2,864 research outputs found

    Nanofriction behavior of cluster-assembled carbon films

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    We have characterized the frictional properties of nanostructured (ns) carbon films grown by Supersonic Cluster Beam Deposition (SCBD) via an Atomic Force-Friction Force Microscope (AFM-FFM). The experimental data are discussed on the basis of a modified Amonton's law for friction, stating a linear dependence of friction on load plus an adhesive offset accounting for a finite friction force in the limit of null total applied load. Molecular Dynamics simulations of the interaction of the AFM tip with the nanostructured carbon confirm the validity of the friction model used for this system. Experimental results show that the friction coefficient is not influenced by the nanostructure of the films nor by the relative humidity. On the other hand the adhesion coefficient depends on these parameters.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, RevTex

    Light-time computations for the BepiColombo radioscience experiment

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    The radioscience experiment is one of the on board experiment of the Mercury ESA mission BepiColombo that will be launched in 2014. The goals of the experiment are to determine the gravity field of Mercury and its rotation state, to determine the orbit of Mercury, to constrain the possible theories of gravitation (for example by determining the post-Newtonian (PN) parameters), to provide the spacecraft position for geodesy experiments and to contribute to planetary ephemerides improvement. This is possible thanks to a new technology which allows to reach great accuracies in the observables range and range rate; it is well known that a similar level of accuracy requires studying a suitable model taking into account numerous relativistic effects. In this paper we deal with the modelling of the space-time coordinate transformations needed for the light-time computations and the numerical methods adopted to avoid rounding-off errors in such computations.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, corrected reference

    Joint Stiffness Influence on the First-Order Seismic Capacity of Dry-Joint Masonry Structures: Numerical DEM Investigations

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    Heritage masonry structures are often modelled as dry-jointed structures. On the one hand, it may correspond to the reality where the initial mortar was weak, missing, or has disappeared through time because of erosion and lixiviation. On the other hand, this modelling approach reduces complexity to the studied problem, both from an experimental and theoretical/numerical point of views, while being conservative. Still, for modelling purposes, in addition to the joint friction, numerical approaches require a specific elastic parameter, the dry-joint stiffness, which is often hard to estimate experimentally. This work numerically investigates the effect of the joint stiffness on the collapse of scaled-down tilting test experiments carried out on perforated dry-joint masonry shear walls. It is found that geometrical imperfections of bricks and the absence of vertical precompression load can lead to very low equivalent dry-joint stiffness, which strongly affects the results, both in terms of collapse and damage limit state (DLS) loads, with practical implications for the engineering practice

    Low-frequency modes in the Raman spectrum of sp-sp2 nanostructured carbon

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    A novel form of amorphous carbon with sp-sp2 hybridization has been recently produced by supersonic cluster beam deposition showing the presence in the film of both polyynic and cumulenic species [L. Ravagnan et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 216103 (2007)]. Here we present a in situ Raman characterization of the low frequency vibrational region (400-800 cm-1) of sp-sp2 films at different temperatures. We report the presence of two peaks at 450 cm-1 and 720 cm-1. The lower frequency peak shows an evolution with the variation of the sp content and it can be attributed, with the support of density functional theory (DFT) simulations, to bending modes of sp linear structures. The peak at 720 cm-1 does not vary with the sp content and it can be attributed to a feature in the vibrational density of states activated by the disorder of the sp2 phase.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Halogen-Bonded Block Copolymer Complexes into Upright Cylindrical Domains

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    Self-assembly of block copolymers into well-defined, ordered arrangements of chemically distinct domains is a reliable strategy for preparing tailored nanostructures. Microphase separation results from the system, minimizing repulsive interactions between dissimilar blocks and maximizing attractive interactions between similar blocks. Supramolecular methods have also achieved this separation by introducing small-molecule additives binding specifically to one block by noncovalent interactions. Here, we use halogen bonding as a supramolecular tool that directs the hierarchical self-assembly of low-molecular-weight perfluorinated molecules and diblock copolymers. Microphase separation results in a lamellar-within-cylindrical arrangement and promotes upright cylindrical alignment in films upon rapid casting and without further annealing. Such cylindrical domains with internal lamellar self-assemblies can be cleaved by solvent treatment of bulk films, resulting in separated and segmented cylindrical micelles stabilized by halogen-bond-based supramolecular crosslinks. These features, alongside the reversible nature of halogen bonding, provide a robust modular approach for nanofabricatio

    Nanotribological characterization of industrial Polytetrafluorethylene-based coatings by atomic force microscopy

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    We present the result of a systematic study of the tribological properties of industrial Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE)-based coatings carried out with an atomic force microscope. A new characterization protocol allowed the reliable and quantitative assessment of the friction coefficient and adhesion forces at the sub-micrometer scale even for highly corrugated industrial samples. We have studied and compared PTFE coatings charged with different additives in dry and humid environment. The influence of additives and humidity on the friction coefficient and on adhesion forces has been investigated using standard silicon nitride tips as sliders in the low-load regime.Comment: to be published in Thin Solid Films 18 pages, 2 tables, 3 figure

    Relation Between EEG Measures and Upper Limb Motor Recovery in Stroke Patients: A Scoping Review

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    Current clinical practice does not leverage electroencephalography (EEG) measurements in stroke patients, despite its potential to contribute to post-stroke recovery predictions. We review the literature on the effectiveness of various quantitative and qualitative EEG-based measures after stroke as a tool to predict upper limb motor outcome, in relation to stroke timeframe and applied experimental tasks. Moreover, we aim to provide guidance on the use of EEG in the assessment of upper limb motor recovery after stroke, suggesting a high potential for some metrics in the appropriate context. We identified relevant papers (N = 16) from databases ScienceDirect, Web of Science and MEDLINE, and assessed their methodological quality with the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Critical Appraisal. We applied the Preferred Reporting Systems for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) Framework. Identified works used EEG to identify properties including event-related activation, spectral power in physiologically relevant bands, symmetry in brain dynamics, functional connectivity, cortico-muscular coherence and rhythmic coordination. EEG was acquired in resting state or in relation to behavioural conditions. Motor outcome was mainly evaluated with the Upper Limb Fugl-Meyer Assessment. Despite great variability in the literature, data suggests that the most promising EEG quantifiers for predicting post-stroke motor outcome are event-related measures. Measures of spectral power in physiologically relevant bands and measures of brain symmetry also show promise. We suggest that EEG measures may improve our understanding of stroke brain dynamics during recovery, and contribute to establishing a functional prognosis and choosing the rehabilitation approach

    Photo-physical properties of He-related color centers in diamond

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    Diamond is a promising platform for the development of technological applications in quantum optics and photonics. The quest for color centers with optimal photo-physical properties has led in recent years to the search for novel impurity-related defects in this material. Here, we report on a systematic investigation of the photo-physical properties of two He-related (HR) emission lines at 535 nm and 560 nm created in three different diamond substrates upon implantation with 1.3 MeV He+ ions and subsequent annealing. The spectral features of the HR centers were studied in an "optical grade" diamond substrate as a function of several physical parameters, namely the measurement temperature, the excitation wavelength and the intensity of external electric fields. The emission lifetimes of the 535 nm and 560 nm lines were also measured by means of time-gated photoluminescence measurements, yielding characteristic decay times of (29 +- 5) ns and (106 +- 10) ns, respectively. The Stark shifting of the HR centers under the application of an external electrical field was observed in a CVD diamond film equipped with buried graphitic electrodes, suggesting a lack of inversion symmetry in the defects' structure. Furthermore, the photoluminescence mapping under 405 nm excitation of a "detector grade" diamond sample implanted at a 1x1010 cm-2 He+ ion fluence enabled to identify the spectral features of both the HR emission lines from the same localized optical spots. The reported results provide a first insight towards the understanding of the structure of He-related defects in diamond and their possible utilization in practical applicationsComment: 9 pages, 3 figure
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