1,116 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of constipation in Europe and Oceania: a systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We aimed to review the literature regarding the epidemiology of constipation in Europe and Oceania and the associated prevalence/risk factors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Two reviewers performed PubMed searches and a hand search of references. A study was considered eligible for inclusion if it reported data about the prevalence of constipation in any population, free of other gastrointestinal disorders, in Europe and Oceania. Studies were evaluated for quality. Data regarding the setting, type of study, definition of constipation, study population, prevalence of constipation, factors associated with increased odds for constipation, and the female to male ratio, were collected.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The 21 reviewed studies depict prevalence rates in 34 different population groups ranging widely from a low 0.7% to a high 81%. In the general population of Europe the mean value of the reported constipation rates is 17,1 % and the median value 16.6%. Among the studies conducted in Oceania, the mean value of constipation prevalence was 15.3%. Female gender, age and socioeconomic and educational class seem to have major effect on constipation prevalence. A number of various other risk factors are, less clearly, associated with constipation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This systematic review depicts the high prevalence and related risk factors of a disorder that decreases the health-related quality of life and has major economic consequences.</p

    Outdoor and indoor path loss modeling at the sub-THz band

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    In this letter, we present new measurement results to model large-scale path loss at the sub-THz (141-145 GHz) band, for both indoor and outdoor scenarios. Extensive measurement campaigns have been carried out, taking into account both line-of-sight (LoS) and non line-of-sight (NLoS) propagation. For all considered propagation scenarios, existing omni-directional and directional path loss model have been developed, based on the so-called close-in (CI) free-space reference distance model. Moreover, path loss modeling is applied for the 2nd and 3rd strongest multipath components (MPCs). Thus, path loss exponent and large-scale shadow fading estimates are provided. Moreover, power angular spread analysis is depicted, using power angular information up to the 3rd strongest MP

    Progressive ataxia with oculo-palatal tremor and optic atrophy

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    The final publication is available at Springer via doi: 10.​1007/​s00415-013-7136-

    Patients' Perception of Quality of Pre-Operative Informed Consent in Athens, Greece: A Pilot Study

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    BACKGROUND: We sought to perform a study to record and evaluate patients' views of the way surgeons communicate informed consent (IC) in Greece. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A prospective pilot study was carried out in Athens from 9/2007 to 4/2008. The study sample was extracted from patients, operated by eight different surgeons, who volunteered to fill in a post-surgery self-report questionnaire on IC. A composite delivered information index and a patient-physician relationship index were constructed for the purposes of the analysis. In total, 77 patients (42 males) volunteered to respond to the questionnaire. The delivered information index scores ranged from 3 to 10, the mean score was 8, and the standard deviation (SD) was 1.9. All patients were aware of their underlying diagnosis and reason for surgery. However, a considerable proportion of the respondents (14.3%) achieved a score below or equal to 5. The patient-physician relationship scores ranged from 0 to 20, the mean score was 16 and the standard deviation (SD) was 4.3. The better the patient-physician relationship, the more information was finally delivered to the patient from the physician (Spearman's rank-order correlation coefficient was 0.4 and p<0.001). Delivered information index was significantly higher among participants who comprehended the right to informed consent, compared to participants who did not (p<0.001), and among participants who were given information regarding other possible therapeutic options (p = 0.001). 43% of the respondents answered that less than 10 minutes were spent on the consent process, 58.4% of patients stated that they had not been informed about other possible therapeutic choices and 28.6% did not really comprehend their legal rights to IC. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the inherent limitations and the small sample size that do not permit to draw any firm conclusions, results indicate that a successful IC process may be associated with specific elements such as the patient-physician relationship, the time spent by the physician to inform the patient, a participant's comprehension of the right to IC and the provision of information regarding other possible therapeutic options

    Učinak formulacijskih parametara na oslobađanje lijeka i svojstva dvoslojnih tableta koje plutaju u želucu

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    Floating dosage forms of acetylsalicylic acid, used for its antithrombotic effect, were developed to prolong gastric residence time and increase bioavailability. In the two-layer tablet formulation, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) of high viscosity and an effervescent mixture of citric acid and sodium bicarbonate formed the floating layer. The release layer contained the drug, direct tableting agent and different types of matrix-forming polymers such as HPMC of low viscosity, sodium carboxymethylcellulose and chitosan. Tablets were prepared using a direct compression technique. The effect of formulation variables on physicochemical and floating properties and the drug release from tablets were investigated. Floating ability was dependent on the amount of effervescent agent and gel-forming polymer of the floating layer. Drug release was prolonged to 8 hours by changing the type and viscosity of the matrix-forming polymer in the drug-loading layer and all formulations showed a diffusion release mechanism.U radu su opisane plutajuće tablete acetilsalicilne kiseline za antikoagulacijsku upotrebu s produljenim zadržavanjem u želucu i većom bioraspoloživošću. Plutajući dio tih dvoslojnih tableta sadržavao je hidroksipropil metilcelulozu (HPMC) visoke viskoznosti i efervescentnu smjesu limunske kiseline i natrijevog hidrogenkarbonata. Drugi sloj sadržavao je ljekovitu tvar, sredstvo za izravno tabletiranje i različite vrste matriksnog polimera poput HPMC niske viskoznosti, natrij-karboksimetilceluloze i kitozana. Tablete su pripravljene metodom izravne kompresije. Ispitivan je utjecaj formulacijskih varijabli na fizikokemijska i plutajuća svojstva, te oslobađanje ljekovite tvari. Plutajuća svojstva ovise o količini efervescentnih tvari i gelirajućeg polimera u plutajućem sloju. Promjenom vrste i viskoznosti polimera u matriksnom sloju s lijekom produljeno je oslobađanje ljekovite tvari na 8 sati. Iz svih formulacija ljekovita tvar oslobađala se difuzijom

    Razvoj i optimizacija sustava za isporuku metoprolol sukcinata sa zadržavanjem u želucu

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    Metoprolol succinate (MS) gastroretentive (GR) controlled release system was formulated to increase gastric residence time leading to improved drug bioavailability. Box-Behnken model was followed using novel combinations of sodium alginate (SA), sodium carboxymethylcellulose (NaCMC), magnesium alumino metasilicate (MAS) as independent variables. Floating lag time (Flag), t25, t50, t75, diffusion exponent as dependent variables revealed that the amount of SA, NaCMC and MAS have a significant effect (p < 0.05) on t25, t50, t75 and Flag. MSGR tablets were prepared and evaluated for mass, thickness, hardness, friability, drug content and floating property. Tablets were studied for dissolution for 24 h and exhibited controlled release of MS with floating for 16 h. The release profile of the optimized batch MS01 fitted first-order kinetics (R2 = 0.9868, n = 0.543), indicating non-Fickian diffusion or anomalous transport by diffusion and swelling.U radu je opisan razvoj sustava za isporuku metoprolol sukcinata (MS) s kontroliranim oslobađanjem i produljenim vremenom zadržavanja u želucu (GR), u svrhu poboljšanja bioraspoloživosti. Primijenjen je Box-Behnkenov model, a kao zavisne varijable izabrane su nove kombinacije natrijevog alginata (SA), natrijeve soli karboksimetilceluloze (NaCMC) i magnezijevog aluminometasilikata (MAS). Vrijeme plutanja (Flag), t25, t50, t75 i difuzijski eksponent kao zavisne varijable otkrili su da količina SA, NaCMC i MAS ima značajan učinak (p < 0,05) na t25, t50, t75 i Flag. Pripravljenim tabletama određena je masa, debljina, tvrdoća, lomljivost, sadržaj ljekovite tvari i sposobnost plutanja. Oslobađanje MS praćeno je 24 h. Rezultati pokazuju da je oslobađanje kontrolirano, a vrijeme plutanja 16 h. Oslobađanje iz optimiranog pripravka MS01 slijedi kinetiku prvog reda (R2 = 0,9868, n = 0,543), što ukazuje na difuziju koja ne slijedi Fickov zakon već anomalni transport difuzijom i bubrenjem