857 research outputs found

    The strainrange partitioning behavior of an advanced gas turbine disk alloy, AF2-1DA

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    The low-cycle, creep-fatigue characteristics of the advanced gas turbine disk alloy, AF2-1DA have been determined at 1400 F and are presented in terms of the method of strainrange partitioning (SRP). The mean stresses which develop in the PC and CP type SRP cycles at the lowest inelastic strainrange were observed to influence the cyclic lives to a greater extent than the creep effects and hence interfered with a conventional interpretation of the results by SRP. A procedure is proposed for dealing with the mean stress effects on life which is compatible with SRP

    Strainrange partitioning behavior of the nickel-base superalloys, Rene' 80 and in 100

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    A study was made to assess the ability of the method of Strainrange Partitioning (SRP) to both correlate and predict high-temperature, low cycle fatigue lives of nickel base superalloys for gas turbine applications. The partitioned strainrange versus life relationships for uncoated Rene' 80 and cast IN 100 were also determined from the ductility normalized-Strainrange Partitioning equations. These were used to predict the cyclic lives of the baseline tests. The life predictability of the method was verified for cast IN 100 by applying the baseline results to the cyclic life prediction of a series of complex strain cycling tests with multiple hold periods at constant strain. It was concluded that the method of SRP can correlate and predict the cyclic lives of laboratory specimens of the nickel base superalloys evaluated in this program

    Projeto InovamaĆ§Ć£: apoio ao cultivo da macieira.

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    Diagnose foliar.

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    AvaliaƧƵes nutricionais sĆ£o realizadas em regiƵes produtoras de maĆ§Ć£ atravĆ©s do Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e RecomendaĆ§Ć£o (Dris) para identificar as vantagens do mĆ©todo. Diagnosticados os nutrientes limitantes Ć  produĆ§Ć£o, de forma conjunta, atravĆ©s de relaƧƵes binĆ”rias, o Dris apresenta menor variabilidade na concentraĆ§Ć£o de nutrientes e melhor relaĆ§Ć£o entre o ƍndice de BalanƧo Nutricional e produtividade

    Separation of the strain components for use in strainrange partitioning

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    Two methods are presented for separating the inelastic strain components of a complex hysteresis loop so that strainrange partitioning formulas can be applied to accurately determine cyclic life at elevated temperatures. These methods are required only if lower bounds established by strainrange partitioning concepts have been deemed inadequate in the establishment of expected lifetime. In one method, rapid loading and unloading is applied in the tensile and compressive half to isolate the plastic strain. In the second method, the creep is measured at a discrete number of points along the hysteresis loop by combining load-control tests into the general pattern of strain cycling under arbitrary temperature. Both methods are shown to give good results

    Seasonality of nutrients in leaves and fruits of apple trees.

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    As curvas de acĆŗmulo de nutrientes pela macieira tĆŖm se mostrado como um bom parĆ¢metro indicador da demanda da cultura em cada etapa de desenvolvimento, sendo importante para avaliar o estado nutricional do pomar e estimar a remoĆ§Ć£o de nutrientes do solo. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a sazonalidade de nutrientes na macieira, em pomares comerciais, durante as safras agrĆ­colas de 1999, 2000 e 2001. Para tanto, amostras de folhas e frutos de trĆŖs cultivares ?Gala?, ?Golden Delicious? and ?Fuji? foram coletadas semanalmente e avaliadas quanto Ć  massa fresca e seca, diĆ¢metro dos frutos e concentraƧƵes de macronutrientes (N, P, K, Ca e Mg) e micronutrientes (B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn). A amostragem de folhas e frutos teve inĆ­cio uma ou duas semanas apĆ³s a plena floraĆ§Ć£o, dependendo do cultivar, e prolongou-se atĆ© a colheita ou atĆ© quatro semanas depois, no caso da amostragem de folhas. Nas folhas, de modo geral, as concentraƧƵes de N, P, K, Cu e B diminuĆ­ram, a concentraĆ§Ć£o de Ca aumentou e as concentraƧƵes de Mg, Fe, Mn e Zn pouco variaram ao longo do ciclo vegetativo da cultura. Nos frutos, inicialmente, as concentraƧƵes dos nutrientes diminuĆ­ram rapidamente e depois decresceram lenta e continuamente, chegando quase constantes Ć  fase final da maturaĆ§Ć£o, indicando diluiĆ§Ć£o dos nutrientes, uma vez que a quantidade total de nutrientes acumulada aumentou gradativamente com o crescimento dos frutos. O potĆ”ssio foi o nutriente presente em maior quantidade nos frutos de macieiras, tendo sido, portanto, o mais removido do solo

    Classification of apple tree disorders using Convolutional Neural Networks.

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    Abstract?This paper studies the use of Convolutional Neural Networks to automatically detect and classify diseases, nutritional deficiencies and damage by herbicides on apple trees from images of their leaves. This task is fundamental to guarantee a high quality of the resulting yields and is currently largely performed by experts in the field, which can severely limit scale and add to costs. By using a novel data set containing labeled examples consisting of 2539 images from 6 known disorders, we show that trained Convolutional Neural Networks are able to match or outperform experts in this task, achieving a 97.3% accuracy on a hold-out set

    InfluĆŖncia da irrigaĆ§Ć£o e fertirrigaĆ§Ć£o no crescimento cumulativo do tronco de macieira Maxigala e Fuji Suprema.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da irrigaĆ§Ć£o e fertirrigaĆ§Ć£o no crescimento cumulativo do tronco em duas cultivares de macieira

    ReuniĆ£o instituiƧƵes de pesquisa ABPM FINEP.

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    Por iniciativa da CoordenaĆ§Ć£o do Projeto INOVAMAƇƃ (Pesquisador Gilmar R. Nachtigall Embrapa Uva e Vinho), foi promovida reuniĆ£o de articulaĆ§Ć£o entre InstituiƧƵes de Pesquisa (Embrapa Uva e Vinho e Epagri), setor produtivo da maĆ§Ć£ (ABPM) e a FINEP (Ć³rgĆ£o de fomento a pesquisa cientĆ­fica) . A ReuniĆ£o realizada em 14 de janeiro de 2009, em Vacaria, primeiro nas dependĆŖncias da EstaĆ§Ć£o Experimental de Fruticultura Temperada (Embrapa Uva e Vinho) e apĆ³s no pomar da empresa Agroindustrial Lazzeri S.A., contou com a presenƧa de 15 participantes.bitstream/item/200478/1/10832-2009-p.11.pd
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