5 research outputs found

    Predictors of post-operative outcomes in patients with peripheral arterial disease and critical limb ischaemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: A very small proportion (1%) of patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD) present with critical limb threatening ischaemia (CLTI) with poor prognosis. The present review showcased several pre-operative predictors and key post-operative outcomes. Identification of any modifiable predictors may impact positively on surgical outcomes.Design: PubMed/Medline, Google scholar and Cochrane databases were searched using terms such as “peripheral arterial disease” AND “critical limb ischemia,” “post-operative outcome,” AND “predictors of post-operative outcomes”. Search was for relevant English-language articles published between January 1997 and December 2007 Selected articles were screened first by title and abstract, and selection of full articles was based on relevance using our inclusion and exclusion criteria and quality ratings performed with the MINORS score.Results: The included studies were published between 1997 and 2007. Only six (6) articles out of a total of 2,114 were deemed suitable for analysis. Ambulatory recovery was >70% at six months, 86.7% and 70.0% at one year and five years respectively. Rate of local wound complications was between 12% and 24%. Reported limb salvage rates were >90% at six months, >70% at one year and 70.0-90.0% at five years. Primary graft patency rate at one year ranged from 63% and 76.6%. Gangrene, diabetes and impaired pre-operative ambulatory function are associated with more wound complications, low limb salvage, reduced graft patency and poor functional outcome.Conclusion: Pre-operative ambulatory status was the most important predictor of post-operative ambulatory recovery. Diabetes mellitus was an important risk factor for prolonged wound healing, local wound complications and major amputation

    Duplex ultrasound: A diagnostic tool for carotid stenosis management in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Diabetic patients are at increased risk of developing cardiac events and stroke, and prevention of diabetes mellitus is therefore desirable. Marked geographical and ethnic variation in the prevalence of diabetes caused by urbanisation, demographic and epidemiological transitions has rendered this one of the major non-communicable diseases in South Africa. Duplex ultrasound (DUS) plays an important role in primary health care in early detection of carotid atherosclerotic disease and the degree of carotid stenosis present. It is a reliable, cost-effective and non-invasive diagnostic tool. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of ultrasound in carotid stenosis management in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Objectives: To determine the prevalence of carotid stenosis in a selected T2DM population using DUS and to correlate these findings with other predisposing atherosclerotic risk factors. Methods: The study setting was at an academic hospital in the Western Cape using carotid DUS reports of 103 diabetic subjects ≄ 35 years old. Predisposing risk factors were correlated with degree of carotid stenosis present. Data were analysed using the Fischer exact test, Chisquare and Student t-test. Results: Carotid DUS reports of 63 out of 103 T2DM patients revealed no evidence of a carotid stenosis, thereby lowering the risk profile. Forty patients were identified as having carotidstenosis; 22 symptomatic patients had a > 70% carotid stenosis which warranted surgicalintervention. A greater prevalence of stenosis in the Caucasian group, in both the male (p =0.0411) and female (p = 0.0458) cohorts, was noted. The overall trend suggested a relationship between T2DM and lifestyle, and a statistically significant relationship (p = 0.0063) between smoking and carotid stenosis was observed. Conclusion: T2DM and predisposing atherosclerotic risk factors significantly increased thepossibility of carotid stenosis development

    Tuberculous iliac artery aneurysm in a pediatric patient

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    Vascular complications of tuberculous infections are rare and occur even less frequently in the pediatric population. Tuberculous pseudoaneurysms can occur either as a result of contiguous spread from a neighboring focus—invariably infected lymph nodes—or by hematogenous spread and seeding of acid-fast bacilli that lodge in the adventitia or media via the vasa vasorum. We report a case of turberculous right common iliac artery pseudoaneurysm in a 12-year-old and review the relevant literature

    Cardiovascular, respiratory, and related disorders: key messages from disease control priorities

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    Summary Cardiovascular, respiratory, and related disorders (CVRDs) are the leading causes of adult death worldwide, and substantial inequalities in care of patients with CVRDs exist between countries of high income and countries of low and middle income. Based on current trends, the UN Sustainable Development Goal to reduce premature mortality due to CVRDs by a third by 2030 will be challenging for many countries of low and middle income. We did systematic literature reviews of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness to identify priority interventions. We summarise the key findings and present a costed essential package of interventions to reduce risk of and manage CVRDs. On a population level, we recommend tobacco taxation, bans on trans fats, and compulsory reduction of salt in manufactured food products. We suggest primary health services be strengthened through the establishment of locally endorsed guidelines and ensured availability of essential medications. The policy interventions and health service delivery package we suggest could serve as the cornerstone for the management of CVRDs, and afford substantial financial risk protection for vulnerable households. We estimate that full implementation of the essential package would cost an additional US21perpersonintheaveragelow−incomecountryand21 per person in the average low-income country and 24 in the average lower-middle-income country. The essential package we describe could be a starting place for low-income and middle-income countries developing universal health coverage packages. Interventions could be rolled out as disease burden demands and budgets allow. Our outlined interventions provide a pathway for countries attempting to convert the UN Sustainable Development Goal commitments into tangible action