression to determine correlates of receipt of any alcohol treatment. Among 474 HIV+ women reporting recent hazardous drinking, less than one in five (19%) reported recent utilization of any alcohol treatment. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was the most commonly reported (12.9%), followed by inpatient detoxification (9.9%) and outpatient alcohol treatment program (7.0%). Half (51%) receiving any alcohol treatment reported utilization of multiple treatments. Multivariable analyses found alcohol treatment was more often utilized by those who had social support (Odds ratio [OR]=1.68, 95% Confidence Interval [CI]=1.00 to 2.83), fewer economic resources (income $12,000, OR = 3.10, 95% CI=1.53 to 6.27), higher levels of drinking (16–35 drinks/week vs. 12–15 drinks/week, OR=3.02, 95% CI=1.47 to 6.21; 36+ drinks/week vs. 12–15 drinks/week, OR=4.41, 95% CI=2.03 to 9.59), and those who reported any illicit drug use (OR=2.77, 95% CI=1.44 to 5.34). More efforts are needed to enhance the utilization of alcohol treatment. Our findings highlight the unique profile of those who utilized alcohol treatment. Such information is vital to improve treatment delivery to address unmet need in this particular population

    Steady state of atoms in a resonant field with elliptical polarization

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    We present a complete set of analytical and invariant expressions for the steady-state density matrix of atoms in a resonant radiation field with arbitrary intensity and polarization. The field drives the closed dipole transition with arbitrary values of the angular momenta JgJ_{g} and JeJ_{e} of the ground and excited state. The steady-state density matrix is expressed in terms of spherical harmonics of a complex direction given by the field polarization vector. The generalization to the case of broad-band radiation is given. We indicate various applications of these results.Comment: revtex, 26 pages, including 3 eps figures; PRA accepted for publication;v2 three typos are fixe

    Влияние количества биоптатов, взятых при таргетной биопсии предстательной железы, на вероятность положительного результата у пациентов с клинически значимым раком предстательной железы

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    Background. Targeted biopsy is proposed as a method of choice in the algorithm of prostate cancer diagnosis, but not all the features of method has been evaluated. Objective: determine the rational number of targeted biopsy samples in patients with clinically significant prostate cancer. Materials and methods. The magnetic resonance imaging and fusion biopsy data of 156 patients with suspected prostate cancer were retrospectively evaluated. Results and conclusion. In the study statistically significant dependence of the positive histological results in patients with clinically significant prostate cancer from the number of biopsy samples was found. The potential probability of a false negative histological examination with an insufficient number of biopsy samples was noted. These results confirm the latest published data of potential targeted biopsy false in true positive patients after multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging. An increase in the number of biopsy samples in the target lesion reduces the likelihood of false-negative results. The main causes of such discrepancy are some technical laxity and the heterogeneous histological structure of prostate cancer. Increase the number of biopsy cores can reduce the likelihood of false-negative results. © 2020 ABC-press Publishing House. All rights reserved

    Psychosocial Mechanisms of Self-rated Successful Aging with HIV: A Structural Equation Model

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    This study tested a conceptual psychosocial model of self-rated successful aging (SRSA) with HIV. Our sample (n = 356) included older women living with HIV (OWLH): average age 56.5 years, 73% Black. SRSA was assessed using a research-based 10-point scale (higher scores = better outcomes). We conducted adjusted structural equation modeling. The global model included two latent variables—protective attributes (composite of positive psychosocial factors: resilience, personal mastery, optimism, spirituality) and psychological distress (composite of negative psychosocial factors: anxiety, depression, loneliness, internalized HIV-related stigma). The model showed good fit (χ2(58) = 76, p = 0.06; RMSEA = 0.03; CFI = 0.99). Increased protective attributes were associated with improved SRSA both directly and mediated by improved coping with stress. While psychological distress did not have a direct effect on SRSA, it was indirectly associated with worsened SRSA via diminished protective attributes and via decreased coping with stress. Findings suggest the need for interventions enhancing positive and mitigating negative psychosocial factors in OWLH

    Patient routing and process approach implementation for regional oncology service

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    Background. Cancer care involves a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment of patients. A complex interaction of actors in the deployment of oncology services dictates usage of modern management technologies for improving the quality and efficiency of patient care through processes optimisation.Objectives. Provision of recommendations for patient routing based on research into the oncology service inter-level information exchange, integration of the process approach and electronic services. The lack of a unified information space with a regional oncology service has been explained. Measures are proposed for the patient routing optimisation as part of establishing a unified digital oncology service circuit.Methods. The oncology service was effectively remodelled through functional and information engineering of electronic services and the process management integration to establish a horizontal decision flow between facilities and employees on a process level bypassing the supervisor coordination. Statistical approaches were used to analyse the oncological patient population.Results. The following electronic services have been implemented: specialised patient referral routing, telemedicine and teleradiology. A comprehensive information framework has been created comprising medical, laboratory and radiological information subsystems integrated through regional electronic services of the unified state healthcare information platform. The goals, objectives, general principles, architecture and expected social economic impact on healthcare of Krasnodar Krai have been defined.Conclusion. Use of electronic services ensures an improved quality of specialised care and effective routing of patients. We perceive prospects of the integrated information platform in the extension and improvement of its subsystems’ functionality and content, sourcing more data providers and the circuit expansion to the federal and regional levels

    Formation of high-carbon abrasion-resistant surface layers when high-energy heating by high-frequency currents

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    The paper shows the possibility of carburization of low-carbon steel surface layers using high-frequency currents. The mathematical modeling of carburization using high-energy heating by high-frequency currents (HEH HFC) has been carried out, the temperature fields formed during the given processing have been calculated, as well as the structural changes in the surface layers have been simulated. The features of the structure formation in the surface layers of low-carbon steel after carburizing via HEH HFC have been determined by optical and scanning microscopy, which is confirmed by the computational models. The rational mode of fusion via HEH HFC has also been determined (power density of the source q[s]=(1.5...4.0)•10{8} W m{-2}, (the relative travel speed of parts V[p]=5 ... 100 mm /sec), with forming the compressive retained stresses in the surface layer ([sigma][RS]=-300...-400 MPa)

    Breakup reaction models for two- and three-cluster projectiles

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    Breakup reactions are one of the main tools for the study of exotic nuclei, and in particular of their continuum. In order to get valuable information from measurements, a precise reaction model coupled to a fair description of the projectile is needed. We assume that the projectile initially possesses a cluster structure, which is revealed by the dissociation process. This structure is described by a few-body Hamiltonian involving effective forces between the clusters. Within this assumption, we review various reaction models. In semiclassical models, the projectile-target relative motion is described by a classical trajectory and the reaction properties are deduced by solving a time-dependent Schroedinger equation. We then describe the principle and variants of the eikonal approximation: the dynamical eikonal approximation, the standard eikonal approximation, and a corrected version avoiding Coulomb divergence. Finally, we present the continuum-discretized coupled-channel method (CDCC), in which the Schroedinger equation is solved with the projectile continuum approximated by square-integrable states. These models are first illustrated by applications to two-cluster projectiles for studies of nuclei far from stability and of reactions useful in astrophysics. Recent extensions to three-cluster projectiles, like two-neutron halo nuclei, are then presented and discussed. We end this review with some views of the future in breakup-reaction theory.Comment: Will constitute a chapter of "Clusters in Nuclei - Vol.2." to be published as a volume of "Lecture Notes in Physics" (Springer